016 - [Voice] - So, MY warden's gone kind of batshit

Apr 29, 2011 04:55

[Filtered to everyone that he knows are Arthur's friends: Mal, Capa, Eames, etc. If you think you're on it, you're probably on it.]

Does anyone want to offer any insight on what the hell is wrong with my warden? We're not in a flood or anything, right? He's acting... 'Really fucking crazy' just about covers it. [A short laugh, completely devoid of humour.] He told me I wasn't real and said that he was waking up, like- Well, fuck, like he thinks this is all a dream or something. It's crazy; this isn't like Arthur. It's crazy, right?


Shit, I'm going to try and find him.

[OOC: It's ridic early and I'm going to bed now, so minimal tagging before I disappear. Just needed to get this up while it was ~relevant~.]

my paradoxical warden, invasionverse, flood-enduced crazy, the best bro that ever bro'd, wtf

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