Jun 20, 2011 00:52

[Perry sounds particularly annoyed, and there are the sounds of OS19 bustle behind his voice. He hasn't made a journal post since April; he's been busily ignoring everyone out of frustration, but right now he's pissed off and needs to bitch. This port? Not his idea of fun. In fact, all those aliens are hitting a little close to home for his liking, so you get a post of his frustration.]

Haven't we had enough of this sci-fi bullshit? We live on a goddamn spaceship already, don't we? Why the fuck do we need more of this? What is it supposed to teach us? Anyone got any fucking answers?

[An exasperated sigh.]

I'm so sick of this shit.

[OOC: Okay bros, my internet is ridic bad at the mometn; I'm posting really quickly while I have the chance, but if I disappear, it's down to internet troubles. Be patient with me? :c]

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

gdit perry use your discipline, aliens ruined my life, goddamn ports, this whole rehab thing is retarded

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