(no subject)

Jun 27, 2007 23:51

This is more a general rant than about any specific character, but it's still relevant.

Argh. Good lord, some people just piss me off...

Let me make one thing very clear to you, fanbrats. BEING FEMININE IS NOT A FUCKING CRIME. Having a character in a more traditionally feminine role is not destroying feminism, nor does it make the character automatically not a "strong character." So labeling characters like Aerith and Yuna as anti-feminist because they're self-sacrificing and on the girlier side of things? FAIL.

Female characters don't have to kick ass physically to be strong. Mental and emotional strength is every bit as important as the ability to clobber enemies. I'm sorry that you can't seem to see that and are stuck in the mindset that characters who fit the more traditional definition of "feminine" are somehow lesser. Moreover, there's a huge difference between being self-sacrificing along the lines of "I'll tolerate crap because it makes my guy happy" and the type of self-sacrificing that Aerith and Yuna are. They're willing to give up their lives to save the WORLD. How on earth is that a bad trait? When male characters make that sort of choice, they're labeled as heroic. But if a female character does it? It means she's a doormat.

Aerith and Yuna are healers and that's so stereotypical, you say? Um... you do realize that in FF7 you can make ANY character a healer depending on what Materia you give them, right? Hell, I had BARRET as my healer for a while. Yes, Aerith has healing limit breaks-- but so does Yuffie, and Vincent's limit breaks completely heal him. And in FFX, you can take Yuna around different sections of the Sphere Grid and give her Tidus' or Auron's skills if you'd like.

Passive? How is wanting to infiltrate Don Corneo's to rescue Tifa passive? Threatening to rip his balls off is passive? Aerith is SPUNKY and street-smart. Yuna can admittedly be a bit of a doormat at times, but she's got the guts to go against everything that Spira has always believed for what she knows is likely a very slim chance at destroying Sin forever. I fail to see how that can be construed as passive in any way.

The real kicker is when you go on to claim that FRAN is somehow a more feminist character than those two. She's a BUNNYGIRL WHO WEARS A THONG. She kicks ass, sure, but she's quiet, normally pretty gentle, and rather meek and obedient to Balthier. How is that "better" than Aerith or Yuna?

In conclusion, bashing the girlier girls = bad. Just because a character doesn't live up to your personal standards of awesomeness is no reason to go around badmouthing them.

final fantasy x, "real women never wear dresses!!", female characters, "stop having a vagina!!", final fantasy vii

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