Title: Lost and found
haru_haru_21 Genre: Shouta con(?), Smutt, Romace, Angst (a bit), fluff,
Disclaimer: Big Bang belongs to YG Entertainment
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (will be notified)
Summary: When someone looses something, they find something. When someone finds something, they lose something. That’s just how life works, right? ;
A/N: *bows down* I
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Comments 22
*sigh* I wish I could say yes, but I have a lot to do right now. I promise to update as fast as I can ^^;
Great chapter. I was missing your updates. ♥
Sorry about the whole update thing, but I posted a one shot and the prologue for a new series some days ago. Have you read those?
I agree. Ji Yong has a rough past and he doesn't like to rely on people so he needs a friend.
Well, as a GTOP shipper, I like to spread my love so I'm glad you like it!
and pleaseee, pleaseee, PLEASEEEEE...no angsty ending hereeee...):pleaseeeeeeee.........LOVE YOU!
owhh..SeungHyun is there JiYong..dont you worry..and I see someone getting jealous over something :P
SeungHyun pleasee comfort JiYong - that poor little JiYongie~ hope he'll be able to go thru all those memories and make a better one wth SeungHyun
Don't cry *holds lovingly*
Um, I can't promise anything about the ending but let's just wait and see, hm?
Yesh, Ji Yong is pretty jealous person here, it's fun to write XD
Thank you for reading and commenting ♥
I can't wait to see what happens next. ^^
Thank you for reading, I hope the next update is a good one ^^b
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