Welcome back to HMS Best Mates

Sep 18, 2014 00:09

Welcome to harryronreunion, part of hp_reunion.

We miss LJ!

We miss each other!

So let's get together and fandom like we used to!

hp_reunion will be held over the first two weeks in November and will be the hub of the reunion. Different ships/communities/genres/tropes/media will be holding their own events, linking them to the central reunion, but allowing people to mix with their old LJ friends.

Here at harryronreunion we are planning several events, which probably need a bit of shipping aforethought, details of which will go up soon, but, in the meantime, you could post this pimping banner, using awesome, vintage Cork art, and nudge your Harry/Ron friends who might not check LJ very often.

And don't forget to join this community!

http://harryronreunion.livejournal.com/593.html target=_blank>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v117/Lauren1483/2013/banner_zps3e6af4b0.jpg>

Art by
Click on the banner, or see http://harryronreunion.livejournal.com/593.html target=_blank>this post for more details.

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