2017 Film and TV recap meme

Jan 07, 2018 09:16

amberdreams posted for Snowflake Day 4: "I would LOVE people to use their own journals and our LJ communities more."

So in response, I'm going to steal the 2017 Film and TV recap meme (which I also got from her):

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Comments 4

amberdreams January 7 2018, 14:31:43 UTC
We've only watched one episode of The Expanse so far but it started well enough. It's one I thought the hubby might like too, so I'm hoping we can get together and watch it. I'll have to point him to the podcast but presumably not until we've got a bit more up to date or he'll get spoiled!

The weird thing about Dr Who is - I don't love it, and wouldn't say I'm really a fan, but I've probably watched nearly every episode. Maybe not the earliest years - in 1963 I was a bit young, and we didn't have a telly, but I do remember William Hartnell, so imagine I watched at my Gran's from c 1965 onwards. I was also forced to watch because my two boy cousins were fans so my westerns on BBC 2 would be switched over in favour of Dr Who on Saturdays when I was round my Gran's. My diary when I was eleven is very indignant about that fact. I wanted to see Lancer (hey, guess what, that was about two brothers...) and was overruled. LOL!


harrigan January 7 2018, 15:46:10 UTC
LOL! I've read Lancer fanfic!

One of my earliest fannish memories is watching the TV western Laramie -- and I was called away to dinner just as they were about to cauterize my favorite character's bullet wound, and I didn't get to see it! I never quite got over it. (At least, not till MacGyver gave me a lovely cautery scene many years later.) ;D

Re: The Expanse, definitely give it 4 episodes before you decide whether or not to keep with it. Season 1 has 10 eps. I find season 2 much easier to follow for folks who haven't read the books.
My sister and her husband tried and couldn't quite get into it, but they watched the last 3 episodes of season 2 with me, and now they're hooked.

Happy New Year! Thanks for nudging me to stay connected!


madebyme_x January 8 2018, 16:30:04 UTC
The Handmaid's Tail was wonderfully terrifying - I was glued to the screen, and I can't wait for more. Also love This is Us, but we've only had season 1 here in the UK, so hopefully we'll get more and soon.

Suits has lost a little spark, but I'm unsure of it's future as I assume Mehgan Markle is now leaving, so maybe that could kick start some new twists and turns, or maybe even bring it to an end.

One of my favs last year that I finally got around to watching was Peaky Blinders, but I'm not sure if you can get it in the US. It's amazing on every level.


zubeneschamali January 8 2018, 20:07:10 UTC
Hi you! *waves* I need to do this meme myself. Glad there are still some of us who are sticking around to the end with SPN. And yay for The Expanse!


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