2017 Film and TV recap meme

Jan 07, 2018 09:16

amberdreams posted for Snowflake Day 4: "I would LOVE people to use their own journals and our LJ communities more."

So in response, I'm going to steal the 2017 Film and TV recap meme (which I also got from her):

Which TV shows did you let go of in 2017?

Orphan Black - came to a satisfying close. I’d started losing interest as the conspiracy angle grew, but was happy to see a series-ender that brought together the characters I love and gave them resolution.

Suits - I have the last 6-8 eps on my DVR, but I felt the last episode I watched would have been a perfect series-ender, so I haven’t been tempted to watch the rest.

Which TV shows did you start watching in 2017?

Handmaid’s Tale! And Stranger Things! Marathoned both of those and will probably come back for more when new seasons emerge. I sampled Lucifer and Seals and Gifted and I don’t remember what else, but they haven’t hooked me. Not because they’re bad; they just aren’t filling a personal craving, I guess. I think I’ve given up on Gifted already but I still mostly catch the other two,

Your favourite TV show(s) of the year?

Definitely, The Expanse! Other not-missed shows include Supernatural, Madam Secretary, This is Us, Walking Dead...

Which TV shows did you mean to get into but didn't in 2017? Why?

Dr. Who… I think I’ve seen every episode of doctors 4, 9, 10, and 11 (and many others) and I don’t have a good reason for not continuing. I meant to. Maybe one day I’ll catch up.

Which TV show impressed you least in 2017?

The Walking Dead. It feels like the writers/producers think that more firepower and mass shootings and explosions are the answers to their problems--they aren’t. I’ve always loved the character exploration and revelations and growth that this apocalyptic world explored, and people coming together to survive what might be a graphically disturbing natural disaster of sorts. The more the show pits humans against humans and gives me selfish, power-hungry leaders as the antagonists, the less I enjoy it.

Which TV shows do you intend on checking out in 2018?

I generally don’t like sitcoms, and this isn’t a new show, but I’m kinda tempted to check out Mom. I like Allison Janney.

Which TV show do you think you might let go of in 2018 unless things significantly improve?

WIth Walking Dead, I might start to fast-forward through episodes and only watch certain character arcs at regular speed...

Which TV shows do you think you’ll never let go of no matter how crappy they get?

Supernatural! I’m totally invested in the Winchester brothers. My passion might wane… In the olden days I’d watch eps the minute they aired, and again that weekend, and go online ASAP to hear what everyone’s reaction was. Now, I might program the DVR and watch it when I have time, and sometimes I might even be online checking my mail while I watch. But I still care about Sam and Dean and will keep watching to the end.

Your favourite new film you watched this year?

I liked Wonder Woman, Thor: Ragnarok, and the new Star Wars. Get Out was a very interesting experience. ;D

Your favourite book read this year?

Hands down, without exception, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas.

Other 5-star books on my Goodreads list from 2017: Persepolis Rising by James S.A. Corey (book 7 of the sciifi Expanse series), You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me by Sherman Alexie (memoir - I got the audiobook read by the author), All American Boys by Jason Reynolds (YA), Saints for All Occasions by J. Courtney Sullivan (novel about Irish Catholic girls). YMMV

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year - none

Your favorite online fandom community of the year?

The Supernatural fandom community on LJ is the only one I have any connection to.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

Not created by fans but rather for fans: The Churn podcasts. “The Expanse creators Ty Frank and Daniel Abraham [i.e. the novelists the TV series is based on, not the producers] join SyFy Wire for a weekly breakdown of the latest episode of SyFy’s space opera.” Here: https://art19.com/shows/the-expanse

Your fandom that made an unexpected comeback this year?

Ummm… My TV provider carries some channels that air oldies, so I’ve been exploring those. Like classic TV westerns, or ER… But I was never very involved in them on a fannish level.

The most missed of your old fandoms?

Like amberdreams said, “I miss the old vitality of the SPN fandom, but it ain’t dead yet.” I do miss the days when it was newer and fandom wasn’t so divided into different camps and there was so much creative energy flowing and so much to discover. But some of that loss is just inevitable after so many years.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year?

Season 3 of The Expanse!  Premiere date still TBD… maybe March? Also, there are a bunch of movies I’m looking forward to.

Thanks amberdreams, for the nudge!

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