Title: You Like Who?
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Seth/Rosalie
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: AU.
Summary: Rosalie tells Bella.
Notes: Written for
twilight100 prompt beautiful and written for
100_tales prompt caring.
...Table... ]
Hey Beautiful (Part 1),
You Like Who? (Part 2),
Hate/Like (Part 3),
I Know (Part 4) and
Poor You (Part 5).
“Wait… let me get this right. You like Seth Clearwater.” Bella Cullen asked, still slightly in shock. Rosalie nodded, glaring at a tree. She still hated Bella for wanting this life, but she also didn’t. She was as confused about her feelings about Bella as she was about Seth. “What about Emmett?”
“I don’t know,” Rosalie admitted. “I guess I still like him, but Seth is so different and he’s always on my mind.”
“Well, that’s understandable.”
“Seth calls me beautiful… always, and it makes me feel good. I’ve never felt like this before.” Rosalie explained, Bella smiled at that.