Title: Adam's Heaven
Fandom: Heroes
Pairings: Adam/Claire
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: AU.
Summary: Adam Monroe stared contently over her sleeping form.
Notes: Written for
heroes15, for the prompt Happiness table 6.
Table ]
It was hard to believe that just a few months prior he had been an angry and bitter four hundred year old. Adam Monroe stared contently over her sleeping form. Not even Yaeko or getting drunk had made him this happy before. This feeling was so foreign inside him that he could barely believe he was indeed feeling it. As he glazed down in her sleeping form, he couldn’t help but feel like he was finally somewhere he was needed. As he memorized each curve of her body, he knew he could bare living an eternity if it was with her.
Her breathing grew less steady as woke up, fluttering her eyes open. “Adam?”
“I’m here,” Adam whispered, bringing her body closer to his. She smiled contently as she snuggled closer against him.
This was definitely what Adam Monroe always wanted… somebody to love him and somebody to love. This was his heaven…