renitaleandra and
silburygirl I searched through
The Archive at the End of the Universe,
Fiction Alley,
Restricted Section,
Granger Enchanted,
WIKTT Archives,
The Petulant Poetess,
Digital Quill and the
sshg_exchangeBelow is listed every single completed SSHG story I could find between 10,000 and 40,001 words posted
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Comments 25
*smooches you*
*looks guiltily at half-chewed story for next exchange*
You said the bad word... ::Looks guiltily over her shoulder for the Eye of Shiv::
::shrieks:: ::starts typing madly::
It really is interesting to see here just how big a part the exchange plays these days - I suspect the post-DH year would have been quite a bit poorer without the wonderful stories we got from the exchange, even if one assumes that at least a few of the same authors would have come up with something else otherwise.
And blessed be you for another wonderful list!
Happy Saturday! I for one am looking forward to my October break which is this week. :)
But I don't mind canon compliant, to me 36 is hardly old, or even 56. And if Hermione is mature and accomplished then those aspects that make the pairing squicky to me disappear. And I love DH Snape. That he can love. So many wonderful things I thought in "The Prince's Tale" That "always" and "anything" showing how passionately he could love, that "only those I couldn't save" showing it wasn't only about Lily but cared about others too, his helping the trio.
I think there's a wealth there and its a shame so many shippers want to turn their back on canon. If the ship depends only on the classics it will die. It's as simple as that. It'll be a dead ship, like Latin is a dead language. We need to encourage the good newbies--because I don't think we're getting the old authors back.
Enjoy your break!
I do prefer Hermione to be at least mid-twenties though, even if a lot of the stories I imprinted on early in the ship were 7th year or not much later (like Falling Further In, Soul Searching, Fire and the Rose, A Terrible Temptation.) I think it can make a nice and fresh change to see a Hermione who has had some living. Given a 20 year gap in ages, a more experienced, mature Hermione for me equalizes things quite a bit, and makes Snape seem less, well, pervy, less the kind of man whose main attraction to her would because she's *young*
And you know, of the above, I really adored "Witches Sabbatical"--that one features a fully canon compliant, mature Hermione. And because it was only on this out of the way com, I doubt many in the ship have read it.
Thank you very much indeed.
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