Guide to Completed SSHG Novellas (HBP Era - III)

Feb 22, 2008 16:46

A friend had mentioned she hadn’t read a lengthy post-HBP SSHG story that matched the old classics, which left me to scurry to catch up on my reading I searched through FanfictionNet, AdultFanfiction, Restricted Section, Ashwinder, Petulant Poetess and OWLWithin three posts are listed every single completed SSHG story I could find of over 10,001+ ( Read more... )

sshgguides, hbp, fic recs, hbpsshgguide, ss/hg

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Comments 57

renitaleandra February 23 2008, 02:10:01 UTC
Excellent. You are a wonderful human being for doing this.

What about a complete guide to the post-OotP fics, hmmn?



harmony_bites February 23 2008, 02:15:27 UTC
What about a complete guide to the post-OotP fics, hmmn?

I'll happily bookmark one. So, when are you starting it?



renitaleandra February 23 2008, 02:20:28 UTC
Oh, you don't want me to be the one to make that list up.

It would have all the babyfics starred...


silburygirl February 23 2008, 03:04:48 UTC
Oooh, I didn't get booted off the list (but, wow-I fail at summaries). And my to-read list just exploded.

::rant over-it’s safe to come out now::

I liked the rant-was happily nodding along. My fellow humans trapped in the airport lounge next to me very possibly think that I'm insane.


harmony_bites February 23 2008, 03:30:44 UTC
I liked the rant-was happily nodding along. My fellow humans trapped in the airport lounge next to me very possibly think that I'm insane.

Fifty percent of ALL paperback sales... We're outnumbered.

and possibly insane. But then anyone who'd read fanfic, let alone compile a list like this...


misstee123 February 23 2008, 05:12:21 UTC
You are a wonderful human being for compiling all these lists. Or crazy. I can't quite decide, but I'm very grateful nonetheless. :D

(And I get to smile over seeing my story recc'd by you again! Yay!)



harmony_bites February 23 2008, 05:15:22 UTC
Or crazy? Are the two mutually exclusive? LOL.

And my pleasure, hon, you know I very much liked that story--it still stands out--I starred only 39 out of the 272 stories I tried.

Ugh, what I tried along the way...


greyrider February 23 2008, 06:32:57 UTC
Ah, you've finished. You are an amazing person for the sheer stamina it took to do these lists. Thank you, as always, for sharing.


harmony_bites February 23 2008, 17:14:38 UTC
I had my own selfish reasons--a bookmark, interest in seeing fandom/ship trends, finding authors I hadn't discovered, practice going thru slush piles and what you can learn from it about writing. So why not share the results? As my comments above relate--it was...interesting...


kribu February 23 2008, 09:05:27 UTC
Squeee! *adds all parts to memories ( ... )


harmony_bites February 23 2008, 18:12:46 UTC
(Although going by the summaries of some of them, especially in part 1, I suspect a lot of those are the ones on that I've seen and skipped very much on purpose.)

And AFF. That was pretty much a waste of time. There was only one story on AFF that I considered rec'ing and giving a star that wasn't also on one of the 3 moderated archives or an invite-only archive like Digital Quill. There are many good authors on FFN--authors who don't want to bother (or refuse to bother) with moderation. Sometimes you can even find stories started on moderated archives and left unfinished you can find complete on FFN. Like attracts like--since there are good authors on FFN, more good is attracted to it--and several stories I starred can *only* be found on FFN. But AFF? Dear God.

I left the misspellings on the summaries precisely so people would be warned away...

I assume that in this category, one is more likely, compared to the novels and epics, to come across stuff that is just not poorly plotted, but also poorly writtenYes, I'd say so, ( ... )


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