Guide to Completed SSHG Novellas (HBP Era - III)

Feb 22, 2008 16:46

A friend had mentioned she hadn’t read a lengthy post-HBP SSHG story that matched the old classics, which left me to scurry to catch up on my reading I searched through FanfictionNet, AdultFanfiction, Restricted Section, Ashwinder, Petulant Poetess and OWL.

Within three posts are listed every single completed SSHG story I could find of over 10,001+ words and less than 40,001 words posted after July 15, 2005 and before July 21, 2007. It comes to 289 stories.

I don’t mean to exclude any author or story, so if you know of a completed SSHG of within the above length that started posting during the HBP era not listed here, let me know.

I created guides to stories of other lengths that can be found below:

SSHG HBP Epics - Complete Guide - over 100,000 words

SSHG HBP Novels - Complete Guide - over 40,000 and less than 100,000 words

SSHG HBP Short Stories - Select Guide - under 10,001 words

SSHG HBP Drabbles - Select Guide - exactly 100 words or multiple of 100

SSHG HBP WIPs - Partial List - unfinished stories

I put a star next to the ones I personally liked (I tried all below) and otherwise noted those recognized by awards and rec sites like the Multifaceteds, Quill to Parchment (QtP), Know It Alls (KIA) and crack_broom, as well as the sshg_awards nominees to highlight those that you might find worthwhile checking out.

So, in the order in which they were posted:

HBP SSHG Novellas - Part I (non-canon compliant)

HBP SSHG Novellas - Part II (canon-compliant)

HBP SSHG Novellas - Part III (canon-compliant cont.)

77) ja1young, No Harm Ever Came From Reading a Book (PG) 18,945 words
Publish Date: 10/13/2006
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Hermione Granger, the most gifted Seer in four centuries did NOT see this coming. A botched Christmas delivery begins a series of events that will alter the lives of both her and the greasy Potions master forever. This is written in response to the Little Black Book Challenge on OWL challenges.

78) Hermie Puckle, Ask Calus (PG-13) 24,769 words
Publish Date: 10/17/2006
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Ask Calus is The Daily Prophet's new advice columnist and he is sweeping the wizarding world! But who is this mysterious man? Hermione Granger is going to go undercover to find out. Along the way she will make friends, eat cheesecake, and get numb feet!

79) septentrion, To Put Him out of his Misery (PG) 11,588 words
Publish Date: 11/01/2007
Genres: Romance, Angst
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: How he wished he could bring Dumbledore back from the dead. This act had cost him much, not in his conscience or in his self-esteem, but in his life as a whole. Never, ever before had Severus felt so utterly alone.

80) ShilohDarke, Dare to Dance (NC-17) 30,337 words
Publish Date: 11/02/2006
Genres: Romance, Humor
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Alt Link 3:
Summary: This story is inspired by a one-shot that was written by Melisande88 by the name of I Don't Dance, But Thanks for Asking. However, this story will be multiple chapters. Hermione is given a choice between two dares. She steps up to the challenge and discovers that Professor Snape knows how to dance...

81) tempest_dreams, Denouncing the Definitive Days of the Ultimate Demise (PG-13) 11,078 words
Publish Date: 11/03/2006
Genres: Drama
Summary: Rita Skeeter has moved from ranting reporter to aggravating author, but her book sparks something completely unexpected.

82) wolf_moonshadow, Holiday Hijinks May be Hazardous to your Health (PG-13) 16,197 words
Publish Date: 11/06/2006
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Severus Snape is the victim of a Halloween prank. In his discomfort he seeks treatment at St Mungo’s Hospital.

83) Marti, Rihanna's Son (R) ~22,800 words
Publish Date: 11/08/2006
Genres: Romance
Summary: Snape has a son in America he didn't know about.

clare009, Paradox (R) 25,616 words
Publish Date: 11/11/2006
Genres: Drama, Romance, Adventure
Alt Link:
Summary: A murder at Hogwarts brings Hermione Granger, Auror, to the castle to investigate. She is not prepared, however, when Severus Snape shows up and throws her investigation into disarray.
Recs: sshg_awards (nominee - AU)

misstee123, The Beauty of Grace (PG-13) 12,337 words
Publish Date: 11/11/2006
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Help and hope arrive from an unexpected source.
Recs: KIA

86) Cheryl Dyson, Shampoo (PG-13) 16,780 words
Publish Date: 11/16/2006
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: Snape gets a Christmas gift that has many unexpected side effects.

87) this-catapult (missparker85), Such An Empty Space When You're Gone (R) 24,015 words
Publish Date: 11/17/2006
Genres: Romance, Drama
Summary: What if everyone had a prophecy in the department of mysteries? Destiny doesn't wait.

88) strega-in-progress, The deal (PG-13) 10,071 words
Publish Date: 11/27/2006
Genres: Romance, Angst
Summary: Pretty simple, twochapter story. Ooc, post HBP, I guess.

89) RainyDawn, Dark Heart (PG-13) 16,939 words
Publish Date: 11/28/2006
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: The war ended and she left with them, leaving behind a man and a possible romance. Now she is back and yet their prides stand in the way of them admitting their feelings. Will they realize it before it's too late?

90) shiv5468, Buses (NC-17) 12,076 words
Publish Date: 11/30/2006
Genres: PWP, Romance, Humor
Summary: Hermione is about to have her first threesome, but unfortunately it's with Harry and Draco.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, fangirl_tour, sshg_awards (nominee - PWP)

91) southernwitch69, Twilight Indulgence (NC-17) 10,147 words
Publish Date: 12/09/2006
Genres: Romance, PWP
Summary: Severus is surprised to find a scantily dressed Hermione in his bedroom during the night. Why, whatever could she want? And why is Lucius lurking about the castle? Response to the Potter Place Fall Prompt #5.

92) CyanaWhite, Sleepless Nights (NC-17) 24,523 words
Publish Date: 12/09/2006
Genres: Romance, PWP
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione is awakened in the middle of the night by a mysterious shadow in her room. Before she has time to react, she finds herself in a situation she had never even dreamed of! Many strange and seemingly inexplicable events ensue.
Note: Rape

93) odogoddess, For the Life of Me (NC-17) 10,052 words
Publish Date: 12/12/2006
Genres: Romance, Angst
Summary: The darkness holds sway, but light always follows darkness in that eternal dance they share.
Note: Rape

94) leniarianna (Hel), The Ninth Life (R) 31,089 words
Publish Date: 12/13/2006
Genres: Romance, Angst, Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: A moment of misplaced trust leads to Hermione being held prisoner by Lucius Malfoy. Severus Snape learns through a chance encounter where she is being held and with an unlikely source of help tries to mount a rescue.
Note: Rape, Torture (also known as "Embers" on AFF)

arsenicjade, Collateral (NC-17) 33,740 words
Publish Date: 12/22/2006
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione needs some help fixing herself. Severus isn't entirely sure why he's volunteered. Neither is she.
Note: Rape (not in main pairing)
Recs: KIA

96) hermionestargazer, The Noble Heart (PG-13) 15,245 words
Publish Date: 1/03/2007
Genres: Angst, Romance
Summary: Severus Snape has experienced disappointed love before, and has stayed away from such entaglements since. Now, he finds that Hermione Granger has a heart for him. Will he refuse her?

arsenicjade, Lines Undrawn (NC-17) 16,483 words
Publish Date: 1/06/2007
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Snape unknowingly does Hermione a favor. (My prompt: a light slightly angsty, romance with a baby, a grey Snape and a fluffy ending)
Recs: KIA

mundungus42, To Make Much of Time (R) 33,132 words
Publish Date: 1/12/2007
Genres: Humor, Adventure
Alt Link:
Summary: When the Ministry meddles in their intimate affairs, Hermione takes her friends into hiding. Severus Snape is charged with finding them, but nothing could prepare him for this... except perhaps reading Hogwarts: an Art History.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, sshg_awards (runner-up - Adventure)

mundungus42, Master of the Trees (R) 21,021 words
Publish Date: 1/12/2007
Genres: Romance, Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: The only man who can convict Lucius Malfoy has been missing since the war ended. Ministry official Hermione Granger just wants to do her job, but the denizens of the Forbidden Forest have other ideas.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - Mid-Length)

100) Natalia Tira, Out of the darkness (PG-13) 30,604 words
Publish Date: 1/13/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: A raid that went too far leaves Snape to care for a little girl. When Remus suggests that hermione enter his home to help, his world begins to change.
Note: There is a sequel, Am I enough?.

101) Irisgirl, A splinching and its consequences (NC-17) 23,425 words
Publish Date: 1/13/2007
Genres: PWP, Romance
Summary: Severus Snape and another Order member arrive at the Apparition point at the same time, with curious consequences.
Note: HP/SS/HG

Apythia, Too Wise to Woo (PG) 17,098 words
Publish Date: 2/04/2007
Genres: Humor, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: The war is over and the last of the Death Eaters have been rounded up and sent to Azkaban. Moved by the spirit of celebration and blissful in their own new-found contentment, Hermione Granger?s friends begin to wonder if the never-ending battle of wits between she and Severus Snape isn?t a hint of something more. When they decide to test their theory with a little matchmaking scheme, their meddling puts Snape in a position to save Hermione from a debilitating evil. But how far is he willing to go to help her?
Recs: KIA

103) madamsnape78, Putting the Magic Back Into Magic (PG-13) 20,382 words
Publish Date: 2/22/2007
Genres: Romance
Summary: Hermione is about to turn thirty and realizes that life isn't as exciting as she thought it would be. She goes about trying to change that.
Recs: fangirl_tour

104) ayerf (refya), Tabula Rasa (R) 19,002 words
Publish Date: 2/28/2007
Genres: AU, Darkfic
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Alt Link 3:
Summary: The past should not devour the present. A sequel to Redivivus.

averygoodun, Traitor (NC-17) 27,678 words
Publish Date: 3/05/2007
Genres: Darkfic, Drama, Angst
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Alt Link 3:
Summary: The need to survive is ingrained within the human psyche, but where does self-preservation end and self-destruction begin? Hermione is captured by Death Eaters and is held hostage by Snape and Pettigrew, but she comes up with a plan to escape. Not a romance.
Note: Rape, Torture. There is a one-shot sequel, Closure
Recs: KIA, QtP Winner (Best Darkfic), sshg_awards (nominee - Angst, darkfic)

this-catapult (missparker85), A Rare Bird (PG-13) 39,669 words
Publish Date: 3/10/2007
Genres: Romance, Drama
Summary: Hermione learns to deal with her sadness.
Recs: KIA

107) Pandora40, Blackest Night (NC-17) 16,540 words
Publish Date: 3/17/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: HermioneSnape: Hermione reflects on her relationship with Snape after the events in HBP.

108) drakien, Blazons (PG-13) 12,464 words
Publish Date: 3/18/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: Help comes from the most unexpected places.

odogoddess, And So It Comes To This (NC-17) 11,983 words
Publish Date: 3/18/2007
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: It's been eight years since Voldemort's fall, and Snape just wants to be left alone in his misery at Azkaban, but his new legal counsel has made it her mission to get him out of there. She will stop at nothing to see him restored to Wizarding society. Will Hermione manage? Or are the odds stacked against them both?
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

110) odogoddess, Girl With The Broken Smile (NC-17) 11,642 words
Publish Date: 3/18/2007
Genres: Drama, Angst, PWP, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: A badly injured, memory-damaged Snape slowly recovers from the final battle with the help of Hermione, humility, and heaping doses of TLC.
Recs: crack_broom

111) rinny08, Accidentally In Love (PG-13) 11,421 words
Publish Date: 3/21/2007
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Ginny enters Hermione into a penpal dating service. HGSS with a You've Got Mail twist.

112) angel_mischa, Authority (NC-17) 18,575 words
Publish Date: 3/24/2007
Genres: Angst, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione Granger is tied into a ten-year contract with the Ministry, performing the most boring, unworthy tasks she can imagine. Harry and Ron, both stuck in the same situation, can do little to help her out of it. On one of her many pointless trips for the Ministry, she finds herself forced to lodge with an old nemesis, and finds herself with all sorts of questions about authority, and whether or not she should obey.

113) hp4freek, Slytherin Thinking (R) 11,201 words
Publish Date: 3/26/2007
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: his is an answer to the 'Lost in a Book' challenge posted by Ladyofthemasque. Late is always better than never (maybe not here, though). Enjoy!

114) Leraiv Snape, Invitations to Life (R) 11,829 words
Publish Date: 3/27/2007
Genres: Romance
Summary: A Dirty Dozen December one-shot split into two chapters. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Snape finally decide to pursue what they want...

115) Maddy Riddle, Women on Top (PG) 18,778 words
Publish Date: 3/28/2007
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: After the war, the Wizarding world needs to be rebuilt and wizards need to stand together again. The future demands a new order, and the women are up to that task.

116) Freyja, Against the Wind (R) 38,601 words
Publish Date: 3/28/2007
Genres: Romance
Summary: When Hermione acts the role of the detective on Harry's request and searches Severus Snape's deserted office, she discovers that deep inside her unconsciousness, there lurks a repressed memory which is closely connected to her former Potions teacher.
Note: Rape

117) sweetcheeks, A Vampire's Tale (PG-13) 22,776 words
Publish Date: 3/30/2007
Genres: Humor, Adventure
Summary: There is a meeting at Hogwarts regarding the next Horcrux and the events following the discovery of the last one. An old friend is called upon by Dumbledore to help with the search.

118) Elena George, Blinded and in the Briar Patch (PG-13) 17,260 words
Publish Date: 3/30/2007
Genres: Romance, Drama
Summary: With Snape blinded and Hermione out cold, who won the Final Battle is anyone's guess!

119) Looneyluna, The Walking Wounded (NC-17) 17,260 words
Publish Date: 3/31/2007
Genres: Romance, Drama
Summary: The war is over. Everyone has suffered losses. Severus and Remus help Hermione deal with hers. SS/HG/RL

120) _Levicorpus_, Their Death-Marked Love (R) 30,828 words
Publish Date: 4/11/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: Sixteen-year-old Hermione Granger has come back to school for her sixth year, having acquired a few curves and a few more worries over the summer. But in Potions class, the Amortentia potion makes her realize an unusual desire. When the scent continues to crop up in her daily life, especially when she is helping Professor Snape after class, life takes a turn for confusion…

121) southernwitch69, Dazed Detachment (NC-17) 10,242 words
Publish Date: 4/12/2007
Genres: Romance, PWP, Angst
Summary: Spared a horrible fate, Hermione is spirted off to a safehouse, but is everything as it seems? Sometimes the mind can be one's worst enemy... or savior.

silburygirl, I Don't Like Tuesdays (R) 11,057 words
Publish Date: 4/12/2007
Genres: Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: On a drab Tuesday morning, a much older Hermione finds herself accosted by a man who has been dead for years and a Draco who hasn't aged past seventeen...
Note: Time-turner
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, fangirl_tour, QtP Winner (Best Time Travel), sshg_awards (nominee - Mid-Length, AU)

123) pearle9240, Sin and Virtue (PG-13) 12,639 words
Publish Date: 4/14/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance, Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Sin and virtue: can one exist without the other? And to what end do they determine our final outcome? Severus ponders these very questions as he tries to determine exactly where he?s ended up. Is love really the answer?

ubiquirk, Back in Black (PG) 19,508 words
Publish Date: 4/15/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance, Humor, Adventure
Alt Link:
Summary: The Dark Lord has fallen, but an even more terrible force has arisen to take over the Ministry of Magic - the Pink Lord. Ruling with an abundance of ruffles and terrifyingly sharp stiletto heels, Umbridge’s Think Pink Brigade terrorizes a populace grown weary of decrees designed to enforce sweetness. Unexpectedly, Hermione Granger joins the resistance, the sarcastically snarky Back in Black. Winner of the Potter Place Winter 2007 Prompt Challenge.
Note: There is a off-shoot one-shot sequel Back in Crack
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, fangirl_tour, sshg_awards (nominee - Adventure, Humour)

125) brilliantruthie, Troika (NC-17) 17,888 words
Publish Date: 4/19/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: Hermione becomes part of a new trio as she is magically sorted into the Troika. Will she be able to work with her new partners, kill them, or love them?
Note: RL/SS/HG
Recs: crack_broom

126) natasnape, Cleared of the Murder (R) 10,398 words
Publish Date: 4/19/2007
Genres: Drama
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: At the meetings of the Order of the Phoenix, the members strive to figure out the circumstances of Snape’s presumed treachery at the Astronomy Tower using the science of magic. Hermione, Ron and Ginny must learn to send messages through their Patronuses.

127) moonrevel, Headlines (NC-17) 14,005 words
Publish Date: 4/21/2007
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: After spending a year on the run from the law, Hermione and Severus discover what has gone on in their absence through newspaper clippings.

128) averygoodun, All in the Family (PG) 10,508 words
Publish Date: 4/23/2007
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: When Hermione leaves her boyfriend rather suddenly, Harry invites her to stay at his place, much to the irritation of his other flatmate - Severus Snape.

rillalicious, Wheel of the Moon (PG) 26,683 words
Publish Date: 4/28/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance, Adventure
Summary: Hermione receives a missive after the fall of Voldemort insinuating that the danger is far from over. Severus finds himself in the hands of some vengeful former colleagues. A series of riddles and a rogue Death Eater may hold the key to saving them both, or lead to a devastating fate. Originally written for the winter SS/HG exchange 2006. Now expanded with a missing chapter.
Recs: KIA

130) ms_figg, A Change of Venue (NC-17) 28,010 words
Publish Date: 4/29/2007
Genres: PWP
Summary: My take on the Gigolo Challenge: Freed by the death of Voldemort, Severus Snape leaves Hogwarts to embark on a new business venture that is proving enjoyable and lucrative. A curious Hermione Granger drops in on him. Thank the gods she's nosey as ever.

131) hogwartshoney, Should Be Mine (NC-17) 12,909 words
Publish Date: 4/29/2007
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: Truth be told, he had long harboured a bit of a… fascination for the bushy-haired Muggleborn. Severus must fight for what he thinks he wants.

dream_labyrinth, Letter to Hermione (NC-17) 13,965 words
Publish Date: 5/04/2007
Genres: Romance
Summary: After leaving her failed marriage behind, Hermione decides to fill in a gap in her memory, and finds out more than she wanted to know.
Recs: KIA

133) elfarren, Balm of Gilead (PG-13) 31,961 words
Publish Date: 5/05/2007
Genres: Romance, Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: Caught after the war against Voldemort, Snape has been placed under house arrest while he awaits his trial for the murder of Albus Dumbledore. On behalf of the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione is sent to Spinner's End to watch over him and a tentative friendship begins. A mysterious potion and a startling confession change everything Hermione thought she knew, revealing a side of Snape she never expected.

melisande88, Judging Books by Their Covers (NC-17) 12,197 words
Publish Date: 5/10/2007
Genres: Romance, Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione's job brings her into daily contact with Snape, and she discovers a secret he earnestly desires to hide from the world.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, sshg_awards (nominee - Mid-Length, Romance)

135) anogete, His Infamous Red Quill (PG-13) 24,099 words
Publish Date: 5/11/2007
Genres: Romance, Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: After catching Hermione reading a romance novel, Snape urges her to write her own and offers to edit it for her. He doesn't think she'll actually do it, though.

136) gypsy_morph (JenKM1216), Love and Marriage (NC-17) 12,642 words
Publish Date: 5/11/2007
Genres: Humor
Summary: Love and marriage are two totally different things. Things always start off exciting, but what is a girl to do when things get boring?

137) dacian_goddess, Tempestuous Trials (NC-17) 28,691 words
Publish Date: 5/12/2007
Genres: Humor, Adventure
Summary: After the war, the wizarding world is embroiled in trials brought about by their illustrious Minister's scheming and machinations. Seizing the opportunity to set some wrongs to right, Hermione shows her Slytherin side, ensuring that Severus Snape regains his freedom. Her mission done, Hermione pursues what she wants.

britt1975, Pushing the Envelope (PG-13) 13,990 words
Publish Date: 5/16/2007
Genres: Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus Snape is about to be given his liberty from the Ministry’s pilot rehabilitations program and his Probational Monitor, Hermione Granger. Five years is a long time to spend under the thumb of an annoyingly know-it-all Gryffindor, but is it long enough for him to see her as more than that? Will accusations of impropriety doom their chance for happiness?
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - Fluff)

139) SnapesSweetheart, Unexpected Places (R) ~28,000 words
Publish Date: 5/22/2007
Genres: Romance
Summary: Stuck with an abandoned baby, Hermione asks Snape to help her find the father. Will the baby bring them closer or cause even more trouble?

odogoddess, Reckoning (NC-17) 17,154 words
Publish Date: 5/22/2007
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: The war is finally over and Severus Snape is waiting for justice to be done. Ten years later, he still waits...
Recs: KIA

141) cocoachristy, The Second Time Around (R) 12,567 words
Publish Date: 5/23/2007
Genres: Romance, Angst
Summary: Severus overhears something that causes him to push Hermione away. Can he reel her back in when he realizes he's made an error?

142) gypsy_morph (JenKM1216), Aperio Veneficus (PG-13) 10,398 words
Publish Date: 5/25/2007
Genres: Romance, Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: When Hermione Granger takes a job as a curse breaker in New Orleans, she unlocks a mysterious secret involving cursed amulets. Little does she know that, in the process, she will find love, deception, and many more surprises hidden in the still waters of Louisiana's Bayous.

143) shalimar1981, The Trials of Matchmaking (PG-13) 23,819 words
Publish Date: 5/28/2007
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: After the war Molly Weasley decides that Severe Matchmaking Tactics have to be employed so everyone will be paired up happily. What does that mean for Hermione, and the two men interested in her? Of course, this is Molly Weaselys version of 'happy' we're talking about. Warning: wacky pairings, misunderstandings, machinations and general silliness ahead.

iamstarmom, A Pinch of This, A Dash of That (R) 12,680 words
Publish Date: 5/29/2007
Genres: Humor
Summary: A SS/HG story of food, passion and surly house-elves. In which we take an immediate hard right turn off the beaten canon to Silly Alternative Universe Land. A pinch of parody. A dash of cliché. Toss in a few OC’s and stir well. Serve hot. - originally written for the Summer 2007 HG/SS Gift Exchange
Recs: KIA, fangirl_tour

145) septentrion, Geneamorology (NC-17) 37,212 words
Publish Date: 5/31/2007
Genres: Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: Severus is leading a quiet life after the war, until a decree by Scrimgeour makes it imperative for him to get married... very soon.
Recs: crack_broom

benebu, Old Heart, Black Heart (PG) 16,586 words
Publish Date: 6/01/2007
Genres: Humor, General, Friendship
Alt Link:
Summary: Albus has somehow forgotten to specify the fine print when he sent Severus to Grimmauld Place on 'Order Business'. As a result, Severus now finds himself in unsavoury company and enrolled in the perilous mission of rendering the house clean and fit for habitation. Things take a turn for the worse when he becomes the object of an unexpected crush...
Note: Canon-compliant, Pre-HBP
Recs: KIA

147) firefly124, As Soon As I Belong (NC-17) 15,117 words
Publish Date: 6/06/2007
Genres: Romance, Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione Granger and Severus Snape have managed to find their respective places in the post-Voldemort wizarding world, but when they cross paths, things may take a bit of a turn.

camillo1978, Phoenix Feathers (R) 36,936 words
Publish Date: 6/07/2007
Genres: Humor, Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: Healer Granger is thoroughly fed up with her boyfriend, and what the hell have her friends been up to behind her back?
Recs: KIA, fangirl_tour, QtP Winner (Best Humor), sshg_awards (nominee - Humour; runner-up - mid-length)

149) Voelver, Buying a wedding dress for Hermione (PG-13) 16,142 words
Publish Date: 6/08/2007
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: There are things that Severus Snape would never do as a matter of principle. 1 help a woman buy a wedding dress 2 soothe a hysteric teenage witch and 3 fall in love. Somehow he managed to break every principle.

150) BevDea, The Other Law (PG-13) 11,181 words
Publish Date: 6/15/2007
Genres: Romance
Summary: The Ministry of Magic makes another stupid law. They're quite good at it, really.
Note MLC Variant

Alison, Sound of the Rain (PG-13) 11,148 words
Publish Date: 6/07/2007
Genres: Romance, Drama, Angst, Adventure, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: With less than a month to go until publication of the final book, is this how it will end for Severus and Hermione?
Recs: KIA

mundungus42, Unconsidered Triffles (NC-17) 35,989 words
Publish Date: 6/15/2007
Genres: Romance, Humor, Fluff, PWP
Summary: When taking their N.E.W.T.s becomes contingent on completing a Minstry-approved curriculum, the students rebel, catching the teachers in the crossfire.
Note: LM/SS/HG
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

153) duj, Into the Ether (PG) 35,410 words
Publish Date: 6/24/2007
Genres: Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Alt Link:
Summary: DH-compatible. "Dear Hermione..." Twenty years after the Battle of Hogwarts, she thought she'd received all the letters there were, and despaired. But there was still one letter to come...

154) tudorpot, Planes and Trains and Automobiles (NC-17) 14,575 words
Publish Date: 6/25/2007
Genres: Romance, Adventure
Summary: Severus and Hermione find themselves on a trip that crosses boundaries and discovers new territory.

sylvannawood, Arachne (R) 36,668 words
Publish Date: 6/26/2007
Genres: Adventure, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione travels back in time to find a missing Horcrux. She meets a young Severus who prepares for his first Potions lesson.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - AU)

156) blackeyedlily, Hermione's Cinderella Adventure (PG) 16,416 words
Publish Date: 7/09/2007
Genres: Adventure, Romance
Summary: Hermione's life has been on hold since leaving Hogwarts. Neither her career or personal life are what she wants. She goes on vacation with Harry and Ginny Potter, and their three children, to Walt Disney World in Florida. She runs into Severus Snape at Cinderella's castle. Whatever could he be doing there?

incunabulist, Low Country (NC-17) 36,330 words
Publish Date: 7/12/2007
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance, Adventure
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: "Believe me, he's better off missing with Potter and Granger." Famous last words? Adventures in Muggle America. No, really. Harry/Hermione, Harry/Snape/Hermione.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

158) minuet99, No One Is Alone (G) 15,237 words
Publish Date: 7/13/2007
Genres: Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione knows something about the Horcruxes and needs Snape's help. How does she meet with him without everyone finding out where she's getting her information?

cecille, Bound to Silence (PG-13) 13,548 words
Publish Date: 7/13/2007
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance
Summary: He found himself afraid of hoping too hard, veering wildly between cautious anticipation and abject certainty that this was never going to end. That he would be stuck between these barren walls forever. HGSS. Friendship with a dash of romance.
Recs: KIA

160) hermionestargazer, The Unbreakable Bond (PG-13) 38,986 words
Publish Date: 7/14/2007
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: The war is over and Hermione has agreed to put off her plans for the future to brew potions for the hospital wing ... under the watchful eye of her formidable former Potions professor, Severus Snape. Will she live to tell the tale?

ginny_weasley31, If the Shoe Fits (R) 35,971 words
Publish Date: 7/15/2007
Genres: Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Sometimes life can be a fairy tale.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - Mid-Length; runner-up Fluff)

162) little beloved, A Most Unlikely Circumstance (PG) 10,042 words
Publish Date: 7/19/2007
Genres: Humor, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Having received an unexpected letter, Severus Snape embarks upon an unlikely correspondence with Hermione Granger. Romantic oneshot, told mainly through a series of letters.
Recs: fangirl_tour

163) stormyskize, The End of Reckoning (NC-17) 21,550 words
Publish Date: pre-DH
Genres: General, Drama, Romance
Summary: After the final battle, Severus Snape’s magic is bound and his memory is altered so that he can hide in the Muggle world. As the Order fights to clear his name, there’s a problem: Snape is having strange dreams - dreams that could drive him mad.
Note: Sky is Falling Festival Entry - written and posted pre-DH

It was enlightening-and sometimes depressing-compiling this guide. Yes, I’d noted it before-SSHG stories, more than many other pairings and fandoms (certainly compared to Trek), are modeled on romance novels. There are even phrases used like “wet folds” I’d never seen before SSHG. I’m informed you can regularly find such phrases on those novels with the buff bare male chests and heaving female bosoms on the cover. Fifty percent of all paperback sales come from romance. I knew that-not a surprise it’s popular.

I guess what is a shock at times, knowing that fanfic is overwhelmingly written by and for women, is how misogynist, how often medieval, the attitudes underlying so many of the fics are. My suspicion is that they’re taken from romance novel motifs, and I find that disturbing considering what that says about the psyche of contemporary woman. It seemed as if force is involved one way or another in most SSHG in getting them involved either through accidental pregnancy, rape, love potions/hexes, captivity or marriage law. That’s romantic? When the history of the entire idea of romance was that people chose? Often Hermione is reduced to someone entirely centered on Snape and his needs taking abuse and loving him anyway. One guy on WIKTT Chat said he’d grown tired of SSHG because he was tired of Hermione “suffering for love.” Trying a giant slush pile of the ship at once rather than select authors underlined that for me. And utterly perplexed me. I don’t even consider myself a feminist-too right of center. But dammit, read so many of these in one sitting and I’m ready to pay up for a NOW membership, except I don’t think the problem is the opposite sex-it’s us.

::rant over-it’s safe to come out now::

But yes, going through these stories also had its pleasures-particularly in finding authors I may have heard of, but never got around to trying, or hadn’t heard much of at all. During the novella portion of my reading, “Collateral” firmed up my love for all things arsenicjade, and I found “Practical” and “Bells of Passion’s Watch” by swooning4a_r, this-catapult (missparker85)’s “A Rare Bird”, and camillo1978’s “Phoenix Feathers” making me fans of those authors. And then there are my top favorites among stories I already knew-especially bambu345’s “Morning Has Broken,” mundungus42“To Make Much of Time”, melisande88’s “Judging Books by their Covers” and silburygirl’s “I Don’t Like Tuesdays” reminding me of the pleasures SSHG of this era had to offer-notably all of those originated on the sshg_exchange, which started during this period.

One hopeful thing btw I’ve observed doing this for hundreds of fics in chronological order. Over time, fics both got more canon-compliant-and well, better. Not that there weren’t some wonderful stories even early on. But I think it perhaps takes some time to absorb canon. When I started out finding out which stories were and were not canon-compliant, at first the canon compliant would be outnumbered two to one by stories ignoring canon. By the time I’d finished my spreadsheet, it would equalize, with the canon-compliant pulling away slightly in number.

Also early on, in the canon-compliant, writers are too concerned with explaining-or explaining away-canon. So in the HBP-era you get all these stories where Hermione somehow discovers Snape didn’t really betray them, and killed Dumbledore on his orders. Although I’m tickled how right we often were, few of those kinds of stories hold up. It’s similar to what we’re seeing now in Deathly Hallows SSHG, where stories are filled with how Snape escaped death by bezoar, anti-venin, blood-replenisher, dittany, Fawkes, etc.

But with time, the ship moves on. And I’m not one of those convinced we’re a “dying ship.” Yes, the sheer number of stories may dwindle, that’s often true in fandoms once canon closes, though frankly I see no sign of that perusing fanfic net. But DH actually left us with plenty of wiggle room and open skies-if we want it.

sshgguides, hbp, fic recs, hbpsshgguide, ss/hg

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