Select Guide to SSHG Short Stories (HBP Era)

Mar 01, 2008 22:00

I searched through FanfictionNet, AdultFanfiction, Restricted Section, Ashwinder, Petulant Poetess and OWL.

Listed here are notable SSHG stories under 10,001 words posted after July 15, 2005 and before July 21, 2007. I included any recognized by awards and rec sites like the Multifaceteds, Quill to Parchment (QtP), Know It Alls (KIA) and crack_broom and the sshg_awards nominees to highlight those that you might find worthwhile checking out, even if some are ones I would not personally rec.

Below are links to the Complete SSHG HBP Guides I made:

SSHG HBP Epics - Complete Guide - over 100,000 words

SSHG HBP Novels - Complete Guide - over 40,000 and less than 100,000 words

SSHG HBP Novellas - Complete Guide - over 10,000 and less than 40,000 words

SSHG HBP Drabbles - Select Guide - exactly 100 words or multiple of 100

SSHG HBP WIPs - Partial List - unfinished stories

I starred my top twenty favorites.

So, in the order in which they were posted:

1) vanityfair00, What Could Have Been (R) 8,235 words
Publish Date: 7/17/05
Genres: Drama, Darkfic
Summary: In a world where Voldemort wins, Hermione finds herself at the mercy of Severus Snape. She might have loved him in any other circumstances. Mild HBP spoilers and my first attempt at something darker.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - darkfic)

snarkyroxy, What I Know You've Done (PG) 5,095 words
Publish Date: 7/17/05
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: How do you convince someone to go back when the whole world has turned against them? Show them that you still believe. Oneshot, postHBP, SSHG friendship of sorts.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - angst)

3) michiruwater (CEA), Could Have (R) 2,847 words
Publish Date: 7/18/05
Genres: Drama, Angst, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: A take on Hermione and Severus' relationship in HBP. Twisted, convoluted, and angsty as all hell. Dark!HGSS.

4) ladyofthemasque, Boardwalk or Bust 06 - EvilH’s Tale (NC-17) 8,945 words
Publish Date: 7/22/05
Genres: Humor, PWP, Romance
Summary: Severus, Hermione, and a game that gets out of hand.
Recs: KIA

5) Scion of Kushiel (Dutchy), There, By the Grace of God, Go I (PG-13) 4,370 words
Publish Date: 8/06/05
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: Five years after the fall, two unlikely people meet in the most unlikely of places, both seeking the same thing: redemption.

6) Imaginary Place (Mary or Still My Heart), After (PG) 935 words
Publish Date: 8/10/05
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione and Severus talk after the events of Chapters 28-29.
Recs: Multifaceted (Winner - Ficlet)

7) switchknife & lizardspots, The Secret Keeper (NC-17) 6,786 words
Publish Date: 8/16/05
Genres: PWP, Drama, Angst
Summary: Knowledge is power, but endurance is strength.
Warning: Rape
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

8) Severusgirlx, A Knock On The Door (NC-17) 5,724 words
Publish Date: 9/03/05
Genres: PWP, Drama
Summary: A one-shot PWP to air my thoughts after reading HBP. The action takes place late September, following HBP.
Recs: KIA

9) violet_quill (Shy Violet), Portrait of a Voyeur (NC-17) 3,221 words
Publish Date: 9/04/05
Genres: PWP, Humor
Summary: Being stuck forever in a painting at the age of eighteen and a half means a lot of sexual frustration. Sirius deals with his by spying on Hermione - and one day when he happens upon her, she isn't alone.
Recs: KIA

10) insper_a_shen, No Price He Would Not Pay (PG) 2,289 words
Publish Date: 9/05/05
Genres: Angst, Romance, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: After the Final Battle, Severus, still a wanted man, finds a dying Hermione. When he pleads for her life before the Fates, what will he give to save her?

bambu345, The Fullness of Time (G) 1,457 words
Publish Date: 9/08/05
Genres: Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: How does a fugitive evade capture? What happens after Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy flee? A one-shot possibility.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, sshg_awards (runner-up - short)

12) snarkypants, White Flag (PG-13) 5,572 words
Publish Date: 9/13/05
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance, Friendship
Summary: Severus has been unexpectedly exonerated in Dumbledore's death, and returns to join the walking wounded at Hogwarts. But things are not quite what they seem.
Recs: KIA

13) duj, Dumbledore's Man (PG) 3,381 words
Publish Date: 9/21/05
Genres: Angst, Darkfic
Summary: After the final battle, Harry and Snape still have unfinished business. Hermione does what she can.
Recs: KIA

14) loves23rules, Trial and Trepidation (PG) 7,471 words
Publish Date: 9/21/05
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Summary: Does a man always wish to be a woman’s first, or would he prefer to be her last? One-shot, post-Hogwarts, with a faint flavour of Regency Style.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, fangirl_tour

15) belladonnacordial, Achieving a Delicate Balance (PG-13) 2,380 words
Publish Date: 10/07/05
Genres: Romance, Humor, Fluff
Summary: Hermione must compromise herself to get what she wants from Snape.
Note: Not canon compliant
Recs: KIA

16) ladysilverangel (SilverAngel99), His Hostage (R) 2,746 words
Publish Date: 10/13/05
Genres: Angst, Drama, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: Snape's on the Dark side and has been given Hermione Granger as a hostage. Just what will he do with her?
Note: Rape

17) rachel_w, Reacquainting (R) 4,481 words
Publish Date: 10/30/05
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: Over a decade after the war’s end, Hermione Granger and Severus Snape have a chance encounter in Knockturn Alley, and discuss their mutual history. Inspired by fic request from Snapesforte.
Recs: KIA

18) ashtoreth (zhaneraal), A Matter of Timing (PG-13) 2,535 words
Publish Date: 11/03/05
Genres: Drama, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: Snape knows that the only way to get and keep Hermione is through careful planning, exquisite timing, and a few truly reprehensible deeds.
Recs: KIA

19) Juliet, Strange Meeting (R) 1,216 words
Publish Date: 11/16/05
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Some squickiness. Hermione has to make a choice - or does she?
Note: HP/SS/HG
Recs: KIA

mundungus42, Down the Ferret Hole (PG-13) 9,284 words
Publish Date: 11/16/05
Genres: General, Adventure, Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione's dream leaves her tantalizing clues to the puzzles she thought best left unconsidered. SSHG, postHPB. Warning: contains nonsense and rhyming poetry.
Note: There is a sequel, Through the Foe Glass and What Severus Found There
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, fangirl_tour, sshg_awards (nominee - short)

21) pearle9240, The Galleon (PG) 4,302 words
Publish Date: 11/16/05
Genres: Romance, Friendship
Alt Link:
Summary: Everyone has a story to tell, even a coin, and Galleons are no exception. If this particular coin had possessed a consciousness, it would have been most interested, if not a bit apprehensive, as to whose palm it was about to cross this time. (Light, romantic HG/SS one-shot)

22) snarkywench_64, Of Pain and Passion (NC-17) 4,965 words
Publish Date: 11/21/05
Genres: PWP, Angst, Romance
Summary: A knock on her door... someone in need... Snape?
Recs: KIA

23) DistinctVagueness, Strange and Beautiful (PG-13) 4,474 words
Publish Date: 12/02/05
Genres: Romance, Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: “Just like a Gryffindor. Nothing always goes your way, you know. Good doesn’t always prevail over evil and all that.”

Ramora, Storm in a Teapot (PG) 6,166 words
Publish Date: 12/12/05
Genres: General, Humor
Summary: Minerva and Severus visit The Burrow, where they find that Hermione has been practising some imaginative Transfigurations...
Note: There's a sequel, If You Insist
Recs: KIA, fangirl_tour, sshg_awards (nominee - short, humour)

25) BrokenPoet12, Aversion (R) 4,674 words
Publish Date: 12/17/05
Genres: Romance, Angst, PWP
Summary: Why wont you let me touch you? She answered him without a moments hesitation, as if she knew the question was coming.Touch objectifies everything. Once you're touched, you become a mere item. You're owned by the hands upon you. I can't stomach that idea.
Recs: KIA

26) Alex25, One question too many (PG-13) 6,370 words
Publish Date: 12/25/05
Genres: Romance, Adventure
Summary: Merry Christmas, doody heads.

27) leni_jess, Human Kind (PG-13) 7,455 words
Publish Date: 12/28/05
Genres: Drama, Angst, PWP, Darkfic
Summary: She was not likely to be grateful, but he had learned not to expect gratitude, no matter what sacrifices he made.
Warning: Rape
Recs: KIA

teabiscuit (carpetfibers), A Success, of Sorts (PG) 5,675 words
Publish Date: 1/02/06
Genres: Drama, Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: . . .I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Professor, but black comedy normally ends in tragedy.”
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

29) charlotteschaos (charlottesometimes), Truth Is Worth More Than Pride (R) 2,733 words
Publish Date: 1/08/06
Genres: Mystery, Angst, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: Hoping for a story that will clear Snape's name, Hermione is sent to Azkaban prison to interview him for the Daily Prophet.
Recs: KIA

30) pearle9240, The Plushie or A Reality All Its' Own (PG) 3,116 words
Publish Date: 1/08/05
Genres: Mystery/Suspense, Fluff, Humor, General, Drama, Romance, AU
Alt Link:
Summary: A plushie, by its very nature, could not do anything remotely human, its sole function in life being to collect dust. But where would our story be if that were the case? Then again, the mind knows no limits when engaged in the magic of writing. Or engaged in Magic, it would seem...Severus Snape/Hermione Granger (One-shot)...Please be warned, it does contain spoilers for several of Shiv's wonderful stories.
Recs: KIA

31) elydice (Dyce), A Good Day (PG-13) 1,761 words
Publish Date: 1/28/06
Genres: Romance, Angst, Drama, Fluff
Summary: It's never easy living with someone who's disabled, especially when that person is in pain. Hermione and Severus have their happily ever after, but there are good days and bad. One shot.
Note: Sequel to Survivors
Recs: KIA

Alison, Work in Progress (PG-13) 3,232 words
Publish Date: 2/01/06
Genres: Darkfic, Drama
Summary: Severus is changing. But is it for the better?
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - darkfic)

33) rosedemon, Diary Of Prisoner 0247 Azkaban Prison (G) 6,276 words
Publish Date: 2/07/06
Genres: Drama, General
Summary: As a prisoner of Azkaban, Severus Snape's diary reveals his thoughts on a visit with old foe, Hermione Granger.

bambu345, Spoils of War (R) 4,308 words
Publish Date: 2/07/06
Genres: PWP, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Sometimes there are treasures to be found in the aftermath of war.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (winner - PWP)

35) keladry_lupin, The Truth (PG) 5,106 words
Publish Date: 2/11/06
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: What happens when four Gryffindors and a Slytherin can't keep their eyes off a certain young woman? My response (a year late) to Zanthia's "Worst Pick-Up Lines Ever" Challenge. Happy Valentine's Day!
Rec: fangirl_tour, sshg_awards (nominee - short)

36) tiddlywinks, Surprises (PG-13) 1,226 words
Publish Date: 2/15/06
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: The issue in question was the surprising fact that Severus Snape was Not A Cuddler. Of course, to many, this would not be much of a shock.

37) vanityfair00, In Her Image (R) 904 words
Publish Date: 2/19/06
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: A tryst in the closet has a surprising twist.

38) Ramos, A Wither'd Bloom (R) 3,198 words
Publish Date: 2/24/06
Genres: Drama, Angst, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: This is technically a Marriage Law fic, but isn't fluffy, or funny, or anything like my usual work. No violence, but plenty of pathos. It is more appropriately the death of a marriage don't read with an expectation of a happy ending.
Note: MLC
Recs: KIA

39) harmony_bites, Janus (PG-13) 7,293 words
Publish Date: 3/9/06
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance, Darkfic
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: As Snape proves twice over, appearances can be deceiving, and handsome is as handsome does. Each school year is represented with two vignettes of 500 words each. The first scene in any chapter tracks canon. The second scene in each chapter is an alternate universe showing the other side of the coin.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

Orm Irian, Colors (PG-13) 3,503 words
Publish Date: 3/17/06
Genres: Drama, Romance, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione and Snape pairing. One shot, a little dark. Addiction can be a frightening thing, but it doesn't have to be lonely...
Note: There is a sequel, Human Touch.
Recs: KIA

41) argosy, Graduate Work (PG) 2,507 words
Publish Date: 3/26/07
Genres: Romance, Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Postwar silliness featuring Snape as Heathcliff and Hermione as a force of nature.
Recs: KIA

42) tiddlywinks, A Rude Awakening (PG-13) 871 words
Publish Date: 4/11/06
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: A humorous take on when girlfriend meets cat.
Recs: KIA

43) Mirrordjyn, Aftermath (PG-13) 1,529 words
Publish Date: 4/11/06
Genres: Romance, Angst
Summary: After the final battle Hermione Granger and Severus Snape discuss how to become whole again.

44) wartcap, Travels with Trolls (PG) 6,141 words
Publish Date: 5/15/06
Genres: Fluff, Humor, General
Summary: At last! The book release you've all been waiting for... "Travels with Trolls" by Gilderoy Lockhart is now available online.
Recs: KIA

45) velvetmouse, Floo Calls (PG) 1,181 words
Publish Date: 5/19/06
Genres: Fluff, Humor
Summary: A story told through the floo calls between one Hermione Granger and one Severus Snape.
Recs: crack_broom

46) Alison, Inside, Outside, Hidden Away (G) 2,214 words
Publish Date: 5/21/06
Genres: General, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: A little musing on what to tell the children...
Recs: KIA

47) pearle9240, Severus Snape and The Claiming of Sleeping Hermione (NC-17) 7,279 words
Publish Date: 5/24/06
Genres: Parody, Fluff, Humor, General, Romance, PWP
Summary: He didn't hate Granger, but he wasn't exactly fond of her, either. So it was with great annoyance that Severus found himself pressed into service by Headmistress McGonagall to find the lost witch. Had anyone told him he would be enjoying the ample ‘favours’ of the not-so-bookish know-it-all by the end of the day in an effort to get back to their reality, he would have promptly committed them to St Mungo’s. But reality has a way of turning on you, and magic can have many different meanings.
A rather later response, more or less, to Lotm’s “Lost in a good book challenge” on Wiktt. Complete in four chapters.
Recs: sshg_awards (nominee - PWP)

48) Alison, To Touch You Again (G) 908 words
Publish Date: 6/02/06
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Where is Hermione's favourite place? Wherever Severus is.
Recs: KIA

49) wallyflower (Celithrathian) Perdition (PG-13) 4,844 words
Publish Date: 6/16/06
Genres: Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff
Alt Link:
Summary: A teacher's dilemma. A drama in three parts.
Recs: KIA

50) wartcap, Filch's Firepower (PG) 6,680 words
Publish Date: 6/07/06
Genres: Mystery/Suspense, Humor, General, Romance, Adventure
Summary: A story of kidnap, trust, love and loyalty. A cautionary tale for anyone with a pussy cat.
Recs: KIA

femmequixotic, Tequila Shots (NC-17) 7,561 words
Publish Date: 6/12/05
Genres: PWP
Summary: Alcohol can be a powerful potion in its own right.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, sshg_awards (nominee - PWP)

52) ciraarana, The Centre of the World (PG) 3,467 words
Publish Date: 6/25/06
Genres: Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: The final battle and what happened afterwards.
Recs: KIA, fangirl_tour

53) dracontia, Rhyme and Unreason (PG-13) 7,713 words
Publish Date: 6/30/06
Genres: Romance, Humor, Fluff
Alt Link:
Summary: Sev and ‘Mione were hexed most severe Not much space for plot there, my dear Limerick form’s not inviting To logically writing And still squeezing lemons in there… Evidently, this is a response to the Limerick Challenge.
Recs: KIA

54) keket_amunet, Heat and White Elephants (PG) 1,239 words
Publish Date: 7/18/06
Genres: Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione Granger and Severus Snape accidentally meet at a muggle train station the summer after HBP. This is a mostly dialogue piece where SS and HG have a conversation about the things most relevant to them.
Recs: KIA

55) hayseed_42, Congruity (PG-13) 7,557 words
Publish Date: 7/23/06
Genres: Drama
Summary: Phineas Nigellus doesn't usually pay any attention to the headmistress' meetings, but the latest one has piqued his interest.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

56) lilith-morgana, Our story is how still we stood (NC-17) 3,300 words
Publish Date: 7/31/06
Genres: Drama, Romance, PWP
Summary: It's June, and tomorrow she has lived five years in a world where borders constitute truths.
Recs: KIA

57) plaidpooka, The Plushie Problem (R) 6,969 words
Publish Date: 8/04/06
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: An extraordinary accident in Transfiguration class forces substitute teacher for the day, Severus Snape, to take a fresh look at one of his more annoying students.
Recs: KIA

58) ExpectedAberrance, Chirality (R) 7,432 words
Publish Date: 8/04/06
Genres: Angst, Horror, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: Women...have an affinity for evil or supplying whatever the evil lacks in itself for drawing it about them instinctively as you do bedclothing in slumber
Note: Rape, Squick

59) ozratbag2, The Circle (PG-13) 6,572 words
Publish Date: 8/06/06
Genres: Angst, Drama
Summary: Do you ever dream? Do you dream of the past as though it was something more than a wisp of imagination? A trilogy of short stories, with a central theme.
Recs: crack_broom

60) rillalicious, To Live is to be Slowly Born (R) 6,743 words
Publish Date: 8/09/06
Genres: Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus thinks that his time on the run has come to an end, but Hermione has other ideas.
Recs: KIA

61) anogete, Faith and Persuasion (NC-17) 5,811 words
Publish Date: 8/14/06
Genres: Angst, Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione searches for and finds Snape months after Dumbledore’s murder. She believes he is a good man, but that belief might come into question when she confronts him.
Recs: KIA

62) droxy, The High Cost of Casual Wishes (PG) 8,928 words
Publish Date: 8/15/06
Genres: Drama, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Miscommunication, misunderstanding, and secrecy surrounding plans based on love damages trust and severely tests a good marriage. SS HG are already married, and Hermione believes Severus unfaithful, but he's not. An sshg_exchange Gift Fic for Usagistu.
Recs: KIA

63) shiv5468, Draw breath (R) 868 words
Publish Date: 8/23/06
Genres: General, Drama
Summary: After the events of HBP the characters all draw breath. Preromance, if you squint.

64) snarkyroxy, When All That's Left Is This (PG-13) 3,838 words
Publish Date: 8/28/06
Genres: General, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: In the dark times after the war, three survivors struggle in a harsh world of despair, bitterness and revenge, and comfort can be found from unexpected sources.
Recs: KIA

65) Irena Candy, Two for the Money (G) 4,274 words
Publish Date: 8/28/06
Genres: Humor, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Marrying for money can lead to some delightful results.
Recs: KIA

66) Dahlia, Eulogy (PG) 1,701 words
Publish Date: 9/02/06
Genres: Romance, Angst
Summary: Snape and Hermione take a brief walk in the moors surrounding Hogwarts, and Hermione is finally able to say a proper goodbye to an old friend. A final epilogue to 'A Thousand Miles' and its prequel 'Subsentio'.
Note: Not HBP-compliant
Recs: KIA

67) dracontia, Things in Common (PG-13) 1,367 words
Publish Date: 9/03/06
Genres: Angst, Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: When one’s world is smoke and ashes, comfort comes from the most unlikely places. Please note: no fluff here. I leave it to the reader as to whether there's hope.
Recs: KIA

68) eoforyth (DawnEB), September 19 (PG-13) 3,527 words
Publish Date: 9/17/06
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Alt Link:
Summary: Celebrating two events that fall on September 19 Warnings: Strange Silliness and Fluff

69) ttfs (Anastasia), Animated Night (G) 5,980 words
Publish Date: 10/15/06
Genres: Drama, Angst, Action/Adventure
Alt Link:
Summary: Surrounded by the falling shards of her world as it is shattered from without and within, Hermione, torn between death and darkness, is forced to consider a third, unthinkable option.
Recs: sshg_awards (nominee - short, darkfic)

70) barriequark (FriendlyQuark), Dead Man's Regard (G) 472 words
Publish Date: 10/28/06
Genres: Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: One shot, post HBP. HG/SS
Recs: KIA

jocemum, 1,001 NIGHTS (PG-13) 5,524 words
Publish Date: 11/07/06
Genres: Romance, Adventure
Alt Link:
Summary: Captured by Death Eaters, Hermione attempts to save herself through the use of an old magic.
Recs: KIA, fangirl_tour

72) arsenicjade, Q&A (PG-13) 761 words
Publish Date: 11/09/06
Genres: Romance, Drama, Angst
Summary: Challenge: >"if the divine master plan is perfection, maybe next I'll give Judas a try," Snape.
Recs: KIA

73) arsenicjade, Rescue (PG-13) 1,626 words
Publish Date: 11/09/06
Genres: Romance
Summary: Challenge: beauty and the beast, snape/anyone
Recs: KIA

74) somigliana, Intentions (R) 500 words
Publish Date: 11/10/06
Genres: Drama, Angst, Darkfic
Summary: The potion was finally ready
Recs: sshg_awards (nominee - darkfic)

75) negativenine, Atlantis Sinking (NC-17) 6,719 words
Publish Date: 11/16/06
Genres: Angst
Summary: Severus and Hermione are trapped in a Pensieve with Severus' memories just before his trial.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

76) warded_portal, Falling (PG-13) 5,538 words
Publish Date: 12/01/06
Genres: Humor, Romance, Drama, Adventure
Alt Link:
Summary: The youngest Potions Mistress in the history of Hogwarts is having a horrible day. The DADA Professor observes and reacts accordingly.
Note: There is a sequel, Landing
Recs: KIA

77) soul_bound_8686, Revelations of a Bed and Breakfast (NC-17) 5,586 words
Publish Date: 12/01/06
Genres: Romance, Drama, PWP
Summary: Days after the final battle, Harry Potter flees to Muggle London for some fresh air, ends up following Severus Snape to a secret meeting, and witnesses something he wasn't meant to see.
Recs: sshg_awards (nominee - short)

78) vanityfair00, Like Father, Like Son (PG) 2,781 words
Publish Date: 12/10/06
Genres: General, Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione runs into Professor Snape in the most unexpected place, and there shares in one of life’s inevitable experiences.
Recs: KIA

79) imhilien, Scent of a Crime? (PG-13) 8,435 words
Publish Date: 12/11/06
Genres: Angst, Drama, Friendship, Humour, Mystery, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Post-war. Snape has no idea why Hermione often visits the potions shop he now runs, but when something goes wrong, he may be glad she does.

80) Alison, Whose Side Are You On? (G) 4,239 words
Publish Date: 12/14/06
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: Hermione muses on the fate of the survivors of the war.
Recs: KIA

81) fandomme, Dead for a Ducat (PG-13) 3,867 words
Publish Date: 12/15/06
Genres: Drama, Adventure
Summary: Snape chases Crookshanks into Hermione's room. Hijinx ensue.
Recs: KIA

82) anogete, The Ghost of Gryffindor Present (PG-13) 8,237 words
Publish Date: 12/16/06
Genres: Friendship, Romance
Summary: After a stalled attempt at friendship earlier in the year, Severus and Hermione stumble across each other in a bookstore on Christmas Eve.
Note: Not HBP Compliant
Recs: crack_broom

83) silburygirl (Marston Chicklet), In His Shoes (PG-13) 6,813 words
Publish Date: 12/24/06
Genres: Humor, Fluff
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus never meant to get into the cult scene. Really, all he was after was a pretty pair of shoes. A look into the mind of a man who may not be as complex as we believe. Pure fluff.
Recs: KIA

84) rayvyn2k, Detours and Roadblocks (PG-13) 9,061 words
Publish Date: 12/28/06
Genres: Adventure, Friendship, Romance, General
Summary: Hermione and Severus in a race (halfway) around the world.
Recs: KIA

85) ginny_weasley31, Hanging by a Chain (PG-13) 6,583 words
Publish Date: 12/29/06
Genres: Friendship, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: On New Year's Eve Severus is alone and begins to think about past relationships, including the one he once had with Hermione Granger.
Recs: fangirl_tour

86) ozgeek_40, Snape and Hermione: Adventures in Wonderland (PG) 5,931 words
Publish Date: 12/30/06
Genres: General, Adventure, Humor
Summary: Hermione finds a portkey to a Slytherin puzzle world and Snape must help her return.

warded_portal, Blood From A Stone (PG-13) 2,507 words
Publish Date: 12/31/06
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Romance
Summary: Severus is in Azkaban. Hermione tries to get him out and either does or doesn’t.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

88) Prosperina, Birthday (PG-13) 2,936 words
Publish Date: 1/04/07
Genres: Drama, Romance, Fluff
Summary: Hermione and Severus, Brandy and Firewhiskey.
Recs: KIA

89) ubiquirk, If He Were a Better Man (NC-17) 1,367 words
Publish Date: 1/05/07
Genres: Angst, Drama, Darkfic
Alt Link:
Summary: If you have nothing left, and you were not completely whole to begin with, what do you do? A tale of obsession. Warning - Ambiguously Dark Snape.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - darkfic)

90) deemichelle, Better With Chocolate (NC-17) 1,367 words
Publish Date: 1/05/07
Genres: PWP, Friendship
Alt Link:
Summary: Five years after the end of the war, Snape encounters Hermione Granger in a bookstore, where she is buying a book about autoeroticism. Will he give her hell - or LESSONS?
Recs: crack_broom, fangirl_tour, sshg_awards (nominee - short)

91) ayerf, Snape the Seducer (R) 7,549 words
Publish Date: 1/06/07
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Snape wants his apprentice, Hermione, to be his. The only snag is that she's Quidditch Star!Ron's. Not for long, though... SS/HG winter 2006 gift exchange fic
Recs: sshg_awards (nominee - short)

92) scatteredlogic, Expectations (NC-17) 7,264 words
Publish Date: 1/29/07
Genres: Romance
Summary: Life can change when least expected.
Recs: fangirl_tour

wonderfulwrites (Wonderfulchild), No Dungeon So Dark (PG-13) 2,354 words
Publish Date: 2/01/07
Genres: Drama, Darkfic
Summary: Post-War: Snape has been captured by the few survivors of the Order and encounters a ghost from his past.
Recs: KIA

94) charlotteschaos (charlottesometimes), Frail & Bedazzled (NC-17) 999 words
Publish Date: 2/03/07
Genres: Drama, Darkfic, PWP
Summary: When she first found him, he was blinded. She didn't ask 'how' or even 'why.' Hermione's first thought was that she couldn't have Harry discover him, remembering those deadly words: if I find Snape along the way, too bad for him.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - darkfic)

deeble, Nothing to It (PG-13) 4,712 words
Publish Date: 3/25/07
Genres: Drama, Humor, General
Summary: Never let it be said that Hermione Granger can't do nothing.
Recs: KIA

96) ginny-weasley31, Third Time's the Charm (PG) 5,640 words
Publish Date: 3/28/07
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Summary: After being setup on two disastrous blind dates, Hermione reluctantly agrees to a third.
Recs: fangirl_tour

97) Isis and Nuit (somigliana and anijade), Something Like Love (R) 7,012 words
Publish Date: 3/31/07
Genres: Drama
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione is a workaholic MoM employee after the Second War. She's allergic to commitment. One day, in the course of her duties, she meets Snape, with whom she has a hot onenight stand. She gets pregnant. What happens next?
Recs: KIA

98) BrokenPoet12, Ash (PG-13) 4,009 words
Publish Date: 4/15/07
Genres: Romance, Angst
Summary: The oldest house in Spinner's End was burning.
Recs: KIA

99) dreya-uberwald (Igorina), Fate's Sticky Fingers (R) 8,420 words
Publish Date: 4/23/07
Genres: Romance, Humor, PWP
Summary: Secret liaisons with one’s former potions master can be a tad difficult when as far as your friends and colleagues are concerned you’re the designated responsible person, as Hermione knows all too well. A postHogwarts Snape x Hermione fic.
Recs: KIA

100) Kailin, Like Father, Like Daughter (PG) 1,654 words
Publish Date: 4/29/07
Genres: Humor, Fluff
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus learns that small children can remember quite a lot.
Note: Sequel to Snape, A History

wallyflower (Celithrathian), How the Ghost of You Clings (PG) 2,579 words
Publish Date: 5/08/07
Genres: Romance
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: The aftermath of an apprentice's departure.
Recs: KIA

102) fervesco, Fool for Lesser Things (NC-17) 7,146 words
Publish Date: 5/09/07
Genres: Romance, PWP, Fluff, Angst
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: Severus has been made a fool of one too many times. Will he risk it again to enjoy the pleasure of Hermione’s company?
Recs: KIA

103) dunziade, A Spider Book (R) 9,980 words
Publish Date: 5/10/07
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Hermione has found a book that may threaten the fate of the wizarding world. Will Professor Snape help her?
Recs: sshg_awards (nominee - short)

104) Ramos, Hell Hath No Fury (R) 9,980 words
Publish Date: 5/13/07
Genres: Mystery, Drama, Alternate Universe, Adventure
Summary: A strange death presents Severus Snape with a mystery. Does it have anything to do with the mysterious changes he's observed in Hermione Granger?
Recs: KIA

105) turtlesturtles (Holly Mariano), Reinventing Hermione (G) 2,733 words
Publish Date: 5/13/07
Genres: Tragedy, Drama
Summary: If death was as beautiful as a bleeding, rusting Hermione, then death was what he had been searching for all his life.

106) butterflycross (Lone Butterfly), A Match Made In Heaven (G) 2,874 words
Publish Date: 5/17/07
Genres: Romance, Humor
Summary: A conversation at the Pearly Gates between one who is slightly dead, one who is very dead, and the ArchAngel Gabriel. [Warning: Christian Themes abound!]
Recs: KIA, fangirl_tour

107) anogete, Dice (PG) 5,943 words
Publish Date: 5/22/07
Genres: Romance, Fluff
Alt Link:
Summary: Hermione finds herself pulled into a game of erotic dice with a hesitant Snape.
Recs: KIA

clare099, Carpe Dieum (PG) 4,800 words
Publish Date: 6/04/07
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus Snape never quite forgot his first assistant, but now, after more than a decade, she contacts him out of the blue and asks him to tea.
Recs: KIA

109) deeble, A One-Two Punch (PG-13) 1,800 words
Publish Date: 6/06/07
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Summary: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is none at all.
Recs: KIA

warded_portal, Sanctuary (NC-17) 4,579 words
Publish Date: 6/09/07
Genres: PWP, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Severus Snape receives a magical inheritance from the Prince side of his family and it really is wonderful.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - short, PWP)

111) zeeohee, The Red Desert (PG-13) 7,026 words
Publish Date: 6/11/07
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Summary: An unexpected trip to the Gobi both kindles Hermione’s feelings for Snape and clears her mind.
Recs: KIA

112) mollilicious, Better Living Through Potions (NC-17) 6,804 words
Publish Date: 6/13/07
Genres: Angst, Drama
Summary: When a new teacher arrives at Hogwarts, a chain of events is set in motion that will rock the foundation of Snape’s world.
Recs: KIA

113) snarkypants, The Devil You Know (NC-17) 3,571 words
Publish Date: 6/13/07
Genres: Drama, Angst, PWP
Summary: Is Snape good or evil? Hermione has to decide, but the as always answer isn't quite clear cut. Rating for dubious consent.
Recs: KIA

114) bloodcult (bloodcult_of_freud), In Budapest (NC-17) 5,132 words
Publish Date: 6/15/07
Genres: PWP, Romance
Summary: A romance between equals.
Recs: KIA

115) VerityEmory, Covet (R) 2,309 words
Publish Date: 6/17/07
Genres: Darkfic, Drama
Summary: Curiouser and curiouser. Snape and Hermione after the events of Book Six.
Recs: KIA

116) laiksmarei, Hook, Line, and Sink Her (R) 3,370 words
Publish Date: 6/22/07
Genres: Humour, Romance
Summary: Double talk leads to double pleasure for a certain Potions Master.
Recs: crack_broom

117) sophierom, Half the Battle (R) 4,782 words
Publish Date: 6/23/07
Genres: Drama, Angst, Darkfic
Summary: Knowing is half the battle. Isn’t it?
Recs: KIA

118) fandomme, Satisfaction (PG-13) 6,239 words
Publish Date: 6/25/07
Genres: Drama
Summary: One summer night in Estonia, Snape discovers he shares his affection for the Rolling Stones with another.
Recs: KIA

119) whitemunin and scatteredlogic, R. S. V. P. (PG) 2,365 words
Publish Date: 6/28/07
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Summary: Conversation at a wedding reception, served tart.
Recs: fangirl_tour

melisande88, The Bowtruckle War (PG-13) 6,348 words
Publish Date: 7/04/07
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Alt Link:
Summary: Years after the war with Voldemort has ended, Hermione buys a quiet house and garden to gain a little peace, only to find that her next door neighbour is none other than Severus Snape.
Recs: KIA, fangirl_tour, sshg_awards (nominee - short, humour)

wonderfulwrites (Wonderfulchild), Archeologist (PG-13) 8,678 words
Publish Date: 7/05/07
Genres: Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
Summary: During the war, Hermione makes a deal with the devil and finds herself haunted by hidden meanings.
Recs: KIA

122) bethbethbeth, What Yet Remains (PG-13) 7,646 words
Publish Date: 7/10/07
Genres: Angst, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance
Summary: As memories of the War start to fade, a relationship begins to develop between Hermione and Severus. However, it may not be wise to put all memories of the War aside.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

123) a_bees_buzz, A Good Day (NC-17) 8,887 words
Publish Date: 7/10/07
Genres: Humor, PWP, Fluff
Summary: If Severus survives the war (assuming that the good guys will win), in the immediate aftermath his life will be hell. Oh, he may be pardoned eventually, or even exonerated. He might manage to hide out until the charges are dropped. But there are going to be rough times. Nothing he can't handle; his life has always been pretty miserable. But. What if there aren't? How would Severus Snape respond to a world in which things go his way?
Recs: KIA, QtP Runner Up (Best One-shot)

124) snarkpants, A Fork in the Road (NC-17) 8,776 words
Publish Date: 7/12/07
Genres: PWP
Summary: Hermione has been tasked with finding Snape to deliver Dumbledore's legacy. She finds him... and Lucius Malfoy.
Recs: crack_broom

drmm, Forgive Us Our Debts (PG) 7,532 words
Publish Date: 7/14/07
Genres: Angst, Friendship
Summary: Regret does not bring forgiveness. Hate is not easily forgotten. Nine years after Dumbledore’s death, Hermione Granger learns that sometimes forgiveness can be earned.
Recs: KIA, crack_broom, sshg_awards (winner - short)

126) scatteredlogic, The Dunderhead Tax (G) 5,923 words
Publish Date: 7/16/07
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: All Severus Snape wanted was to fulfil his dream of owning a successful business and to be free of dunderheads. He should have known it was too much to hope.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - humour; runner-up - short)

127) vanityfair00, Two Weeks Notice (PG-13) 8,330 words
Publish Date: 7/17/07
Genres: Romance
Summary: Hermione has lost her job after a scandalous article in the newspaper. But work as a clerk in a bookstore might turn out to be more than she bargained for.Written for the sshg_exchange.
Recs: KIA, sshg_awards (nominee - short)

128) rhiannon-lune, The Devil is in the Details (PG-13) 8,624 words
Publish Date: 7/18/07
Genres: Romance, Humor
Alt Link 1:
Alt Link 2:
Summary: Hermione learns that the Ministry is serious about its fine print and Draco and Severus find themselves dueling for a prize neither wants. Marriage Law, sort of.
Note: MLC
Recs: KIA, crack_broom

129) a_bees_buzz, Magical Mating (PG-13) 475 words
Publish Date: 7/18/07
Genres: Humor
Alt Link:
Summary: Trying to teach Magical Mating to teenagers is a delicate business. The presence of a know-it-all tends to complicate matters.
Note: There's a sequel, More Magical Mating
Recs: KIA

clare099, Fly (PG) 5,489 words
Publish Date: written and posted anonymously pre-DH for Sychophant Hex's Sky Is Falling Festival
Genres: Romance, PWP
Alt Link:
Summary: When Severus Snape announces what Hermione Granger fears most, she must risk what she currently has in order to gain, or lose, everything.
Recs: KIA

If you want to find the real richness in SSHG in the HBP era, imo you should look here. The first story to give me hope, to make me feel a positive reading of Snape wasn't dead was snarkyroxy's "What I Know You've Done" and the first story to really impress me in terms of sheer style was bambu345's "The Fullness of Time." There are guilty pleasures above I reread to revel in and savor by warded_portal, clare009, wallyflower, snarkywench_64, argosy. Ramora made me laugh. drmm made me cry. Alison sent chills down my spine. PWPs above made me...*cough*... Duj and Orm Irian made me think. All in a space you can read comfortably in one sitting.

Darkfic predominated that first year postHBP--then we recovered somewhat and romance and fluff began to return. Not something I noticed with longer works, but maybe since those are composed over time they aren't as much a snapshot of the ship and its thinking as it took a hit from Half-Blood Prince, then recovered and found its own way.

sshgguides, hbp, fic recs, hbpsshgguide, ss/hg

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