Points ===>

Nov 26, 2007 14:37

I’d seen snapedom quoted from a few times on my f-list. I absolutely adored (and put in memories) one post I’d recommend to anyone who loves Snape- “Good Guy Syndrome” by rattlesnakeroot-the perfect answer to all those people (including Rowling) who think we all love Snape because he’s a “bad boy.”

But the essay that led me to post is “Snape as wicked Stepmother?” by mary_j_59Read more... )

snape, fandom

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Comments 41

mollyssister November 26 2007, 22:21:11 UTC
I have not yet read the two essays you mentioned. I do however enjoy reading Snape in other pairings besides SS/HG. I find it amusing to see how he is written differently in slash vs het etc...Its all good Snape fun.


droxy November 27 2007, 00:20:58 UTC
I copied those essays over. I am going to need time to read them. But I do recall reading an eassay on the feminization of SS.

I do read out side ss/hg, but it's gen fic or dark fic.


harmony_bites November 27 2007, 02:27:48 UTC
And I take it even the darkfic is gen outside SSHG? IOW, Snape isn't shipped? Or do you mean you'll read other ships or slash if it's darkfic?

I do read outside the ship at times--I tend to binge. And it is refreshing to see other POVs. Within the varieties of Snapefen, the different ships are rather polite to each other on Snapefen, but the recent essay was mentioned on the Daily Snitch, so now it's drawing people who are shocked, shocked, that we're critical of Rowling and how she used Snape.


droxy November 27 2007, 02:49:31 UTC
Gen as in Snape isn't shipped. These fics are AD mentors SS ships- sadly blown to hell due to book 7. Lots of hurt/comfort. Dark fic= tortured!Snape fic, Snape is a vampire fic (quite fun really), Snape dies fic but no HG in those versions, and inferius!Snape. Fics of young Snape with slytherin friends (really gen fic) but sort of marauderesque, but no Lily. I read SS/MM, and SS/NT (but that is rare). I've read Lupin/Hermione, and a bit of HP/HG. I've read SS/LL, SS/LE, and SS/GW even. I used to read tons of Snape/OFC until I discovered SS/HG. I've read slash. I beta'd a Snarry (damn hot Snape too). I've read Filch/Snape slash, but it wasn't smutty and it was really good.


death_ofme November 27 2007, 01:18:29 UTC
Quite a lot of Snarry shippers too (though there are still uss SS/HGers, rah rah).

I was quite intrigued with the theory of Snape being feminized, but I still see it as more of a castration or emasculation, rather than a female archetype.


harmony_bites November 27 2007, 02:33:27 UTC
I thought a lot of the speculation and theories were fascinating--everything from the arguments about the feminization of Snape to a side comment of the original poster that she thought Rowling didn't fulfill her potential in the story by not linking Harry's defeat of Voldemort to his ability to forgive and understand Snape. She had seen the possibility that Harry was a Horcrux and Voldemort might take him over body and soul if Harry couldn't stop hating.

Just a lot of food for thought in the various threads--and yeah, I noted the Snarry, Snupin and SSHG presence as well--and all the strains were playing nicely together.


death_ofme November 27 2007, 14:37:10 UTC
and all the strains were playing nicely together.

Yes, shocking, as usually Snarry and SS/HG butt heads.


harmony_bites November 27 2007, 14:46:59 UTC
Well, on Snapedom though, we weren't discussing shipping issues (other than side remarks about our OTPs and icon-brandishing) We're discussing Snape--and in the end are Snape fans of different flavours very different?

In some things, yes--hell, SSHG shippers differ rabidly. In SSHG there's passive Snapes, fluffy Snapes, predator Snapes, out-only for himself Snape, clueless-led-by-the-nose-by-Hermione Snapes, heroic Snapes...

But as long as we stay away from whether he's destined for Harry, Remus, or Hermione...

The playing nice ended though. The post was mentioned on the daily_snitch and... Just a few people--but oh, boy ( ... )


silburygirl November 27 2007, 01:57:47 UTC
I read the first essay when it was posted (made me giggle quite a bit), but missed the second one, so thanks for posting the links. Feminising Snape is an interesting thought and one that I shall have to ponder at a later date.


harmony_bites November 27 2007, 02:36:15 UTC
It's interesting--especially given comments I've read elsewhere about the very anti-feminist strains in HP.

It's funny--because most times I don't consider myself a feminist--especially among other self-described feminists. I'm far too right of center on most things to self-identify. Yet I, too, see what seem misogynist, traditionalist strains in Rowling and it's one of many things that bug the hell out of me--all the more because at least in the beginning, Hermione seemed like such a kick-ass character. At least pre-HBP and those tryouts and her attack of hormones...


silburygirl November 27 2007, 03:35:51 UTC
I've noticed the misogynist strains as well, and if I take the time to think about them they bother me. On the flip side, I personally don't have a problem with men who cry (part of the reason I don't like Harry-he's either screaming with rage or a bloody robot intent on Moving the Plot Forward), and I have been known to toss aside books with blinding force when presented with a myriad of weepy female characters. (The only women that DH left me with any faith in were Trelawny, McGonagall, and Luna. To Hermione, I can only say that she will hopefully grow up quickly. I have no words for what happened to Ginny-OotP looked to be setting her up for some exciting things that were lost somewhere in Harry's moping ( ... )


harmony_bites November 27 2007, 03:41:29 UTC
Well, Ginny did some kickass things in DH--but off stage mostly.

I know there was an essay by a_bees_buzz that hit on some of the more disturbing traditionalist aspects in DH and HP--one of the linchpins of her argument that indeed rubbed me the wrong way was the Bella versus Molly battle. Bellatrix had been shown as a powerful witch able to take down Sirius--and who defeats her? Hermione the brightest witch of her age? Ginny, trained DA member who helped steal the sword? Tonks the trained Auror?

No--Molly--who we never saw do much magic, or much of anything, other than knit. So much in HP seems to say that motherhood is powerful--but a woman w/o a man and family just doesn't count much.


wade_scott November 27 2007, 16:37:44 UTC
I'm always confused by Rowling's comments, too. I mean, pre-DH, I could see her Snape-bashing as a red herring. But post-DH? Doesn't make sense with what I see as being "the main point" of DH.

Everyone got their heads out of their respective asses except Voldemort, and that was Voldy's downfall. The only way to "undo" a Horcrux, if I remember correctly, was to show remorse. That's why Harry offered it to Voldy before finishing him off. Rowling even dedicates an entire chapter to Snape, showing us that he did indeed make amends for his unwise choices. As much as/if not more than Dumbledore. But she continues to bad-mouth Snape in interviews and such. It's confusing. I mean, I get the point that Snape isn't a "nice guy," but he's not a "bad guy," either.

PS: You'll learn to not feed the trolls when I learn to not let people take advantage of me. ;)


harmony_bites November 27 2007, 20:52:37 UTC
I could see her Snape-bashing as a red herring. But post-DH? Doesn't make sense with what I see as being "the main point" of DH.

What gets to me is that the "good guys" are no angels. Truth is, had you asked me pre-HBP, I'd have said Snape was a nasty piece of work and it wouldn't surprise me were he a traitor in the end. I'd have said the Trio and the other Gryffs (Peter excepted) were the good guys. But HBP didn't just make me rethink Snape but all the characters. Part of the reason (and in the wake of DH the only reason to continue) I started Book of Shadows was because I thought the Hermione of HBP needed more explanation than the Snape did. I was floored by what she did at the tryouts.

And the moral deterioration of the other characters really came into focus for me in HBP and only continued in DH. Hermione obliviates her parents. Harry--Harry who I didn't think Rowling would ever let cast an Unforgivable casts Imperio--and Crucio and McGonagall calls him "gallant." Ron is cruel to Hermione over NOTHING and then runs when ( ... )


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