Points ===>

Nov 26, 2007 14:37

I’d seen snapedom quoted from a few times on my f-list. I absolutely adored (and put in memories) one post I’d recommend to anyone who loves Snape- “Good Guy Syndrome” by rattlesnakeroot-the perfect answer to all those people (including Rowling) who think we all love Snape because he’s a “bad boy.”

But the essay that led me to post is “Snape as wicked Stepmother?” by mary_j_59 which well-earns the title “thought-provoking” as much for the comments below as the essay above (including some recent commentators who give a view-not often seen on my f-list-as to why many would see all us Snape fans as “bugfuck bonkers.”) The essay goes into why the author thinks Rowling hates Snape. While I don’t agree (I think “conflicted” would be the more accurate word given how Rowling both writes and speaks of Snape), I found the discussion on Snape, what Rowling and we think of him, and how she did or did not do the character justice, fascinating.

Part of what I find interesting about this community is that it’s pan-Snapefandom-the above two essays, for instance, judging from the authors’ icons, are by Snily and Snuna shippers respectively, and there are Snarry and Snupin people hanging about. It’s interesting reading about Snape outside a SSHG perspective.

Not so fun are some of the recent insults of Snape fans from people drawn into what had been a friendly discussion among community members by a link from the daily_snitch. I don’t mind an argument-in fact I relish a good one waayy too much and I’d say the discussion within the community had been lively, with real disagreement, but up till just recently was respectful. The tone of some recent commentators, however, reminds me of some of the shipping wars from Trek I’ve been able to avoid in SSHG because HP is so big each major ship is, for good and bad, a fandom onto itself.

And of course I had to comment. When will I learn better? Don’t feed the troll(s)! (At least I just stopped myself from replying to someone who didn’t even have the guts to sign in. But grrrrrrrr it was hard. OK, I actually deleted the reply-but hey, it was an anonymous comment so no email notifications...)

snape, fandom

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