A Giftie for Me to Rec

Aug 01, 2007 20:18

Once upon a time, having a problem digesting a lump of prima donna-ism, I whinged to snarkywench_64, and she asked if a fic would make me feel better. No dope, I immediately said, “YES!” and we can all be glad I did.

Go get thee to her LJ and read Altered PerceptionsNo, it isn’t SSHG or DMHG (both of which she writes brilliantly), it’s Harry/Hermione and that’s ( Read more... )

fic recs, snape

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Comments 2

mollyssister August 2 2007, 20:07:40 UTC
Please continue to ask Ms. Snarky Wench for fics to make you feel better. She writes divine doesnt she?


harmony_bites August 2 2007, 20:14:38 UTC
Anyone that can make Harry/Hermione enormously appealing to me...

Although I actually rather always liked the idea of the two of them together in a way--more than Hermione and Ron--that had been the pairing I rather rooted for pre-fandom and pre-Snape obsession. But there's still something in me, more so than with Hermione or Ron that makes me see Harry as a little boy so it's a bit hard for me to get into that pairing.

But yes, SnarkyWench makes them very, very appealing together and has Harry all grown up very nicely :-)


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