A Giftie for Me to Rec

Aug 01, 2007 20:18

Once upon a time, having a problem digesting a lump of prima donna-ism, I whinged to snarkywench_64, and she asked if a fic would make me feel better. No dope, I immediately said, “YES!” and we can all be glad I did.

Go get thee to her LJ and read Altered Perceptions.

No, it isn’t SSHG or DMHG (both of which she writes brilliantly), it’s Harry/Hermione and that’s not generally a pairing that appeals to me, but the Wench makes it appealing. Trust me. The story is filled with magic and characters I miss already like Fred Weasley and Remus Lupin and a Ron so appealing that had Rowling written him more like this, I might have had an easier time seeing him with Hermione. Snarkywench has a gift for hitting character voices and for showing how people relate. The friendship part of this story, not just the relationship part, is very appealing.

Also, f-list, got any post-DH recs you could point me to? I’ve been fic trawling on some archives for them, and the stories I’ve liked so far I rec’d on the Know-it-Alls Rec Site, and the DH recs so far on the site (not just those by me) can be found here.

I’d be interested in any postDH fic someone read and loved not already listed, particularly a good Draco story (Harry/Draco, Draco/Hermione, Draco/Ginny, Gen-I don’t care, one that would deal with Draco’s acts in Deathly Hallows and make sense of them would be great.) No DH WIPs though, please,-it’s just too early to see if they’d be continued or remain good and I’ve been disappointed too often so if I’m not hooked already, I avoid WIPs. (Says the person still working on her own).

Oh, and for those who haven’t seen them and might be interested, two Deathly Hallows/Snape related articles:

Confused by Potter? Author Sets Record Straight
This one has the Snape is no hero quote and in context it’s not as bad as I believed from what I had heard. Basically, Rowling says Snape is a flawed, complicated man, who can be a bully, spiteful, and bitter, which I don’t think anyone sane would take exception to, (though she also says he’s “immensely brave” and “capable of love.”). So I think the issue is more how we all define hero, rather than how Rowling sees Snape. (And I’d still say even Harry “Crucio” Potter is damned flawed).

Finished ‘Potter’? Rowling tells what happens next
This gives us tidbits about how Rowling envisions the characters’ futures. Hermione it seems winds up a lawyer and Harry and Ron cops-wizarding style, of course. Luna becomes a naturalist.

fic recs, snape

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