Even Longer Book Meme, An Article, and Wankage Report

Aug 01, 2006 15:06

Gak'd from bambu345 - because who can resist a book meme? Apparently, not me.

The Long Book Meme )

archives, writing, meme

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Comments 29

misstee123 August 1 2006, 20:27:37 UTC
You should have never had three subjects in your posting, because now I have the compulsion to comment on all three....

First, I would be happy to do this meme, but for the fact that I have two young children, and I truly think that people would be disturbed if I listed the last book I read as "Goodnight Moon". Instead, I'll leave this to people who might actually be interesting in real life. :)

Second, although I appreciate the work of all the Comma Nazi's in the world, I get more ticked off at just blatant misspellings and misuse of words. Not that I am an expert, by any means, but how hard is it to get it straight? There, their, and they're are totally different words! Grrrr.

Last, but not least, how did this "Hermione" get Whispers from Azrael to begin with? Is it someone that Azrael knew and trusted? If so, this whole episode of wankage must be even more devestating.

Okay - shutting up now. Hope that I used commas correctly :D


harmony_bites August 1 2006, 20:35:06 UTC
LOL, I don't think "Goodnight Moon" is that disturbing--and I agree on your grammar rant. As for how "Hermione" got Whispers out from under Azrael, I don't know the full story, but from what I read between the lines on LJ posts, WIKTT, and another Yahoo list, Potter Place, I get the distinct feeling it was a hostile takeover.

In any case, it's certain that what "Hermione" did at the archive since she took it over was completely without Azrael's approval and control, and you can only feel for Azrael in her posts on the lists above as she talks about seeing what has happened to a site that was her baby for years.

I try not to get involved in fandom politics and the like, and have always up to now regretted whenever I ignored that principle--but there are some things that transcend that (and that transcend cliques and feuds). I want this widely know--if only because from what I can gather, Whispers is not the only archive and Hermione/Snape related group with which "Hermione" has tried to involve herself--and people should be duly


ordinary_magic August 1 2006, 20:46:13 UTC
I thought Hermione was a male named Chris.


harmony_bites August 1 2006, 20:50:21 UTC
Actually, I've heard that to--that it is a male--but considering all the twists and turns of this tale that have been leaking out--I'm not sure I'd trust anything about this "Hermione" up to and including gender. After all, if we're to believe "her," all this is due to too much drinking (yeah, her and Mel both).

I have heard s/he has tried to get her finger into more than once archive. I'm confident OWL is locked up tight! In all my time in fandom, any and either fandom, I've really never heard of anything remotely like this. I'm still stunned. Really.


darth_luna August 1 2006, 22:58:32 UTC
I'll never forget the welcome I got there. I look forward to being a part of the new Whispers, which will be run by the old admin, Azrael.

Is whispers a SS/HG-only archive, sort of like Coloured Grey for D/Hr? Any insight into how exactly this wild, wanton, story-appropriating person of unclear gender ursurped control of the archive from Azrael?


harmony_bites August 1 2006, 23:27:20 UTC
Whispers is primarily a SS/HG-only archive, though also (I think only recently) accepted "non-HG/SS writings." The premier SS/HG archive, is the moderated archive part of Sychophant Hex, Ashwinder. That would be the closest counterpart to Coloured Grey I think, only far more active--top stories there can get over 2,000 reviews.

What Whispers offered though, was a place to get your start. It can be intimidating to try to get a story into a moderated archive, especially when you're so new you don't even have a beta. On Whispers you could create an account and within minutes be posting your fic there (FFN has a two day wait). So Whispers was the first place I ever put that first chapter of Book of Shadows to dip my toe in the waters and see if it was worth continuing.

I think eventually the entire story of how "Hermione" got hir clutches on Whispers will come out. Meanwhile, I can only be relieved and proud that the SS/HG fandom rallied around azraelgeffen to return Whisper's database to her so she can start again. I think the public part of this ( ... )


darth_luna August 2 2006, 01:15:00 UTC
I think the public part of this story, particularly the difficulties in negotiating for that database alluded to on Potter Place among others, speaks volumes--and certainly makes me think Azrael never wanted to give up control of the archive in the first place.

Very bizarre-- how do you steal an archive? The internet is a strange, strange place.


harmony_bites August 2 2006, 01:21:22 UTC
I can think of several ways--but best not to speculate--the public and confirmable parts of the story are outrageous enough. I'm just glad that for once fandom wankage worked. That instead of just creating bad feelings to no point, it pushed things toward a resolution.

My understanding though from the posts on WIKTT and elsewhere is that at one point this person "volunteered" to help the archive, so I assume that's how they got their foot in the door. So I guess that just shows, whether you accept a volunteer or volunteer yourself, or choose a beta, or do anything which means trusting someone you know only from the internet, you have to be very, very careful.


droxy August 1 2006, 23:38:36 UTC



The editing for the beast drove me absolutley nuts with commas. Sometimes it just comes down to style.

Shakes head in will wonders ever cease way over the wankage. As I said before, this party clearly doesn't understand fundamental marketing principles. (sighs)


harmony_bites August 2 2006, 00:38:07 UTC
The editing for the beast drove me absolutley nuts with commas. Sometimes it just comes down to style.

Heh Heh. My sympathies--every single reference is slightly different on the subject too, which is why people would let go a little on it.

And yes, the wankage *sigh* Though this time I think it proved useful--spreading the word, and putting on the pressure, seems to have paid off in coming to a more or less fair resolution.


droxy August 1 2006, 23:42:51 UTC
Oh book meme...

Books that changed my life?

Every text book I had in college for one.

"Please Understand Me" I dont remember who wrote it but it explains how to deal with the 16 personality types of people.

"Harry Potter 1-6" I'm here aren't I?

"Knock 'Em Dead, " by Yate - Best job search book, hands down.

Notice all my comments point to the utterly practical. Overall, fiction doesn't alter my life, to me it is entertainment and a hobby.


harmony_bites August 2 2006, 00:39:43 UTC
Well, except, as you note, HP--in that regard I guess it it was a more extensive list Half-Blood Prince would be up there;-)

And not surprised somehow that you'd lean toward the practical--typical engineer that.


clare009 August 2 2006, 00:56:24 UTC
Ah, gotta love a good bit of fandom wank every now and then. Life wouldn't be the same without it. I was checking out the new Wiki that's been set up for the history of fandom - http://www.fanhistory.com/index.php?title=Main_Page - and it has some stuff on cassie claire. It was interesting reading about old times. I wonder if all this Whispers stuff will get written up? Actually the SS/HG section is woefully bare. There's nothing there about Riley and PtQ at all.


harmony_bites August 2 2006, 01:05:04 UTC
Whaaaaattt???? A history of fandom wankage and Riley and PtQ is not there! How can that be!

:Harmony goes to check link to see if any of the Trek wankage she was involved with under an old moniker made it in - is both relieved and disappointed not to be included:

I have to say though--after 3 years in Trek and a few short months of a year in HP--"Hermione" really takes the cake--really does.

Although I guess PtQ has hir beat--I mean PtQ after all creates wankage every few months--the Whispers affair will, I think, have a lot of ground to make up.


clare009 August 2 2006, 02:51:55 UTC
yep, PtQ is classic wank. I had enough of wank in the BtVS fandom, so I tend to stay out of it in BSG and here in HP now that I'm back in it, so to speak. I never really got exposed to Trek Wank, although JetC did have its fair share, it seems tame now compared to the crap that goes on in HP.

So, you had your own wank in Trek? Oooh, exciting! One day you'll have to tell me about it. I may stay out of it, but I love gossip as much as the next person.


harmony_bites August 2 2006, 03:30:28 UTC
LOL. I was "Rabble Rouser" in Trek--literaly. For a long time I kept that Trek ID--or even that I was involved in Trek quiet worried that my rep could come back to haunt me--now I realize

1) HP is so big, fandom is so big, Trek is relatively small, no one cares.

2) People know me for myself in HP now, so I don't care.

But, yes, it's significant that I changed my moniker to "Harmony" to try and remind myself to sidestep that. More than that? It would be a loooooonggggg story. LOL.


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