Snape/Hermione Fan Fiction Recommendation

Aug 04, 2012 23:11

Title: Fire in the Belly
Author: djinn_fic (Djinn1)
Author's Website:
Length: 41,559 words (Complete)
Rating: T for Teen; equivalent of PG
Genres: Romance, Drama
Pairings: Snape/Hermione (with Ron/Hermione in the beginning, Harry and Hermione friendship, and Harry/Ginny as ( Read more... )

sshg, fic recs, harry potter, snape, hermione

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Comments 9

lifeasanamazon August 5 2012, 08:40:55 UTC
*waves energetically*

Have sent it to my kindle for holiday reading! So pleased to see you around again!


harmony_bites August 5 2012, 10:13:58 UTC
{{{}}}} Despite what I said about the fandom leaving me with some indigestion? There are things I dearly missed---like you! Couldn't help but think of you lately given the Olympics. Go, Team Britain! (and long live Corgis!)


lifeasanamazon August 20 2012, 19:48:40 UTC
*waves again*

Back from our break and while I was away I read. I loved it! Loved the flawed Hermione and hercomplete immersion in another world captured me too. It was such a wise story and so very human. Definitely one to re-read. Thank you, my dear friend!


harmony_bites August 20 2012, 21:03:21 UTC
You're welcome! Reading a good Snape/Hermione again like that out of the blue definitely gave me a nostalgic glow! Djinn says it's unlikely she'll ever dip a toe in the ship again, but hey, I never, ever thought I'd see the day, so who knows what her muse might do?

I thought it a very IC-Hermione, and one I rarely used to see to be honest. I think given some of the feedback she got, many were thrown because they think of Hermione as "nice." Except given Marietta, McLaggen, Umbridge, Skeeter... Nice to see the Hermione who's "brilliant, but scary."


(The comment has been removed)

harmony_bites August 5 2012, 21:27:20 UTC
Hiya! And yeah, I had. I'd kinda had it with the fandom and needed to pull away for a while, and that meant checking LJ less and less and it was easy to drift away, you know? Without quite meaning to. I can't believe it's been so long.


scatteredlogic August 5 2012, 15:05:50 UTC
Hee! There you are! It's nice to see you around here again.


harmony_bites August 5 2012, 21:29:46 UTC
*waves* You know, I can say that at least one line in that fic I'm reccing was influenced by you. In one of my convos with my friend I noted it had been suggested that maybe Hermione deliberately let Snape die--because after all, he was the enemy. I was thinking of one of your Exchange fics in particular.

It left an impression :-)


morethansirius November 1 2013, 00:41:01 UTC
The SSHG Quiz is celebrating Halloween this week! Your story, Ghostly Visitations , fits right in and is featured on the quiz with a quote and a link to your story. Please accept our Featured Author banner as a thank you for sharing your story with SSHG fangirls everywhere.

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Come play the SSHG Quiz!


Hello misstee123 July 17 2014, 04:21:24 UTC
Don't ask me why your name crossed my mind today, but it did, so I thought I'd sign in to LJ for the first time in ages and say hello! Hope your life is going well these days!! *hugs*


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