Snape/Hermione Fan Fiction Recommendation

Aug 04, 2012 23:11

Title: Fire in the Belly
Author: djinn_fic (Djinn1)
Author's Website:
Length: 41,559 words (Complete)
Rating: T for Teen; equivalent of PG
Genres: Romance, Drama
Pairings: Snape/Hermione (with Ron/Hermione in the beginning, Harry and Hermione friendship, and Harry/Ginny as a secondary element)
Summary: For Hermione, having it all means managing it all. And what if, after all that, she finds she wants more? This is SSHG, but it takes a while to get there. A character study of Hermione-a layered and worthy heroine-and a chance for me to dip my toes in this fandom and poke at some things that both delighted and perturbed me. Post-DH

I know, I know, where have I been? Well, not reading or writing fanfic. Before I dropped into a fandom black hole, I was feeling about Harry Potter fan fiction and fandom pretty much how I feel about turkey after Thanksgiving. Stuffed, sated, with a touch of indigestion. But it's not that I ever lost my love for these characters and the Snape/Hermione ship.

And Djinn? She's been a close friend and my beta since our Trek days in the antediluvian era before there was a Snape/Hermione ship--almost before there was even a Harry Potter series. Ironically, she was the one to entice me into first reading Harry Potter, insisting these books weren't just for children. But she lost interest in the books after Goblet of Fire, and I didn't think I'd ever see her writing Harry Potter fan fiction. But she finally got around to watching the films--one after another, and that sparked a renewed interest. She didn't even warn me before sending me the fic for beta that it was Snape/Hermione. I remember my reaction when I hit that part--Djinn called it "delighted outrage" and she wasn't wrong. Sadly not a reaction that can be replicated since you'll all know going in this is Snape/Hermione. I always felt disappointed Djinn didn't play in this ship, because I thought she'd bring a lot to it knowing her love of brilliant, witty characters and her gift for banter. And it's a given this being a Djinnfic that this is very, very well-written. Truth is, I'm envious. I think she wrote a better Snape/Hermione than I ever managed; she makes me want to read and write these two again. She even made me tear up at one point. And Fire in the Belly is a meaty work of 11 chapters--novel-length by some definitions and no WIP.

So, do I think everyone will love it? Certainly not. Partly because there's not a fic in existence everyone will love. But also because this fic might push some buttons. Frankly, I think that makes this fic all the more interesting--great discussion fodder. Yes, I think this depiction of Hermione is in character--this is definitely Hermionecentric fic that really digs into her character--but those who see Hermione as always "nice" and "honorable" might not like what is exhumed--although I still very much like and sympathize with this Hermione.

And Djinn does mess with Rowling's world and that "All was well." But then we wouldn't love this ship if we didn't rather relish that. We're not canon shippers and boy, am I glad. I hope you'll try the fic for yourself, enjoy it and let me (and Djinn natch) know what you think. And hey, selfishly I'm hoping that some ficlove might entice Djinn's muse to give us another Snape/Hermione again someday.


sshg, fic recs, harry potter, snape, hermione

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