Oct 29, 2009 18:01

Given this post by ginny_weasley31 that some on Potter Place are seeking to compile lists of "abandoned" stories to complete--and some members are supporting the idea that if they don't hear back from the author they're going to consider permission implied.

Well, just in case, because I'm not sure anyone is interested in my little ol' WIP.

1) Book of Shadows ( Read more... )


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Comments 53

e_danae October 29 2009, 22:29:40 UTC
What a strange idea. Do they really suppose this will make fandom better and happier place? I think it's unpardonable to take over others fic without the original author permission. Permission, declared and clear, is probably the key word here. Everything is ok when author is ok with it - everything is wrong if she's not.

And yes, I'm glad to hear that BoS is not an abandoned fic!


harmony_bites October 29 2009, 22:33:50 UTC
Everything is ok when author is ok with it - everything is wrong if she's not.


And I shudder at who might take some of the fics over. Anyone who doesn't respect authorship--I'm not sanguine of their talents. I don't want to see anyone complete Thirty Pieces other than you and Wade!

And yes, I'm glad to hear that BoS is not an abandoned fic!

It's hard. I have several problems. I feel I've grown as a writer, there are things I'm tied to in it I wouldn't do now, it's hard for me to read it over w/o cringing, I'm not as comfy as I was when I started it with Student/Teacher and Hermione being so young (it was my first HP fic, and back then I was under the spell of authors like Caeria and KazVL and Helga Von Nutwhimple.)

But it's my first and only longfic, and I don't want to leave it unfinished.


kribu October 29 2009, 23:28:22 UTC
I really do hope you'll finish BoS some day, if you find it in yourself to do so.

I've been avoiding reading it, just because at this point, I'd hate to get into a fic and not be able to finish it. (I can take that risk with ongoing WIPs, especially those recently updated, but it's harder to start reading something written longer ago and knowing it's in danger of ending up unfinished.) It sounds rather like my cup of tea though. *g*


harmony_bites October 29 2009, 23:31:34 UTC
I've been avoiding reading it, just because at this point, I'd hate to get into a fic and not be able to finish it

I understand--completely. I don't even try WIPs until they reach 40K and won't rec them on KIA unless they reach that, feel as if they're really, really worth reading even if never finished, and preferably are recently and constantly updating.

I've even given up reading updates of Pet Project and old favorite I fangirl hard. I'm waiting now for it to complete.

It sounds rather like my cup of tea though. *g*

LOL. It's 6th year Student/Teacher, following HBP canon, so I just bet it would be.


kribu October 29 2009, 22:44:43 UTC
I suppose I could go along with unauthorised sequels, provided that (a) it's very clearly marked as such and the original author and source of inspiration is noted, and (b) preferably, an attempt has been made to contact the author, and the author hasn't explicitly responded and said no. (Although I guess even without contacting the author, a "sequel" is more like a fanfic of fanfic anyway, and I don't think I'd have a problem with it really, with proper disclaimers in place. I probably wouldn't be very interested in reading it though ( ... )


harmony_bites October 29 2009, 22:50:53 UTC
(Although I guess even without contacting the author, a "sequel" is more like a fanfic of fanfic anyway, and I don't think I'd have a problem with it really, with proper disclaimers in place. I probably wouldn't be very interested in reading it though.)

I had several such stories written off my Trek stories. Almost always with permission. But in one case, the author didn't ask, and hell, I loved the story she wrote so much there was instant forgiveness, and I guess that softens my attitude toward doing that. But just picking up where I left off on a fic--that would feel like a terrible violation--the kind that, were it common, I certainly would never post a WIP again (I wouldn't any way--post a WIP for various writerly and fandom reasons--but I wouldn't have in the first place if I knew this was an accepted thing in the fandom)

I do understand the desire though, that wanting to know how a well-loved story would end

I'd dearly love to see Falling Further In completed--but if it's not done by KazVL, for me it wouldn't be completed. ( ... )


kribu October 29 2009, 22:59:11 UTC
I could only accept that I know how it really ends if it came from her.

Exactly! Which is - while I understand the desire to want to know the ending - why it simply wouldn't work anyway. It's not like it would really be a continuation of the original fic, no more than any post-DH fic is really a continuation of JKR's Harry Potter saga.

It would never be more than a fan's take on it, which would be different from the original author's version even if the original author provided the fan with extensive notes.


harmony_bites October 29 2009, 23:07:38 UTC
Also, think of style.

It's one thing for you or me or KazVL to write a story based on the HP world in our style. The work still has an integrity it's own. OUR take on it. But if someone tries to finish Falling Further In not KazVL--it would almost certainly be a trainwreck unless the person was just as talented as her and a gifted mimic.

Think of Round Robins. They rarely work. Often because there's a weak link, but also because of a clash of styles. I remember one on OWL--it included two of my favorite authors back then--SnarkyRoxy and Juliet. But the two of them had such wildly different styles and takes on Snape's character, that when one of them tacked on you could hear the squealing, wrenching sound as the train went off the rails.

I fangirl wonderfulwrites and bambu345 greatly. But imagine Wonderful finishing The Summoning and Bambu doing Walk Through Fire. Er... no, just no.


cosmiccoz October 29 2009, 23:09:53 UTC
What a horrible idea! Hm, I've never heard of Potter Place. But just imagine, "Seven Preposterous Things" is one of my favorite fics and a WIP. Only Bloodcult of Freud could write it, it's her work and I think it'd be a horrible idea to give authorship to some random person.

If the original author says "go ahead" that's fine, otherwise back off.

Are they really going ahead with this? It sounds so illogical.


harmony_bites October 29 2009, 23:15:45 UTC
Potter Place is a Yahoo group run by Southern Witch. You can find it here:


You have to be a member to read the posts though.

This never came up in my first fandom Trek--there it was unheard of to even use a device or distinct plot element from a fic w/o permission and credit. But this has come up periodically in SSHG. I don't know how serious this all is, but if it's come to compiling lists...


harmony_bites October 29 2009, 23:18:05 UTC
And as I said above to Kribu--think of just the clash of style. I admire Bloodcult greatly. I think she's one of the top authors in the ship. Tippy top. I'd say the same of Shiv, who actually betas her. Yet I couldn't think of Shiv completing 7PT, or Blood completing A Law Unto Herself.


cosmiccoz October 29 2009, 23:36:37 UTC
Oh no, it just sounds ridiculous and I'm sure the first person to "continue" someone's WIP will be sent to the fandom gallows.

I love Shiv too, and I would spend a week cleaning her flat of bedbugs if she would continue "A Law Unto Herself". . . but I would NEVER even think of writing the end of the story for her. Ugh. It's so disrespectful.

*chuckles* Yes, Shiv and Bloodcult have quite the different styles.

Will you continue monitoring this? I'm interested to see where this leads. . .


(The comment has been removed)

harmony_bites October 29 2009, 23:27:29 UTC
Is it under their auspices? I mean are the mods encouraging this? Or is it just that a member is suggesting it and saying she'd like to begin compiling a list?

I'm not a member of Potter Place, so I only know this from GinnyW's post and the comments and not by reading the thread.


kribu October 29 2009, 23:38:41 UTC
I've only skimmed the digests (I'm very much a lurker there) but it seems the mods are quite enthusiastic about the idea.

Although as far as I can tell, the idea is to just compile a list of fics people consider abandoned (i.e. not updated for a long while) and would love to see continued, and try and contact the authors to find out if (a) the fic is actually abandoned or if the author plans to continue, and (b) if the author would be OK with someone else taking over or not.

I don't think they've actively encouraged anyone to go out there continuing fics that haven't been updated for a while, without the author's permission. (And the issue of permission, and the need to try and contact the author first, is something that has been mentioned quite constantly.)


harmony_bites October 29 2009, 23:50:16 UTC
As I said, I'm getting this second hand really. If it's just to compile the list and ask permission--and the author is OK with it, than I think that's fine. But what I'd gathered from Ginny's post is that at least some are saying that if the author doesn't reply in a timely way, that's implied permission. That would worry me.


droxy October 29 2009, 23:51:32 UTC
I am interested in you updating book of shadows. I LOVE THAT FIC. I have been getting pinged on finishing up my never ending serial drabbles. However I was not aware folks were thinking of taking over fics.


harmony_bites October 29 2009, 23:56:06 UTC
Over on PP apparently. Not the first time it's come up though.

And awwwwww. I know you do Droxy. I can promise I am in the process of trying to continue it, although after all this time it's hard. I can't believe its been two years since my last update.


droxy October 29 2009, 23:59:26 UTC
Or Mine. Its been a long time since I took up She Waits and Things We Cannot Do. I think the last time I updated those was 2005?


harmony_bites October 30 2009, 00:14:01 UTC
I've seen years pass between updates though. KazVL had a two year hiatus between updates. A couple of SSHG fics got completed after a hiatus of *years* like Inevitable and Pride and Potions.

All the more reason why one shouldn't be able to just declare a fic "abandoned"


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