You’re My Everything

Jan 20, 2014 20:07

Title: You’re My Everything
Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo, kid!Sehun
Rating: R
Genre: fluff, romance, slice of life
Word Count: 6016
Warning: Tooooooo much fluff and some sexy times.
A/N: This was written for 2013 sncj-santa  for dutchess12534

“Soo! Where did you put the recipe for the triple chocolate truffle?” A voice calls out and Kyungsoo stops cutting the carrots and looks up in shock. The whereabouts of the recipe has totally slipped his mind and Junmyeon will kill him for that. He racks his brain for where he could have possibly left it but he comes up empty.

“I left it at home!” he yells back, knowing that Junmyeon is still going to chew him out but at least it gives him a few more days to find it.

When he hears a sound, he turns around and comes face to face with Junmyeon, who looks just as angry as Kyungsoo imagined. “Seriously, Kyungsoo, I can’t even trust you with a recipe?”

Kyungsoo winces at the disappointment lacing his friend’s voice and his eyes settle on the ground, where he won’t be faced with Junmyeon’s discontent. “I’ll bring it next time, I promise! I’m sorry hyung.”

Junmyeon sighs and he looks at Kyungsoo with pity, “You need a break Soo. You’ve become so careless and I can tell there’s a lot on your mind.” He reaches up to pat him on the shoulder but remembers that his hands have flour on them and so he settles with a sheepish smile that can hopefully convey his encouragement.

Kyungsoo grins back at his friend. He knows that his hyung is just worried about him, this was the third time he had forgotten something this week, and he had come late to work a few times as well.
Kyungsoo suddenly remembers the time, and he gasps when he looks up and sees that it is already 3:45. “Hyung! I’m late!” he yells and runs to wash his hands and pick up his bag.

“Wait Kyungsoo!” Junmyeon says but Kyungsoo is already at the door.

“I’ll come in early tomorrow,” he yells and closes the door behind him and he does not hear Junmyeon reminding him that he is still wearing his apron.

Kyungsoo barely has time to throw his bag in the back before he’s starting the car. He can’t believe he forgot about Sehun again. It takes him fifteen minutes, two stop signs crossed, and an argument before he finally pulls up at the daycare. He is about to run in, when he is pulled back suddenly, and he sees that his apron is stuck in the car handle. Kyungsoo sighs and takes a few steps back, to free himself by removing the apron.

Kyungsoo takes quick steps, and he maneuvers around the last few people lingering around. Just as he had known, Sehun is sitting alone on the ground with his head in his palms.

Kyungsoo bows and smiles apologetically at the teacher and makes his way towards his son. “Sehun,” he says softly and he gets a big smile in response.


“Sorry, I’m late,” Kyungsoo says and bends down to pick him up. Sehun quickly wraps his little arms around Kyungsoo’s neck and he leaves a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

“It’s okay,” he says, “I had fun.”

The whole way home Kyungsoo feels bad for forgetting about Sehun, until, he sees Sehun’s excited face when he realizes that it’s bath time. Kyungsoo barely has time to remove his clothes and the little boy is running quickly towards the bathtub. “Appa! Quickly!” He giggles when Kyungsoo picks him up to place him inside. It’s so easy to give Sehun baths and Kyungsoo is thankful, all he needs to do is give Sehun his little ducky and he forgets about everything else.

“Together?” Sehun asks while pouting, and Kyungsoo pulls on Sehun’s cheeks.

“Fine,” he sighs exasperatedly, how can he refuse such a cute pouting face.

When they are done, Sehun looks really comfortable in his pyjamas - it’s a cute set of long pants and a long sleeve shirt with little teddy bears - as he cuddles his Pororo doll on the couch.

“You can’t sleep yet, baby. We have to eat when Appa comes home.” Kyungsoo quickly grabs the coloring book and places it in front of him. “Can you color while I make dinner?”

Sehun nods and slides down onto the ground, and picks up the coloring pencils.

Even though he is exhausted, Kyungsoo quickly makes dinner. He knows he can’t be lazy when it comes to that because he has two other mouths to feed. Just as he is placing the last plate on the table, he hears the front door open.

“Appa!” Sehun yells and Kyungsoo can hear small little thuds against the ground until Jongin picks him up.

“Hi little guy, did you have fun today?”

“Yes!” Sehun says and claps, “we colored, but Tao stole my blue pencil crayon, he’s a meanie.”

“It’s not stealing Sehun; you have to share the crayon, okay baby?”

He grins when Sehun pouts but nods nonetheless, and Kyungsoo finds himself beaming when Jongin turns the corner.

“Come eat, food’s ready.”

Jongin places Sehun in his seat and walks around the table to hug Kyungsoo, “mhhm smells good.”

“My food always smells good,” Kyungsoo retorts and squirms uncomfortably when Jongin nuzzles his neck.

“I was talking about you,” Jongin says and they hear giggling so they turn around and see Sehun laughing behind his hands. When Jongin gets clingy, it becomes hard to get rid of him. Kyungsoo needs to poke him relentlessly, until Jongin just squirms away and leaves to wash his hands before eating.

Sehun talks throughout dinner, telling them about every single detail of his day - including his naptime, then they sit down to watch television and Sehun falls asleep on Jongin’s lap. The television light playing shadows on his face. It makes Kyungsoo want to lean over and protect him. When Jongin returns from tucking Sehun in, Kyungsoo snuggles closer to him and he falls asleep to the sensation of Jongin threading gentle fingers through his hair.

Kyungsoo wakes up the next morning and he sits up in alarm. His heart is beating frantically, and it takes his brain a few more seconds to catch up to him. He looks at the time and almost panics before he realizes that he has woken up half an hour before his alarm had to go.

He sighs and flops back down and blinks wearily. He’s still groggy and tired, and he feels bad for falling asleep on Jongin; he feels bad for always making the latter carry him to bed.
There’s rustling next to him, and arms and warmth suddenly engulf him.

“Morning, love,” Jongin mutters and Kyungsoo rolls over to hug him better. Jongin is so warm and cute in the mornings. His hair is always disheveled because he never stops moving even in his sleep.

“I’m sorry for falling asleep,” he says quickly, “we barely see each other.”

Jongin grunts and tightens his arms around Kyungsoo, “How many times do I have to say that it’s okay? If you’re tired then you shouldn’t force yourself to stay up. And you’re just the cutest when you fall asleep like that.”

Kyungsoo blushes and hides his face in Jongin’s chest and he mutters something that Jongin can’t decipher so he laughs out loud and tickles Kyungsoo until he wriggles his face away from his face. Kyungsoo and Sehun are really ticklish, so Jongin knows it’s the best way to attack.

“I wish I could go back to sleep right now,” Kyungsoo says and his eyes are already starting to close.

“Wait, I want to show you something.”

Kyungsoo opens one eye and squints; Jongin leans over and looks for something in the drawers in the bedside table. Jongin exclaims happily when his hand reaches it and he rolls back to get closer.
He looks at what Jongin is holding and he furrows his eyebrows. It’s a white envelope with a blue squiggly line going all the way through.

“Open it,” Jongin says and he holds the envelope out for him. Kyungsoo takes it and opens the envelope, he doesn’t know what to expect but Jongin is just looking at him with the biggest grin on his face.

He pulls out what’s inside, and he gasps as he stares at it in disbelief. His eyes quickly revert to Jongin, and then back to what is in his hands just to be certain that it is still there.

“Am I still sleeping?” Kyungsoo asks in awe and astonishment and Jongin chuckles and pulls Kyungsoo back into his arms. Jongin could feel his heartbeat beating erratically against his chest.

“No.” Jongin leans down and kisses Kyungsoo’s forehead, both his cheeks, his nose, and then his lips. “Pack your bags, ‘cause we’re going on vacation!”

Kyungsoo screams in delight and he jumps onto Jongin; they are both laughing so hard they don’t hear the little thuds until Sehun is running into their room and trying to climb up the bed.

Jongin twists and lifts him up with one arm when the boy yells, “Appa!”

“Jongin…how - what - I mean…” Kyungsoo splutters in confusion when he finally calms down and he suddenly feels tired again; the post-effects of adrenalin settling in.

“I spoke with Junmyeon and he said it’s okay, and I passed by Sehun’s daycare yesterday to fill in the paperwork. You’ve been working too hard, and I barely have time to be with Sehun lately. Let’s have some bonding time, yeah?”

Kyungsoo almost wants to cry because he has the most amazing husband and he feels lucky to have met him. If someone told him six years ago that he would marry with someone as amazing as Jongin, Kyungsoo would have probably laughed in their face. Nevertheless, here he is with a wonderful man and the cutest son, and he would never change it for the world.

Kyungsoo’s next week passes in a blur; he comes back from work and gets things ready for their vacation. Kyungsoo knows exactly what to pack for France, after years of diligent research and fantasies, it would be weird if he did not. He knew he was going to France one day, but he thought it would be in 20 or 30 years, not so soon. They never travelled with Sehun before, so Kyungsoo hopes that Sehun does not have a reaction or feels uncomfortable on the plane.

When Friday comes around, Kyungsoo has jittery feelings and he feels like there are at least a thousand butterflies in his stomach. He almost does not even believe it when they arrive at the airport and they check in their bags.
He looks at Jongin and smiles when he feels the latter’s hands slip into his.


“I still feel like I’m dreaming, I don’t think I’ll believe this until we finally set foot in France.” Kyungsoo looks towards Sehun who has Junmyeon busy by running around. “Sehun is very excited too, he’s really missed just playing around with us.” When Kyungsoo looks back at Jongin, he sees pure adoration in his eyes and he’s flabbergasted. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks and he feels his cheeks warm up as he flushes.

“This break is for you to relax, stop thinking about everyone and everything,” he answers and he reaches over to caress Kyungsoo’s cheeks lovingly. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Kyungsoo responds sincerely. He looks around just slightly wary about the reactions others might give them. It seems that no one is paying too much attention, a few people give them double takes but that’s as bad as it gets.

Kyungsoo is jittery the whole flight there, his excitement evident on his face. Even Sehun gets too exhausted from the long flight and goes to sleep. Kyungsoo can remember the first day he got his desire to go to France. He was watching a show on television, trying to get more recipe ideas when they showed a segment on French Patisserie. Kyungsoo was ready to pack his bags and leave right there and then but his parents put their foot down and told him to finish school first. A warm hand sneaks onto his thighs, squeezes, and Kyungsoo looks over and glares at Jongin. Jongin is slumped in his seat, his eyes half-mast making it obvious that he just woke up.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he whispers.

“Entertaining myself,” Jongin says with a lilt at the end, making it sound like a question.

Kyungsoo slides his hand under Jongin’s and holds tightly and he says in a determined voice, “this is the most you get to touch on this flight.”

He hears whining and laughs teasingly, “sometimes I think even Sehun is more mature than you.” He looks over to find Jongin pouting his lips out demanding a kiss. Unable to resist the cute face he leans over to give him a peck on the lips. “There. Now go to sleep, you baby.”

Kyungsoo soon falls asleep and he wakes up with a start when he is shaken. “Wake up sleepy head.” He whines, and mumbles five more minutes while wondering why his neck and back are so stiff. Then, he is assaulted with kisses all over his face and Sehun’s whining about cooties. He suddenly remembers where he is and he sits up gasping.

“Jongin, oh my god. We landed - I’m in France. Oh my god,” he stops blabbering and breathes in calmly when Sehun starts looking at him like he’s going to start crying soon. “Daddy’s okay, baby. I’m just very happy.” He opens his arms wide, and Sehun shuffles into them. They stay like that until Jongin finishes pulling out their carry-ons from the overhead and it is time to get off. They’re only here for five days, and Kyungsoo will make it worth it.

“Bienvenus à Paris, et je vous souhaite de bonne vacances.”

“She’s speaking in French,” Kyungsoo giggles and whispers to Jongin, who just smiles at him endearingly.

. . .

The hotel they have booked is amazing. Kyungsoo just looks at everything in awe, with big inquiring eyes. Jongin has to pull him by the arm a couple of times because he stands and just stares at everything. Their room is big, two bedrooms and a beautiful bathroom. Kyungsoo looks at the Jacuzzi tub and he knows he is just ready to forget about everything and lay in there for hours.

It is already nine in the evening, and all three are exhausted and jetlagged. Jongin volunteers to wash with Sehun but Kyungsoo ends up following them to the bathroom and pulling a stool over. He lathers Sehun’s hair with shampoo, as Jongin distracts him by going under water, then coming back up and scaring him. Sehun laughs and flaps water at the monster who just throws water back. Kyungsoo ends up soaked anyways and lured into the tub so that they can all wash and play together.

The next day, the hotel staff knocks on the door around eleven, explaining that the day care has started. Kyungsoo looks at Jongin in confusion until he explains that he arranged for Sehun to be joining the day care on the first day.

Sehun pouts and his eyes water, Kyungsoo thinks he will start crying but he doesn’t.

“Are you not happy? You get to play with other kids,” Kyungsoo coos, his heart feeling heavy and unsettled.

Sehun just shakes his head, “Appa Jong, told me about it on the plane. But I don’t want to go without you.” His voice cracks and he actually starts to cry, Kyungsoo gathers him in his arms and tucks his face into his chest.

“You don’t have to, baby.”

Sehun finally relents with the promise to go to the beach the next day.

Jongin takes Kyungsoo around town. Visiting all the famous bakeries and eating at the finest restaurants. Kyungsoo feels like he is living a dream. He takes a picture of everything, even the cracks on the sidewalks and the people passing by. Jongin teases him about being too obsessed but then happily kisses Kyungsoo’s pout away.

Even though Kyungsoo is glad for the little time, he has to relax and not worry about things. He was thinking about Sehun all day. It just felt weird not knowing exactly where he was at what times. So, for the second day, they decide to have a fun day together and they go to the beach.

Sehun squeals as soon as he sees the water and he starts running. Jongin quickly goes after him and carries him back with one arm. “We almost lost the little one,” he says teasingly and pokes Sehun in the stomach.

“Appa! I want to play in the water,” he squirms impatiently and Jongin puts him down.

“Not until, you wear your swim trunks,” Kyungsoo chastises and Sehun quickly unbuttons his pants making Jongin laugh. “Don’t laugh. He’s obviously learned some bad habits from you,” Kyungsoo reprimands but Jongin sees the smirk on his face. Jongin tugs off Sehun’s shirt, and Sehun is left in nothing but his swim trunks. They quickly apply the sunscreen until he is fully covered.

He starts running towards the water again and Jongin groans, “I guess that’s my cue.” Soon both Sehun and Jongin are in the water, Kyungsoo folds the clothes before he joins them. Sehun screams every time a wave comes towards the shore. Jongin and Kyungsoo hold an arm each and lift him so that he does not drown. Sehun splashes them with the water, when it is calm and he picks out seashells, showing his parents what he caught on his hunt. They leave the water only when their skin becomes wrinkly from the water and Sehun whines about it until they bribe him with ice cream.

They then build sand castles, seeing who can build the biggest one the fastest. Of course, Sehun wins and Jongin loses. Sehun decides that as punishment, they should bury Jongin in the sand. He giggles and laughs as he piles sand on Jongin but then complains about him being too big when he gets tired.

By the end of the day, they are completely drained and ready to sleep. Kyungsoo had forgotten to put sunscreen resulting in raw and painful shoulders and back.

They let Sehun pick the pyjamas he wants to wear - he goes with the Pororo ones - and they start tucking him into bed.

“Did you have fun today?” Kyungsoo asks as he runs his hand through Sehun’s hair, hoping it makes him fall asleep quicker.

Sehun nods and nuzzles his teddy bear, “a lot! But Appa, what does ‘Fuck’ mean?”

Kyungsoo gasps and stares at Sehun incredulously and Jongin bursts out laughing. “Sehun! Where did you hear that?” Kyungsoo asks, trying to remain calm. Sehun just looks at them innocently, ready to fall asleep at any time.

“Don’t say that word, baby. It’s a bad word,” Jongin says, bending down to give him a kiss.

“Okay,” he mumbles quietly, and his eyes fall close as he falls asleep.

Kyungsoo can barely keep his eyes open as he shuffles to their own room. He takes a quick shower, pulls on sleeping pants and he falls face first into the bed. The bed is so comfortable, Kyungsoo thinks he could spend the rest of the holiday just lying in it. He hears Jongin walking around the room after his shower, but he is too drowsy to say anything, even though he really just wants him in bed with him.

Jongin comes over and taps Kyungsoo, “come on baby. I need to put cream on your back before it gets worse.”


Jongin pokes him and Kyungsoo squirms, wincing when his skin pulls. He relents as the pain fades and he lays down so that Jongin can reach everything. He sighs when Jongin runs his hand on his back and shoulder with the cream and the effects are instantaneous. When Jongin finishes he bends down and kisses Kyungsoo in the middle of his back. “Next time, make sure to remember about yourself when putting sunscreen.” Kyungsoo groans, not in the mood for a lecture, he shifts so that he lays on his side, facing Jongin.

“Tired?” Jongin asks as he gets into bed and Kyungsoo nods, moving closer so that he can nuzzle his own teddy bear.

“It’s worth it,” Kyungsoo says and Jongin wraps his arms tight around him.

He leans forward, kissing his nose. “Your nose is so cute when it’s red like that,” he says as he reaches for the cream again. “Too bad I have to make it go away.”

Kyungsoo laughs and says, “You’re crazy.”

“Crazy in love.”

. . .

The next morning Kyungsoo is too tired to get up. Jongin pokes and prods but he stubbornly ignores him. Even moving away to shove his own head under the pillow.

“Leave me alone,” he wails but he knows Jongin will not relent when he feels him shift around the bed.

“Are you sure you want me to do that?” Jongin’s voice comes out muffled and Kyungsoo is confused until he feels hands on his thighs.

“Oh no. Jongi - ah,” he moaned when Jongin palms him through his pants. He is suddenly awake and well aware. Jongin chuckles and peels his pants off leaving him completely bare. Heat coils in his groin and his cheeks flush.

“Sehun will hear,” he says, his voice not as strong as he had hoped.

“You’ll just have to keep quiet, baby. It’s not like we’ve never had to.” Jongin finishes with a kiss on his knee, and he kisses him all the way up. He reaches his thighs, pushing them open wider and Kyungsoo shudders as Jongin sucks a bruise into his thigh and then bites it.

Kyungsoo feels his cock twitch, and he bucks up, whimpering when he does not achieve any friction.

“Patience, love,” Jongin teases and Kyungsoo would glare at him if he wasn’t too desperate for a touch.

Jongin holds his cock, breathing down on it, making Kyungsoo whimper. “Jongin, p-please.”

Jongin looks right at Kyungsoo and licks him from the base to the tip, smirking when Kyungsoo trembles under him. His tongues peeks out teasingly, and he presses it into the tip, relishing in she shudder that wracks through Kyungsoo’s body.

“More?” he teases.

“I will hurt you, if you don -” he moans loudly when Jongin wraps his lips around the head and sucks. Out of desperation, Kyungsoo grabs the pillow, and whimpers into it in order to muffle his voice. Jongin sucks him down further and back up, licking around the tip before dipping his tongue inside to taste the precome.

“You make the cutest sounds,” Jongin says, the lust evident in his eyes. He swallows him back in, pulling out more sounds from Kyungsoo with tender caresses on his thighs.

Kyungsoo is hot and heavy in his mouth, Jongin settles on quick bobs, setting up a rhythm that has Kyungsoo exhaling his name brokenly.

He goes back to sucking on the tip, wriggling his tongue around it, before trying again. This time he relaxes his throat and takes him all in, resulting in a loud moan from Kyungsoo who bucks up into the heat.
Jongin holds his hips down and pulls away, making Kyungsoo almost sob.

“I was so close,” Kyungsoo sounds wrecked. His hand slithering slowly down his body until Jongin swats it away.

Jongin licks his erection, and wraps his index and thumb around the base. Kyungsoo bucks up impatiently and he lets out a sob. Jongin kisses his thighs, loving the whimpers he is able to pull out of his lover, when he takes him back in, his lips meet his fingers and he releases him as he moans around the tip.

Kyungsoo opens his mouth to give Jongin a warning but he is only able to wail as he comes down Jongin’s throat. Jongin swallows it all, and pulls back to sit on his hinges. Kyungsoo looks at him, his pupils blown and his breathing erratic. Jongin wipes away the cum trickling down his chin and he sucks on his thumb, making Kyungsoo whine but the subtle cock twitch does not evade him.

He crawls on top of Kyungsoo, leaning down to kiss him. Kyungsoo sucks his bottom lip and bites into it. Too dishevelled and still coming down from his high to say anything. Jongin grinds down onto his thigh, making Kyungsoo aware of just how hard he is. “My turn?” he asks.

“Appa!” they hear Sehun scream and Kyungsoo sits up, pushing Jongin off, before getting off the bed.

“Duty calls,” he says in response to Jongin’s flabbergasted expression, as he pulls on pants. He hears Jongin sputter and wail “are you serious?” before he closes the door and giggles. That’s what he gets for torturing him all morning.

Sehun had woken up because of a nightmare and had panicked when he was in an unfamiliar room. Kyungsoo had to tell him a story and colour with him in his coloring book before he was ready to leave bed.

They get dressed quickly, and have breakfast at the hotel before heading out for sightseeing. The first stop is the Eiffel Tower, which Kyungsoo finds out is called tour eiffle. Sehun does not pay it much attention until they start to take funny pictures as if they are pushing it over or holding it in their palms. They sit down and watch Sehun as he runs around after birds and plays with pets.

They soon start to head over to Louvre Museum, knowing that they could not leave before seeing that. It is even more beautiful live compared to the pictures, and Kyungsoo is awed. They walk around every wing, and finish at the Louvre pyramid where they take more pictures.

Jongin’s stomach grumbles so they stop by to eat before heading over to Champs-Elysées. Kyungsoo takes about a billion more pictures even though they do not walk down the whole street because Sehun is starting to get tired. He tugs on Jongin’s hand, until Jongin concedes and carries him.

By the time, they get back to the hotel; Sehun is completely drained and fast asleep. He was excited all day and it was hard to keep him under control.

Jongin laughs when Kyungsoo crawls into bed again. “We came here to relax but you just seem more exhausted.”

Kyungsoo smiles, the kind of smile that made Jongin fall in love with him seven years ago. “I’ve never been happier.”

. . .

The fourth day, they decide to do something exclusively for Sehun. He kept himself entertained while sightseeing but it was definitely not his favourite pastime. They take him to the amusement park, and Sehun squeals when they get close enough and he can the big rides.

“I want to ride that one, Appa!” he says and tugs on Jongin’s hand as he bounces on his seat.

Jongin holds his hand, “this one is too big. It makes Appa scared. We’ll go on something smaller okay?”

Sehun laughs and he looks at Kyungsoo before looking back at Jongin. “Okay, just for Appa.”

The first thing they do is go into one of the shops. Sehun saw other kids with headbands and he got jealous. Unfortunately, they do not find a Pororo one, so they settle on a Micky Mouse headband. They also buy him a balloon, the kind he can tie around his wrist, just so that they could keep a better eye on him.

The first ride Sehun goes on is for kids.

“Appa! I want you to come on with me.”

“I can’t baby, maybe the next one.”

Sehun sits in the car and acts like he is driving it, he adds sound effects that speed up along with the ride. He squeals in delight and waves at them. Jongin gives Kyungsoo a back hug and settles his head on his shoulder as they wave back.

Sehun’s laughter like music to their ears. When he gets off, he runs towards them and hugs Kyungsoo around his thighs.

“Again! Again!”

They surrender and stand back in the long line, just so that he can try his ride again. Sehun goes on every ride at least twice. Three times if his parents were allowed on with him.

He looks up at the big ride he said he wanted to go on in the car, and his eyes widen when he sees how big it truly is. “Sehun is scared too,” he states to Jongin, trying to make his dad feel better. It isn’t until he starts to grow dizzy that they stop to eat and head back to the hotel.

They flip through the television, until they find cartoons Sehun can watch. He laughs when the laughing effects come on or when Jongin or Kyungsoo do. When his eyes start to flutter, they carry him to bed. Sehun snuggles into Jongin’s arms and unwillingly lets go when he puts him down.

The first thing Kyungsoo says when he gets in bed, emotion laced in his voice is, “I feel like he grows up so fast.” The thought heavy on his mind all day.

“I do too. I regret missing so many moments because I can’t be there.”

Kyungsoo knows how awful Jongin feels, having a full time job that requires a lot of his time. He comes home late sometimes, after Sehun is asleep. On those nights, Kyungsoo finds Jongin in Sehun’s room, just staring at him as he sleeps.

Kyungsoo caresses Jongin’s face, passing his finger over his furrowed eyebrows until Jongin smiles lovingly. He tugs Jongin forward and kisses him tenderly. “You are an amazing father who has done everything he could. Don’t blame yourself for trying your best to raise him well.”

Jongin kisses him harder, until they are both breathless. Pressing his mouth insistently, and licking into Kyungsoo’s mouth, savouring his moans. They pull back when the door creaks open and they hear the telltale thuds of their six year old.

“I had a nightmare,” he sniffles and walks closer until Jongin can tug him into bed with them. They usually try to avoid letting him sleep in their bed, knowing that it might turn into an everyday occurrence, but tonight they tuck him in between them and tell him stories until they all fall asleep.

. . .

Instead of going out on the fifth day, they settle on spending the whole day inside. Just to relax before the flight back and to spend more time together.

Jongin had mentioned that they did not necessarily need to go out. This was meant as a vacation for them to spend quality time together.

They send Sehun to the day care for an hour, just to be able to pack the bags without worry. This time he goes without a fight, knowing what awaits him is just more fun time. When he comes back, he rambles about his hour as if it was a whole day.

Jongin pulls out the coloring book, opening it on a new page so that this is just for him and Sehun and they color it all until there isn't a single white spot, unless intended. Sehun feels accomplished and Jongin convinces him that they need to sign it because it is a masterpiece. Of course, he brags about it to Kyungsoo, who just kisses him because Jongin is so cute when he is excited.

They then eat before opening up a new board game. Sehun huffs when he sees that it is just a puzzle but he stops complaining when he finds out it is a Pororo one.

He shrieks and takes control, explaining to Jongin and Kyungsoo that no the yellow is the hat. They take it in stride and ask him questions, just to make sure they are putting the pieces in the right spot. The puzzle takes them two hours at Sehun's pace but it still feels like it has passed quickly. Sehun demands that he takes a picture with the puzzle, running to his room and grabbing his Pororo teddy bear for the picture.

"What should we do now?" Jongin asks, just in case Sehun has something in mind.

"Sleep?" Sehun asks behind a yawn but Kyungsoo and Jongin look at each other in alarm. If Sehun sleeps now, there is no way he will be able to sleep on the plane.

"Sleep?" Jongin repeats, "But I don't want to." He yells and puts his hands in front of him, grinning mischievously and expectantly at Sehun. Sehun screams and runs, "Appa! Appa!" He yells and hides behind the couch as if Jongin will not be able to reach him there.

When Jongin runs after him, he screams again and runs towards a laughing Kyungsoo before hiding behind his legs. “It’s the tickle monster,” Sehun declares breathlessly, his hands tightening around Kyungsoo’s thighs.

Kyungsoo takes a defensive stance, protecting Sehun, resulting in a happy shriek. Until Jongin catches him and tickles him and Kyungsoo until they cannot breathe.

They then know that it is Bath time. Sehun takes it alone this time, Jongin washing his hair and body while Kyungsoo watches a show on TV.

“We’re going back home tomorrow, little guy,” Jongin announces as he lays him down in bed, Sehun looks unhappy.

“I don’t want to. I had fun here!” He crosses his arm on his torso, but then uncrosses them to hug his teddy bear.

Jongin smiles down at him, “we’ll have even more fun back home. We’ll play every day.” Jongin decides that it is time for him to stop missing any days, because even the small details are important.

“We love you, baby,” Kyungsoo coos. Resulting in a yell of, “I love you more!”

They do not tell him that it is impossible for him to love them more. They kiss Sehun goodnight and tuck him in before heading to their own room.

"Shower together?" Kyungsoo asks and Jongin removes his clothes quickly, and steps in under the showerhead. As usual, they both argue about the water temperature, even though they know that at the end they will settle for warm.

Kyungsoo wraps his arms around Jongin and kisses his neck. Jongin warns him not to leave any marks, so Kyungsoo sucks his clavicles instead.

"I love you so much," he says before leaning up to kiss him on the lips. Jongin kisses him back hotly, showing him just how much he loves him. His hands lingering on Kyungsoo’s plump ass, kneading them.

He grinds onto Kyungsoo’s thigh, hoping for some friction and Kyungsoo moans when he feels how hard he is. He moves down to suck a nipple into his mouth, making Jongin arc beautifully towards him, panting breathlessly. His chest is flushed, and his eyes are full of lust and arousal.

Jongin spreads his cheeks and fingers the rim, feeling it flutter under his touch, giving way under his prodding finger. Kyungsoo almost loses the strength in his legs and clings on tighter. They make it to bed a few hours later, completely sated and tired.

"We spent so much money on this trip," Kyungsoo says, feeling the stress catching up on him in advance.

"Not really," Jongin answers. "The tickets and hotel were paid for by the company because of the raise. We only spent how much we would've back in Korea." He kisses Kyungsoo behind his ear, kissing down his neck and his shoulders. His arms tighten around Kyungsoo’s waist, hands splayed on his stomach. "I'm just sad we didn't have enough time to do everything you wanted here."

"There is no other way I would've spent these five days,” Kyungsoo sighs happily, and then adds, “We should come back one day when Sehun is a bit older."

Jongin agrees quickly, "There's so much we’d be able to do then."

Kyungsoo groans, "You pervert, can you ever think of anything else?"

"No." Jongin answer truthfully and they both laugh. The five days passed by in a blur, but Kyungsoo knows that even though this vacation was perfect, it was due to the two other boys that complete his life.

A/N: this is something I would usually never write, so I'm really thankful for the opportunity to write it, it was so much fun! :)

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length: oneshot, rating: r, genre: fluff, pairing: kaisoo, genre: romance

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