What Goes Around (Comes Around)

Jun 09, 2014 20:12

Title: What Goes Around (Comes Around)
Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Genre: romance, some heated moments
Rating: R
Word Count: 1283
Summary: Chanyeol doesn't appreciate the attention Baekhyun is giving Jongdae, he takes matters into his own hands

A/N: written for pcyxbbh. Got a sudden urge to write this after reading the prompt.

Chanyeol sighs for the tenth time in a row. He is at a small restaurant near his high school with Baekhyun and Jongdae, and his two friends were too focused on their conversation to realize that Chanyeol wasn’t participating. He picks up his chopsticks and pushes his leftover food around, wishing for Baekhyun to give him even a bit of attention. Both boys were at the beginning of a blooming relationship, but this is definitely not the way Chanyeol imagined it to be. Baekhyun was supposed to be attached to his hip and not Jongdae’s.

He had this conversation with Baekhyun before, but the latter kept insisting that Jongdae did not have any feelings for him. Chanyeol could see it though, even if Jongdae never said anything. Jongdae always wanted Baekhyun’s attention; he laughed at all of his jokes and insisted they hang out every day.

Jongdae laughs then, his high-pitched laugh, which currently, Chanyeol finds annoying instead of endearing. He watches as Jongdae hits Baekhyun’s arm playfully, and as Baekhyun pouts and rubs his arm into Jongdae’s with a whine. He sighs again, jealousy running through his veins and pumping into his heart. Baekhyun looks at him then, with a glint in his eyes, and Chanyeol knows that the smaller boy understands exactly what he’s doing.

“Chanyeol, are you feeling okay?” Jongdae then asks, making Chanyeol look up from his bowl.

“Yeah, why?” he answers, trying to keep his voice even, but it comes out uninterested. He glances at Baekhyun, and their eyes meet. Baekhyun just smirks at him.

Jongdae shrugs then, “you’re never this quiet.” He wraps his arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder, sending him a smirk and a wink. “Don’t worry I’ll entertain Baekhyunie.” Chanyeol balls his hands into a fist, trying not to punch his best friend in the face for 1) touching his boyfriend, and 2) using his nickname for his boyfriend.

They finish eating soon after, Jongdae excusing himself early to make it to his vocal lessons. Baekhyun remains quiet until they leave the restaurant. As soon as they step out, he slips his hand into Chanyeol’s and grins at him.

“I can’t believe this,” he starts.

“Believe what?” Chanyeol grunts, he’s not in the mood for Baekhyun’s playful banter.

Baekhyun knowing this just laughs even louder, “you’re jealous of Jongdae? Honestly, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol let’s go of Baekhyun’s hand, pride hurt. Baekhyun’s smile slips off, he grabs Chanyeol’s hand, holding it strongly in his hand so that Chanyeol can’t let go again. Baekhyun pouts up at him, the same pout he gave Jongdae earlier. This makes Chanyeol even grumpier, and he scowls at his boyfriend. The pout becomes hard for him to resist, Baekhyun looks really cute, and his lips are red from straining them for too long.

“Stop pouting,” Chanyeol orders, but Baekhyun just shakes his head obstinately.

Baekhyun keeps pouting until Chanyeol leans down and kisses him, unable to resist him any longer. He gives him a quick kiss on his lips, efficiently wiping off the pout, leaving instead a blinding smile.

“Don’t be jealous of Jongdae,” Baekhyun reasons, “You’re the one I’m dating.”

“Well maybe you’re dating the wrong best friend! Maybe you should’ve dated him instead.”

Baekhyun just laughs and states, “Maybe.” Leaving a flabbergasted Chanyeol behind as he walks ahead.

The words sting and cause anger to flare up in him. “Yah!” Chanyeol yells, running to catch up to him. He wraps his hand around Baekhyun’s wrist, making him squeal in shock and drags him into a small alleyway between a bakery and a coffee shop, away from prying eyes.

He then pushes Baekhyun until his back hits the wall and traps him between his arms.

Baekhyun glares at him. “Park Chanyeol,” he seethes, “the wall is dirty! How dare you push me against a filthy wall?”

“Shut up,” Chanyeol says before he leans down, and kisses his words away. Chanyeol’s blood pumps into his heart, his senses on overdrive, as he hears the cars drive past, and the chattering of other teens heading back home. Chanyeol reverts his attention back to Baekhyun, when a small moan escapes him. He moves his hand, holding onto his hips with a bruising grip, attempting to hold back the urge to wreck Baekhyun in an alleyway.

He slides his tongue across Baekhyun’s chapped lips, a silent demand for him to open them. Baekhyun stubbornly keeps his mouth closed, and rolls his hips up into his. Chanyeol pushes a leg between Baekhyun’s, forcing his legs open, and thrusts his thigh into Baekhyun’s hardening cock, resulting in a loud gasp. Chanyeol chuckles into his kiss, finally able to traces his tongue over his teeth, tasting the noodles Baekhyun had for lunch with a hint of peppermint. He flicks his tongue over Baekhyun’s, sucking it into his own mouth. His own cock throbs at the moans leaving Baekhyun’s mouth, dirty and loud. He slides his hands down, grabbing Baekhyun’s ass, while grinding his thigh up again. Baekhyun whimpers, his hands grabbing Chanyeol’s clothes, and pulling him even closer, trying to get more friction onto his cock.

He slides his hand lower, rubbing his hand against Baekhyun’s cock, giving it the attention Baekhyun wants. Pulling down Baekhyun’s zipper, he slides his hand into the elastic of his boxers and teases him. When Baekhyun begins to grind down onto his thigh in tandem, Chanyeol pulls back. Leaning his hands on the wall on either side of Baekhyun to support his weight. Their breathing is ragged, coming out in quick puffs as they try to regulate their breathing.

“Chanyeol…” Baekhyun mutters breathless.

“Jongdae could help you deal with it,” Chanyeol says, leaning down and nibbling on Baekhyun’s swollen bottom lip, “Maybe.”

He leans away from the wall, his mind reeling. There’s a sudden urge to get back into Baekhyun’s arms, hear his moans and whimpers as he slides his hand into his pants to help him deal with his hard-on. But that would ruin the message Chanyeol is trying to convey to his dense boyfriend. He flicks his eyes down, eyeing the strain in Baekhyun’s pants, before smirking at his debauched boyfriend and walking away.

He hears Baekhyun sputter indignantly for a few seconds before he screams, “Park Chanyeol!”

When Chanyeol arrives home, he is relieved to see that no one is home. He pulls his shirt off as he walks towards his bedroom, throwing it at his bed, and stepping out of his pants and boxers. He is in need of a cold shower, to help him think straight. He knows that Baekhyun is joking, but he is unable to control his jealousy.

He hears his phone’s ringtone indicating that he received a new message, he towels off his hair as he reaches for it. To his surprise, there are six messages:

From Jongdae:
Did you guys do the dirty? Baekhyun knew that riling you up would make you want to fuck him into tomorrow. I hope he can still walk. We were joking, we love you~ :3

From Baekhyunie <3:
You fucker

From Baekhyunie <3:
I will rip you a new one

From Baekhyunie <3:

From Jongdae:
Oh shit, you messed up big time bro

From Jongdae:
Why is Baekhyun at my house asking me to help him ‘deal with it’?

Chanyeol groans, this was not how his day was supposed to end. He send a quick message to Jongdae before crawling into bed and taking a nap. Baekhyun will probably find him at night, and demanding to be taken care of, it will take at least a few rounds before he’ll be sated.

To Jongdae:
You touch him i  kill you

A/N I know you wanted fluff, idk how this happened >.<

rating: r, length: drabble, pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol, genre: romance

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