Fallen Angel by baskey

Mar 25, 2007 12:56

Title: Fallen Angel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,840 words.
Cover: #2

Summary: Sometimes you are honoured with the finding of a long time lost treasure in the most unexpected time and place.

Notes: My most profuse and heartfelt thanks to ladydey for agreeing to do such hurried beta duty for this story, and to teot for roping her in to do so. Ladies, you are ( Read more... )

cover two

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Comments 40

ficchica March 25 2007, 20:34:28 UTC
Ooh lovely story. I like Pirate Clark.


Thanks! ficchica March 25 2007, 21:11:54 UTC
Yeah, it is certainly suggestive, isn´t it? I was perusing the covers when first I joined this challenge and the idea of Pirate!Clark simply pounced on me. The appeal of such careless lifestyle combined with the pure sex-appeal of Kal was too much to resist! I am very happy you liked the story. Thanks for commenting.


danceswithgary March 25 2007, 21:51:03 UTC
Interesting choice, Pirate Kal. The back story sounds intriguing. :-D


Thanks, again! danceswithgary March 25 2007, 22:11:54 UTC
The cover just screamed Pirate!Clark to me and so I obliged. Thanks for comment. I have a possible sequel flying around in my mind where some of that back story would be explained but I do not know if ultimately I will write it.


rosy5000 March 26 2007, 03:56:18 UTC
This was fun to read. Love Pirate Clark/Kal.


Thanks! rosy5000 March 26 2007, 10:05:45 UTC
I am very happy you enjoyed this story. I fell in love with Pirate!Clark/Kal idea, too. It was love at first (second, really) cover. Thanks for comment!


anonymous March 26 2007, 06:50:14 UTC
I still enjoyed this very much - I'm glad that my beta helped.

I always liked how you alluded to the Red!K - since there was no way that Lex or Clark could actually know that it was the red stone in the ring that changed Clark's personality. That was really good and subtle writing. You also did a really nice job describing the pirate attack and Lex's reaction thereto.

All in all I'm glad that I could help and I really liked your story. Welcome to the fandom...


Thank you so much! anonymous March 26 2007, 11:12:32 UTC
Hi, I am truly excited at seeing you commenting here! And your praise is most welcome. When I was writing that scene with Lex noticing the ring in Clark´s middle finger I was really more focused on get the feelings rising from their reunion right than in show the ring´s presence and its consequences in a subtle way. That part wrote itself, really. But I am glad you liked! In my mind, Lex really didn´t know about the Red!K and it changing Clark´s personality. He knew about the meteorites changing some people back in Smallville but that was the Green!K. Red!K was a unknown factor for him so far. Kal knew, of course, because he is not stupid. He felt Red!K´s effects on himself and still recalled have been Clark, the farm boy. He knows things changed when he donned the ring. There was one thing I wanted to reflect here, even if most subtly, and that was the matter of how the difference in ages was of fair importance to the gaining of knowledge about the meteorites and its properties. I mean, they are in 18th century, right? The great age ( ... )


ange_elphe March 27 2007, 19:06:58 UTC
Your history is really marvellous!
I was taken so much by the reading which I left late at home for a RDV!!
I already imagined a continuation but if you write it I would read with much pleasure.


Thanks! ange_elphe March 29 2007, 22:14:39 UTC
Thank you so much for taking time to read my story and for commenting on it. You are very kind and I am very happy you liked the tale I weaved. It´s my first try on posting a story to be read for another people so I am really appreciating all the comments! I certainly have a sequel gallivating around in my mind but sadly I am a slacker so I am not sure if I am going to ultimately write it or not. Whoever want to do it so is most welcome to try their hands on it and write a continuation to this story. I really would regret to see so interesting tale go wasted cause of my lack of discipline or talent. Also, your ideas are most welcome if you are inclined to share them. Maybe you and me had the same ideas? Thanks again for comment.


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