Fallen Angel by baskey

Mar 25, 2007 12:56

Title: Fallen Angel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,840 words.
Cover: #2

Summary: Sometimes you are honoured with the finding of a long time lost treasure in the most unexpected time and place.

Notes: My most profuse and heartfelt thanks to ladydey for agreeing to do such hurried beta duty for this story, and to teot for roping her in to do so. Ladies, you are seriously awesome! Also, English is not my first language but I had a great beta that scooped out most of my mistakes in that front so any remaining mistake will be entirely mine. Finally, this story being my first slash/foray in this particular fandom, I’ll be most grateful to anyone taking the time to read it and I humbly plead for sincere but polite critics.

Notes 2: I tried for a tiny experiment here and wrote this piece in Present tense. It certainly did writing this tale easier to me but I also intended to better reflect the happenings as viewed from Lex’s POV. I think it went not so bad, after all.

Fallen Angel
by baskey

Gunpowder scent.


Pleas for mercy that are answered by cruel laughs and the swift bluntness of the cutlasses.

The air is heavily loaded with all of that while Lex watches the destruction surrounding him. The thunder of the cannons still echo in his ears. The scent of the sea is deeply burrowed in his nostrils; Lex thinks it never will leave him now.

One of the pirates forces him to kneel on the deck along some other passengers and Lex makes a face. The wood is dirty and slippery with blood, the coppery scent easily reaching him now the fight has ended and his senses are free to register anything beyond that vital to his immediate survival. There is blood on his clothes too, some of it his and some not. His fine mauve shirt is torn in places and his pale brown trousers are in a sorry state; definitely never to be worn again, both of them. Lex himself hasn’t fared better. There is a dark stain on his left temple, probably from a pistol being fired much close to him during the fight; he does not remember it. An ugly bruise decorates his cheekbone just under that. His lip is cut, courtesy of someone who landed a lucky punch sometime during the earlier fight; there is blood running from it, trickling down his chin and staining the front of his shirt. Under the skin, minute tremors are shaking the muscles in his arms and legs, residual vestiges of his earlier exertion to save his own life.

The battle has been short but fiery, the pirates having the upper hand even before the main mast was hit with one of their cannon balls and broke in two, its longest upper part opening a good sized hole in the floor of the deck and going right through it. After that, the fight truly became a lost cause. Without her main mast, the Hope of the Sun had little hope of being able to continue sailing and was trapped at the mercy of human sea predators who knew no mercy. She was also unable to receive any help since there was not any nearby port or ship. The crew and all the able-bodied male passengers had joined forces to try and repel the pirates, but to not avail. Their attackers overran them in numbers and overcame them with fighting skills; and they were ruthless and absolutely fearsome, too. They brought to Lex´s mind those old warriors of Scotland, the Picts, who painted their faces and went into the battle in the nude and shouting to instill terror into the hearts of their enemies.

These sea warriors had no honor at all, though. They killed indiscriminately and with eager pleasure from what Lex had seen so far.

His eyes stray toward where the sails of the main mast have coming to rest over the bodies of some men who died defending their families and the few possessions they had with them. Only two set of bare feet are visible under the white sails, now stained with increasingly large blood stains. Some of the pirates are currently taking the boots of the fallen and appropriating whatever money could be hidden in the fallen´s socks. Here and there dead passengers are lying on the deck like ragged dolls, torn to pieces by the hits of cannon balls or the steel of their assailants. Others moan from several places along the deck, their wounds not serious enough to cause death but obviously painful, and Lex thinks that most of them will not live much longer anyway. The pirates are making fine work disposing of those whose appearances suggests that nobody is going to pay ransom for them anytime soon. Lex and some men, plus a few woman and children, hardly a third of the whole passage, seem to be lucky enough to avoid such fate.

God just knows what it will be like in the hands of these beasts. Lex has read about the barbaric exploits of this particular brand of delinquents and he isn’t going to put any bets on their bodily safety.

Two young sailors are thrown into the line of passengers being spared. The looks some of the pirates give to them both are not promising at all. Lex sees the expressions of abject terror in their smooth boyish faces and feels for them. There is nothing anyone can do to spare those two their fate. Whoever tries something to help probably will just draw the attention of the pirates on themselves; and nobody wants that kind of attention from those brutes.

A large paw grasping painfully at his jaw forces Lex’s face up, cutting off abruptly his depressing flow of thoughts.

“Bet ye think yerself too much good fer the likes of us, hm?” A stout bearded pirate berates him and Lex realizes his face must have betrayed what he was thinking and feeling. “Ye´re pretty enough one, with that pale moon skin and no trace of beard. Bet yer skin is smooth as a woman’s,” The pirate adds with a leer, and Lex feels his stomach turning on itself. He vows himself there and then that he will jump overboard and let the sharks make him their evening meal before enduring the humiliation of be raped by one of these savage murderers. His look is ice cold when it meets the pirate’s. Lex knows it is a serious mistake to enrage any of these men who right now have the power of life or death -- or suffering -- over him but he cannot help at least one little gesture of defiance. He would be not Lex Luthor if he did not.

The pirate chuckle evilly and squeezes Lex’s jaw cruelly.

“Ye´re a real firecracker, right? Charlie likes that. Charlie will tame ye, don’t worry naught. It can even be ye like that, hm? Ye like rough, pretty? Charlie will give to you rough. Yeah, Charlie…”

“Charlie has forgotten the captain gets first pickings, hm?” Another male voice cut suddenly into the unpleasant string of shudder-inducing promises, its smooth baritone oozing quiet undercurrents of danger and promised mayhem. Lex turns his eyes to the newcomer and gets some glimpses of classical features in a brown profile half hidden amidst long tendrils of wild black hair being lashed by the sea breeze. Lex’s look travels down the very tall body taking notice of the deep crimson silk shirt covering a most impressive set of wide shoulders and solid chest, the golden embroidered black sash depicting what seems to be Chinese motifs hugging a trim waist, and the tight black trousers and shiny black high boots encasing strong long legs. Lex cannot help but admire the magnificent creature in front of him even if astounded and mildly scandalized at his libido coming out to play under the present horrid circumstances.

He cannot let himself lust after the captain of a ship full of ruthless murderers and who is most probably a ruthless murderer himself too!

Even if the guy is seriously hot.

“N-No, Devil.” The stout pirate stammers. “Charlie has not forgotten it. Charlie swears.”

Lex pursed his lips. Great! He was going to be raped by a guy who is clearly somewhat retarded. He has a clear grasp of survival techniques, though, because one withering look from the tall pirate and the idiotic pirate runs away to torment someone else.

Lex’s dubious savior turns towards him then and Lex is temporary blinded by gleaming pearly whites when the man grins in his direction. Then there is a large brown hand finding purchase in his shirt and lifting Lex as if he weighed nothing.

Lex gasps once he finds himself face to face with the other man.

His features are more angular and deeply tanned by the sun of the Caribbean Sea, the hair more curled and long, but those sea-green cat-like eyes are a dead giveaway.

“Hiya, Lex. Missed me?”

“C-Clark?” Lex would recognize such perfect beauty anywhere. The grin stretching that luscious mouth is not his friend’s, though. This grin is predatory and almost cruel. A far cry from the sweet-natured youngster he knew back in England years ago. “Clark?” Lex asks again, stupidly. He cannot believe this young man is his Clark even with the undeniable evidence staring him right in the eyes. Clark, leading a gang of thief and murderers? Not possible. But he must be his old friend since he knows his name. A mere doppelganger would not know it, right? Lex needs to know. “Clark, what is happening? What are you doing with these… men?”

Clark grins again, and it’s not the happy and warm grin he remembers, either. Lex feels something cold setting in his stomach. If this is indeed Clark then something very bad must have happened to the kid since he did his mysterious disappearing act almost two years back. All kind of dreadful images are chasing themselves in his mind and Lex really does not want to know what brought such deep changes in Clark. He really does not.

“Why are you on this ship going to the West Indies?” Clark asks instead, putting Lex down onto the floor but still not unhanding him.

Lex frowns at the dismissive attitude of his friend and at his treatment of his shirt. He thinks about demanding the younger man to let him go right now and start with the explanations or else but something in those sea-green eyes stops Lex. There is something alien in them, a chilling presence looking at him from their depths. And the man certainly frightened with uncomfortable ease that big brute of pirate earlier. Lex reckons this is not the young farm boy he could deftly manipulate when pertinent. Tread carefully here, Lex.

“England did bore you at long last?” Clark smirks as if sharing a mutual secret and Lex’s heart does a somersault.

He has missed Clark so much, his person and their friendship! Their secret codex of looks and smiles that seemed to communicate so exceedingly clearly so many scandalous and often crazy thoughts; that feeling of connection between them that made them two veritable peas in a pod, a something that has been present since their first meeting in the river when the kid saved his life. So alike, Clark and he; even with their different social status and breeding.

And then, a giant void in his soul when the kid was suddenly disappeared. Lex moved heaven and earth but to not avail. Clark seemed have to fallen off the face of the world.

Until now.

“I… I am on the way back to home, actually,” Lex answers without think, still flummoxed by this most unexpected meeting. All his mind’s processes are busy pondering the wonder of Clark being in front of him after so many months of loneliness and desperation about his safety and his whereabouts. “Clark. You… are you well?” And then, even as he knows inside it is a moronic question, because the kid is clearly in control of those beasts and has probably been leading them for some time now, Lex whispers. “Need help?”

Clark chuckles but say nothing. He just sets Lex’s shirt free, now mightily bunched thanks to the grasp of the younger man, and raises his right hand to Lex’s lips. A brown forefinger brushes the corner of his bottom lip and Lex notes the thick gold ring decorating Clark’s middle finger. The good-sized ruby mounted on it sparkles with vicious glee under the afternoon sun, drawing Lex’s eyes to it. Clark wipes off the blood still oozing from the semi-closed cut on Lex’s lip and then he brings that finger towards his own mouth and licks it clean, effectively taking Lex’s attention off the ring.

When unexpectedly wicked sea-green eyes meet his, Lex experiences a sudden burst of heat inside. Clark’s grin is positively evil, as if he knew exactly what his act was doing to Lex.

“What…?” Lex blinks disconcerted by this most odd behavior of his friend. If he did not know better Lex would think Clark is trying to seduce him.

The earlier bloody forefinger rests now on both Lex’s lips, effectively silencing him.

“Shush,” Clark says, in a commanding yet gentle voice. “I prefer you quiet. For now.”

Clark grasps Lex’s left arm and then virtually drags him towards the wide wood plank connecting both of their ships. After a short stop to exchange some words with a lean middle-aged man answering to the name of Scott who Lex muses must be Clark’s second-in-command and ordering him about the other passengers in the hold and to see to the sharing out of the booty, his friend crosses to the pirate deck with Lex helplessly in his wake.

The young Luthor remembers the strength and speed his young friend tried to hide when at home in England, noting how different things seem to be now. Here amongst society’s leftovers his friend appears not to be bothering to hide anything. Finally showing the forceful personality Lex always thought was hidden under all that meekness and country bumpkin naïveté.

Clark reaches the pirate deck and crosses it with proprietary steps, leading Lex downstairs and then down a short corridor. There is a door at the end of it that once opened reveals a roomy enough and functional cabin. Clark makes Lex go in and then closes the door behind them. A light push and Lex stumbles towards the bed at the end of the cabin. Lex studies the sturdy piece covered with black silk linens and blood red coverlet for a minute. It’s a big one, occupying nearly half of the cabin. It’s also unmade and being so near to it Lex´s nostrils catch a light waft of body fluids and sweat rising from it. There is a deep crimson shirt resting haphazardly at the foot of it, and another inky black in color peaks from under the bed. Obviously, this Clark is as much of a slob as the old. It is certainly a comforting thought amidst all the surprises that the day has brought him. Lex looks around the cabin and notes the all encompassing red and gold motif in the décor. Lex remembers Clark liking the bright colors, especially red. The inevitable connection to blood now is deeply disturbing, however.

Lex turns around to look at Clark. His eyes finally having the opportunity to drink in the looks of his long time lost friend and they do it so. Clark is thinner but his frame is still powerful, as sleek as a black panther’s now. The hair, grown well beyond wide and strong shoulders, is hiding a gold adornment in the left ear. Lex studies the tiny chain looping into a set of square earrings fixed onto his lobe and cartilage, respectively. The earrings are not piercing the ear, just fastened to it. The jewels decidedly enhance the image of a dangerous rogue that Clark seems to be favoring currently. Just as the dark tight clothes do, Lex guesses, showing off an exquisite muscle bound body capable of ruthless acts and that screams aggressive sensuality.

Lex can feel his body screaming his own response at the sight. It turns out to be as seductive as the old innocence of years ago was. Changed or not, this is Clark and the kid always has drawn Lex like a moth to the flame, body and soul.

“Going back to home, you said?” Clark questions, tilting slightly his tousled black haired head. The younger man is leaning back on the closed door with his arms folded and a mocking smile in his beautiful lips.

“I live on Barbados now.” Lex answers, shrugging. “I have a sugar plantation there.” He averts his eyes and pretends to find the heavy desk bolted to the floor at his right most interesting. There are certainly some maps on its top that appear to be intriguing enough. Lex wonders if any show the location of hidden treasures. “I… Helen and I moved after the wedding.”

“You married that bitch?” Clark’s voice and look are suddenly icy. “I thought you would have best taste.”

Lex bristles.

“It was convenient, a business deal”. He retorts.

Clark snorts.

“A business deal? What possible profit could you gain from marrying her? Helen’s family was neither wealthy nor had any standing in society that I know of. Surely your father didn’t force you to wed her because of that foolishness to produce an heir to the all mighty Luthor empire?”

Lex narrows his eyes at Clark’s mocking and condescending tone.

“I did it to help a friend, if you want know.” He says. “Perhaps I should have let the moron save his own neck, though.” Lex adds bitterly.

Between one blink and the next, Clark’s body uncoils from its place at the door and crossed the cabin to stand in front of Lex. Lex raises both of his eyebrows at the open display of power. He never knew if Clark was truly a witch as some in Smallville whispered accusingly about the kid and others like him who were hinted to having special abilities. Lex never minded it, really. Clark was his best friend, and to someone used to the lack of friends such blessing was to be cherished, not scorned. Besides, people said Lex was Satan’s spawn himself, anyhow - though he never found out a forked tail and horns on his person. He certainly was fascinated, though, when his friend inadvertently showed his powers in his presence, the very few occasions that happened. Lex understood Clark being reluctant to show off when people were around. The poor kid probably knew what his neighbors were saying about him and the others and did not want to risk to be seen as more of a freak.

For all the good that ever did him.

Clark’s hand caressing his cheek cuts his flow of thought and Lex´s eyes fly to beautiful sea-green with a naked inquiry in them. Clark has touched him more in the last minutes than in all their time together in Smallville, and Lex is disconcerted by the sensual overtones of those touches. Clark’s eyes are intense and staring at him, the kid is even smiling at him a bit tenderly now. The fingers on Lex’s cheek feel like butterfly wings, delicate and whispering. Lex´s heart makes a little shy somersault at the sublime of the gesture. His skin is really so sensitive and almost none of his lovers ever bothered to spend time making love to it.

But then, Clark has never been like anybody else.

“What friend was that, Lex?” Clark asks in a sexy low baritone. Lex averts his eyes, feeling oddly vulnerable and worse, on the brink of revealing his secret. It’s so humiliating, so pathetic, what Clark wants to know. His self-sacrifice felt noble at that time but now it just feels idiotic. “What friend, Lex?” Clark insists, his fingers closing on Lex´s chin, gentle but firmly forcing him to turn his head back to Clark. There is expectation and it has roughly the same affect of old times.

Lex crumbles.

“You,” He whispers finally. “That friend was you, Clark.” The dark haired young man nods as if having expected it so and Lex continues on. “Helen found out your secret. She saw you using that damn super-speed yours and later lifting that stagecoach off that driver when the horses bolted and made it to overturn. You were careless and she saw you.” Clark’s face is stony and his eyes cold. Lex does not know if this is because Lex is admonishing him or because Helen knows his secret. Clark never liked that cold bitch. Lex knows the kid never trusted that demure persona she showed the world; he should have listened to Clark back then and saved himself the headaches. “She came to me with it and blackmailed me. She knew that I… I would want protect you from harm at any price. Helen said that if I made her my wife she would keep the secret to herself.” Lex smiles weakly. “Circus freak, she called you. She thought many would pay to have you showing your abilities in public. Or to dissect you and try to discover how you could do those things you do. I knew she was not talking for the sake of it. Helen would gladly sell your secret to the highest bidder and then you would be lost forever. Lost to me,” Lex whispered, again averting his eyes. There. He has said it. It could have been said more poetically but not clearer. “Not that mattered at the end, what with you vanishing off the face of the earth and all that.” Lex concluded in a sardonic voice.

He remembered he had been crazy with worry the days following his young friend’s disappearance, thinking Helen had made true of her threats even after she got what she wanted. Lex searched everywhere, paid the best investigators money could buy, but to not avail. No one could give him any information about Clark’s whereabouts. Lex spent weeks consumed by the terror brought on by the images tormenting his mind, images of Clark being mistreated and abused to the pleasure and curiosity of unscrupulous and inhumane people.

Now, Clark was in front of him and Lex still didn’t know what happened almost two years back.

“God, Clark. What in hell happened at you? Why are you commanding a pirate ship?” He cried out.

“Someone chose the wrong guy to recruit for his ship,” Clark shrugs.

“A levy?” Lex’s face tells openly about his surprise. “Christ! I had people looking into ship passage and crew manifests all around London’s docks but neither you mom or I thought ever to look for you amongst the crews of Navy ships.” Lex berates his own foolish grief for impairing his good sense. He should have considered that possibility, indeed. “But how you came to be commanding a pirate ship?”

“That is irrelevant right now, Lex.” Clark retorts with a scowl.

“No, Clark. It is not irrelevant at all.” Lex frowns with disapprobation. “We all were so worried for you, not knowing what had happened to you. And your mother! She was so distressed…”

Lex doesn’t see the hardness what takes residence in Clark’s eyes at that last bit, his mind busy recalling Martha Kent’s eyes when she was said his son was gone from Smallville. Hardly recovered from the loss of his baby girl in a most bizarre accident, the determined middle-aged woman had urged her husband to leave her and go to search for their adoptive son. When his efforts turned out to be totally fruitless, she then urged Jonathan to swallow his pride and go to Lex. Both men came back empty-handed, of course. Martha had said nothing. She had not blamed them for their failure, but Lex knew Jonathan felt as bad as Lex himself. But life goes on despite of broken hearts and the couple had rebuilt theirs around the absence of their beloved son, hoping for him to appear on their doorstep again someday. At some point, Martha and Jonathan had decided to adopt more children, not to take the place of the two they had lost, those would be forever in their hearts and in their prayers, but to feel their lives complete again in some fashion. Martha was born to be mother and Lex was happy for her when he knew she and Jonathan got legal custody of two brothers, five and twelve years respectively, three months ago. Lex had paid a visit to the new family before he boarded the ship back to Barbados and all the four of them seemed to be adjusting well to the recent changes in their lives.

He wants tell Clark about it but the younger man doesn’t let him speak again.

“You sacrificed yourself for me, Lex, to safeguard my secret.” Clark looks almost awed at that and there is a tender and not a little satisfied smile on his face.

Lex nods, uncomfortable, and seems to suddenly find his boots most fascinating. Heroism is not a Luthor trace.

Although being married to Helen is indeed something short of heroism. The woman is the most cold and unfeeling creature in Creation. It is a true miracle Lex had not disposed of her yet; or she of him.

Helen is certainly able of that, he knows well.

“You are my friend, Clark.” Lex says, shrugging. “My best friend.”

The only one, really. Clark is possibly the only person in the whole world who sees him, the real him, and loves him despite it. Lex could not let Helen destroyed that.

The sudden warmth of lips over his freezes Lex. Clark is kissing him? Clark is kissing him?!

The kiss is short and sweet, unexpectedly so. When it ends, Lex blinks idiotically at his young friend. Clark laughs out loud.

“I hope you’ve not got too attached to your plantation and to your bitch of a wife, Lex, because I am not going to allow you go back to them.” He states. “You’re mine now.”

Lex looks wide-eyed at his determined friend.

“Wait a minute, are you kidnapping me?”

Clark chuckles at Lex’s bafflement, his green eyes sparkling with wicked merriment.


Lex wants to protest being keep a captive. He wants to demand his friend free him right now. The whole situation is absurd to begin with and Lex wants it ended before it can take an even more bizarre turn. Clark kisses him anew, however, and all his brain’s processes seem to freeze. His body cannot help but respond to the sweet lips working on his own, enticing him to open to its caresses. Lex can feel himself slowly melting inside. God, it has been so long since he’s been touched with such caring! There is a large hand cupping the back of his bare head, tenderly, carefully; a second hand is sneaking around his waist and anchoring itself firmly there. A large body is being pressed against his, thigh to thigh, hip to hip, belly to belly and chest to chest. Their skins touching each other even through the clothes presently acting as barriers, and there is heat and the most missed hardness and so much rightness… Lex is hungry for all of it.

Stopping the kiss is hard. Clark is the only person for whom Lex has ever tried be noble, however. Other than his mother, that is. Now he must try again. Clark is acting funny, not like himself; and as delicious as it is finally be on the receiving end of his young friend’s attentions, Lex really should give the poor kid time to think about what he is doing.

Or give himself time to recover the breath. Whatever.

“Lex, you’re thinking.” Clark admonishes him, his voice between amused and irritated. “No thinking is allowed.”

Lex chuckles quietly from his resting place on Clark’s left shoulder. He lifts his head and meets beautiful dark green eyes.

“You should think about what you are doing here, Clark.” Lex says. “This is not like you.”

Clark left mouth corner curls up.

“Kissing you is not like me?” Lex nods. Clark nuzzles his left cheek. “Mmm... I think I always wanted to kiss you, Lex.” Clark whispers against his ear. Lex shudders at the feeling of that hot breath caressing him. Clark tightens his hold. “I think I had too much fear to do so, before.”

Lex tilts his head slightly and chuckles. His right hand lifts to the younger man’s head.

“Before you let your hair down, you mean?” Lex smiles taking a long dark lock between his fingers and caressing it. “Literally and figuratively speaking?”

Clark laughs quietly and kisses him again. Lex lets it go on for a while, enjoying the exquisite sensations, and then breaks the kiss one more time. Clark makes an annoyed sound but doesn’t try to return to kissing, perhaps knowing that Lex is not going to leave the matter alone until he gets what he is aiming for here.

“Am I supposed to think you’re not afraid anymore, Clark?” He asks, needing to know before he surrenders to whatever is happening here.

“I put all my fears and doubts behind me long time ago, Lex.” The younger man states firmly. “I am very sure of what I am doing here. You aren’t taking advantage of some starry eyed or confused naïve kid.”

Lex look into eyes that seem to have seen a whole lot since the last time Lex meet them. They are old eyes, disenchanted eyes, cynical eyes, even. They are a man’s eyes, not a kid’s. And as sad as that loss of innocence is, part of Lex cannot help but feel relieved. He never wanted to taint the sweet beautiful soul of his friend with his desires and dark longings.

Clark moves him toward the bed behind them and Lex utters nary a protest.

Large cat eyes are fixed on his as large brown fingers work his shirt out from his trousers and then on unbuttoning it. Lex’s breaths are coming even harder now, his body anticipating what is about to happen between them both. This is his dream made true. The stuff of his fantasies that he never dared to think could be something more than just that. Because someone so jaded like him could never get someone as pure and wholesome as Clark Kent interested in him, right? Even in the event that the kid was inclined to pay that kind of attention to other males of the species, right?

It shows what you know!

Lex sees his shirt fall to the wood floor and shakes his head. He isn’t going to waste any more time thinking about his failed analysis of a certain farm boy’s behavior.

Not when his long time lost wet dream is finally within his reach.

Clark’s fingers are busy with his trouser buttons now and Lex lifts his own two hands to his friend’s shirt to return the favor, making a mental note to tease Clark about his shift to silk apparel later. And another to forget that it is probably pillages and murder that provides him such fine clothes.

When Lex is finally naked, Clark takes a moment to look over his pale form and then pushes him onto the bed. Lex bounces against the mattress, part of his mind registering it’s a most fine feather bed before Clark falls on him as a panther on his prey. They kiss each other hungrily then, Clark’s hands all over his body as Lex tries to focus on finishing relieving the younger man of his shirt. The darned thing is stuck around those really magnificent shoulders and Lex cannot call his wits up to solve the problem with Clark’s mouth on him.

“Clark, will you...” Lex takes advantage of that mouth leaving his to resume its attack on his jaw and neck to try and gather Clark’s help and finally get the shirt out that powerful body.

“Kal.” The younger man demands fiercely, lifting his head and locking eyes with Lex. “Call me Kal. Clark is no more.”

Lex nods even while frowning at that but he has no time to ask because Clark’s… Kal’s… mouth has gone down to create havoc on his left nipple now. He allows himself to drown in the exquisite sensations coursing through his body. There are hot lips sucking ravenously on his flesh while warm large hands roam all over his body, exploring, cataloguing, inflaming and awaking a riot of delightful responses in Lex. The large and heavy body resting on his is wrapping Lex as a big nice blanket, the powerful muscles shifting smoothly when its owner moves to pay attention to Lex’s other nipple. The brown tanned skin is deliciously warm on his and there seems be some kind of spiced scent coming from it, some heavy musk that invades his senses and makes his cock rise to full length.

“God, Lex! You smell so good!” Clark whispers hotly into his left ear. “I have missed your scent so much. I have missed you so much.”

Lex swallows, the words reaching some little neglected place in his soul and making it warm and light. Clark nuzzles his neck and licks the slightly sweaty skin there. His nose finds that spot behind Lex’s ear and Lex hears him taking a deep breath and then sighing contentedly.

Lex’s cock is throbbing painfully for now. When Clark moves lazily against him as nibbling his earlobe, Lex shudders.

“Do you like that, Lex?” Clark chuckles when his whispered words result in a new set of little shudders. He blows gently into his ear and laughs. “Yep, you like it. Say, Lex, are you so sensitive in other places too?”

Lex swallows again. God! That throaty voice is new, certainly. It is doing wicked things to his cock and Lex doesn’t know how much more time he’ll be able to bear such sweet torture. He wants to lay Clark on his back and fuck him into oblivion. He wants inside that gorgeous hot body over and over again.

He wants to never come out.

Clark leaves his ear and to run a wet hot tongue slowly down his neck. He detours to nibble exquisitely on Lex’s Adam’s apple for some seconds before kissing his way towards the place where neck and shoulder come together and bites there. Hard. Lex gasps at the electrifying sensation. He smells something coppery and knows Clark has broken the skin and brought up blood. There is no pain, though. It just stings. Then there is nothing but tiny undercurrents of pleasure as Clark soothes the tiny bite, humming as he licks the skin.

“Your skin is so smooth,” Clark murmurs against it. “So pale. So beautiful, Lex.” So mine.” The dark head rises then and green cat-like eyes stare into his with overwhelming sudden intensity.

Lex gulps and his breathing turns increasingly harder. Clark kisses him again, forcefully, claiming him, and Lex surrenders to it. He feels as if he is being marked by the powerful and sensual creature on him; marked by his tongue and his hands and his eyes. It is a most heady feeling.

One what Lex secretly welcomes.

He would contentedly give himself up to Clark’s will if the younger man just goes on worshipping his body like this. Clark’s mouth leaves his an eternity later to trace a path down his upper chest, again latching on a puckered rosy nipple. Clark sucks it and nibbles it and licks it alternatively.

Lex is being slowly wrapped in a warm mist of pleasure and he grasps dark curly locks to anchor himself.

“Clark.” Lex sighs when Clark abandons the right nipple in favor of the left some minutes later with an obscene popping sound.

Clark freezes.

“Kal.” He growls. “I said you, Clark is no more. My name is Kal.”

Lex blinks, surprised by both the abrupt stop in his ravaging and the tone he is being addressed. His friend sounds positively hostile right now. There is some mystery there and Lex determines unravel it.


“Kal.” He nods, accepting the rebuke while his eyes convey adequate apologize. Lex doesn’t want alienate his soon to be lover and, really, what he chose be called nowadays is not important. “Kal, please don’t stop now.”

Kal stares him gravely for some seconds and then he smiles in a sunny way. A quick kiss and then his body blurs slightly before it is clearly visible again. Lex blinks, awed at the display and at the sudden appearance of a small brown container now resting in Kal´s left hand.

“How…? Are you really a witch?” He asks stupidly.

Kal looks at him with mirth in his beautiful green eyes and laughs out loud.

“Nope. Just really fast.”

“Uh huh.” Kal ignores his openly disbelieving face like he used to do in Smallville when other odd things happened in his vicinity and his explanations to Lex left much to be desired. Lex decides forego an old mystery in favor of a new one and focus on the small brown container. “Is that what I think it is?”

Kal chuckles.

“If you are thinking it is something to ease the way into a body, then yeah, it is what you think it is.” Kal removes the container’s lid and dips two fingers into its contents. Lex looks at the creamy glop on them with interest. He has always used oil in his encounters with his male lovers, before. What Kal is showing him must be some new invention. “My ship’s surgeon got for me. It is made from some plant or other from the Brazilian forests, he said.” Kal explains. He then rubs his fingers against each other and the cream dilutes into a kind of water like substance. “I have found it has really wonderful properties.” He adds with a wicked grin.

Lex chuckles at the familiar expression in that beautiful face, even if the possibility of Clark… Kal… trying the cream’s properties with someone else feel like a punch to the stomach. Kal leans forward and kisses him before put aside the container and wipe his fingers on the sheets.

Lex frowns at that and Kal laughs, seemingly reading clearly his thoughts.

“Easy, Lex. There will be time for that later, trust me. I wanna fuck you so hard you will forget you last name.” The harsh whisper delivering the words starts a fire in Lex’s innards and he shudders, anticipating the pleasure. Kal’s grin is smug. “But there is some other things what I want do first.”

Lex gulps at the predatory look in that tanned beautiful face. The glittering dark green eyes staring into his own, the wild mane of ebony tresses cascading over imposing shoulders and chest, and the sleek powerful frame crouching above his are making his cock twitch madly and his blood run wild in his veins. Lex doesn’t think he can wait much more time.

Not and keep himself coherent.

Kal grasps his hips and Lex can feel the tremendous strength in them being tempered with gentleness as the dark haired young man turns Lex on his belly. Lex rest passively on the less than clean sheets, even if passive is not an adjective anybody would apply to Lionel Luthor´s first-born, and refuses to think about how many willing or not so willing bodies have lain there before him.

Or when was the last time that Kal did his laundry.

He gives up thinking entirely when teeth land on his buttocks and begin to nibble first the right buttock then the left. His legs part of their own accord and Lex feels Kal making himself comfortable there. Warm hands lift his arse slightly and hold it in place while Kal goes on about his toe curling ministrations making all kind of little pleasure sounds. He spends so much time nibbling and licking the pale globes, exciting and then soothing the responsive flesh, that Lex feels truly decadent and more than ready when Kal finally switches his attention to Lex’s arsehole; the rimming that follows is the single most wonderful experience ever if for no other reason than his young friend doing it.

Lex never really expected to have the chance to be sexually intimate with Clark.



That tongue is masterfully stretching the puckered tiny opening delicately but relentlessly, preparing Lex to host something much more bulky than it. Kal is quietly growling and whimpering back there, seemly enjoying his actions almost as much as Lex himself. The wet skilled muscle is joined by equally skilled fingers some undetermined time later, effectively making a moaning puddle of Lex.

“God, Kal, fuck me already!” Lex growls when a third finger is introduced into the smooth canal.

Kal chuckles but complies. He wraps himself completely around Lex and Lex hardly smothers a sigh at the incredible rightness of the heat and the smoothness of all that skin covering him like a safe cocoon. It is the most delightful feeling ever.

“I will not hurt you, Lex. Trust me. It will be good, so good.” Kal promises. Lex can hear his hand grasping the cream container and the popping of the top off of it. “You know, I could feel you looking at me when we were in Smallville. I knew you wanted me. But I was afraid of what people would say if I consorted with the infamous Luthor scion in that particular fashion. Another freakiness to add to the count of that Kent kid, they would have said.” He chuckles, but Lex can feel the true hidden behind the teasing words. This Clark, Kal as he called himself, perhaps is free now of that kind of fears but Clark the farm boy of Smallville was consumed with them. Maybe it was not such a bad thing the kid left that blasted place, after all. “Nothing of that matters anymore, though.”

Kal nuzzles and licks the sweet spot behind Lex’s ear while his cock slides smoothly inside him. Lex shudders at the sensations. It has been definitely too long since Lex did this. He never was one prone to surrendering the upper hand to anybody. It would be not only against his nature but also dangerous too. Luthors have a lot of enemies and one of the first things his father taught Lex was never put himself at mercy of an enemy. But Clark was never such. And Lex would do many, many unwise things for him.

“God, Lex, you are so tight!” Kal sighs contentedly and nibbles lazily at Lex´s neck and shoulders as slowly going deeper into him. The young man starts to move against Lex, increasing his sped gradually. Lex whimpers softly. There is burning and it hurts but it is nothing Lex cannot endure. Kal is being very gentle with him but even Lex can sense the younger man wants let go and ram carelessly into his hole, fucking Lex into oblivion. Lex wants that too. “I am going to fuck you raw.” Kal vows raking his teeth along Lex´s upper back and eliciting a loud moan from Lex.

“Then do it.” Lex hisses, needing feel such unleashed power being loose on him.

To Lex, be dominated by a stronger sexual partner is as heady a rush as being the one does the dominating. And his current partner is the strongest nobody Lex has ever met, Lex knows.

Kal places a tender kiss between his shoulder blades and then changes the rhythm and angle of his thrusts. His cock finds that special spot inside and Lex’s whole body bucks. The pleasure is blinding. Lex parts his legs more still to better accommodate the bulky form of his lover between them. Kal is now seated as deeply as he will go, the smooth walls encasing his cock with loving care, and Lex moves in perfect tune with Kal, their combined desire setting a pounding rhythm what makes the bed hit the cabin walls loudly. Kal´s hands closes around Lex’s waist and the younger man lifts Lex on his hands and knees. Kal´s hands are grasping his hips almost painfully but Lex is beyond concern about bruises or possible bone breaks now, the change in position is allowing for Kal’s cock to hit Lex’s special spot over and over and over again.

“Harder.” Lex growls. “Harder, Kal. Please.”

The younger man complies with a grunt and Lex hisses in pleasure. Oh, yeah, this is good, so good! Lex wraps his fingers around his hard cock and starts to stroke it feverishly. He is so close! Kal is chanting his name over and over against the skin of his upper back, the dark haired man’s hips pistoning relentlessly as his cock pound furiously into Lex. White heat explodes finally behind Lex’s eyes and his cock spurts his seed in thick strings on the black sheets. Lex feels the semen running down his chest and belly while Kal reach his own orgasm behind him with an exultant animalistic howl.

Lex chuckles at that, falling on the now uncomfortably wet sheets when his limbs finally fail him. Kal goes down with him.

They rest there for a while, breathing hard as horses after a race. Lex feels Kal’s now deflated cock leaving him. Strong arms go around his waist and hold Lex firmly to the large body spooning him from toes to head.

Afterglow is getting him and Lex is almost slept when a throaty voice whispers in his ear:

“You are mine now, Lex. Forever.”

Lex blacks out with a peaceful smile in his lips.

“What happens now?” Lex asks some time later, cuddled in Kal´s arms. They are resting with their backs against the headboard, black silk linens pooling around their waists.

Kal shrugs nonchalantly and nuzzle his temple.

“I have been thinking about throwing a coup and stealing the High Chair on the Pirate Council for some time now.” He says. “Do you wanna join to me in that venture?

“Are you talking about taking the control of all the pirates in the whole Caribbean Sea?” Lex says, stunned, lifting his head from its comfy place on Kal´s left shoulder. “Are you nuts?”

“Nope.” Kal chuckles. He meets his blue-grey eyes. “Most in the Council are but insufferable old farts that lack any real ambition anymore, Lex. Their goals are petty and laughable at best. They haven’t a real vision for the future. And I’m tired of playing according to their rules. Not that there are too many, mind you.” Clark chuckles again. “But, all the same, I don’t want play for them but for myself.” Kal’s look at his bed partner turns speculative. His voice is softly tempting when he inquires of Lex next. “So, do you wanna join me and stage a rebellion? It will be fun.”

Lex blinks and stares at his young lover. Indeed, Clark is not anymore. Not totally, at least. The person before him seems more and more to be a blend of his friend from Smallville and this ruthless pirate Kal. He has seen occasional glimpses of the kind young man he knew so he is probably still in there.

Perhaps if Lex is patient enough Clark would come back to stay someday?

Lex loves Clark, his warm smiles and his innate kindness. But he likes Kal, too. The young pirate captain intrigues and fascinates him. His ruthlessness and ambition echoes the darkness inside Lex himself.

To stay with Kal would not be hardness at all.

And his idea sounds attractive even if crazy. What would his father say if Lex became took to the seas and became a pirate?

And Helen?

Lex grins evilly.

“Why not?”

It certainly would be fun.


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cover two

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