(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 17:59

Title: Who is she? (4/?)
Author: Harkness Girl
Rating: 14
Paring:Jack/Ianto inclined
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Torchwood I wish I did but the BBC do. I did make up Danielle though.
Summary: Danielle is at torchwood
A/N: I am sorry it has taken so long to put this section up. I have been doing coursework and exams, hopefully I can get the next part up soon. Enjoy.

http://harknessgirl.livejournal.com/2008/02/14/ Part 1
http://harknessgirl.livejournal.com/2838.html Part 2
http://harknessgirl.livejournal.com/3432.html Part 3

"His time of death was 9 o clock last night, he was killed by extreme blood loss but I think that was obvious. Apart from that there is nothing out of the ordinary." Owen looked up from the folder and looked at Danielle. He smiled.

" Did you find any unusual marks" Danielle asked.

" What kind of marks" Owen asked

"Needle marks" Danielle answered

" No I did a thorough check of the victim,all over and nothing." Owen shrugged. Danielle looked puzzled.

" What are you thinking?" Owen asked.

" Do you mind if I get Jack while I tell you this?" Danielle asked as she looked at Owen. He walked around the autopsy table and stood right in front of her. Danielle could feel him pressing slightly against her body.

"Sure, Jack!!!!" Owen shouted. He smiled at Danielle and walked around the autopsy table and smiled at her. She noticed he was slightly blushing and he turned around.

"Yep" said Jack who was now now standing at the top of the stairs

" I think the victim knew the killer or at least saw him on a regular basis" Danielle told him.

" How do you come to that conclusion?" He propped his leg on the bar and leaned forward.

" Do you know earlier I was telling you that vampires "sweetened" there victims first" Jack nodded. Ianto, Gwen and Tosh were now standing around Jack. Owen listening intently."There are no needle marks on the victim which is a quick way to do the process but it does not make the blood taste as good as if he was drugged for a period of time" Danielle smiled at Jack

" So what your saying is that this Vampire had to have been drugging the victim for a period of time and due to that fact they must have known each other or seen each other regularly" Jack concluded.

"Yep" Danielle agreed

"God your Good" Jack exclaimed.Danielle blushed a little and looked her feet.

"I have found out who the victim is Jack" Spoke out Tosh. Jack turned around and listened to Tosh

" He is called Thomas Smith and lives at 24 Redway Splot"

"Splot" remarked Owen.

"I think you will find the estate agents pronounce it "sploe". Ianto smiled.

" Right Tosh and Gwen you go and check out the victim's house, whatever its bloody name. Danielle do you know how to shoot a gun?" Jack inquired

"Yes" She replied

" Do you have a gun" He asked. She reached around and pulled out a gun from the waistband of her jeans.She puts in front of her face

" Is this okay?" She asked. She had a huge grin on her face. Jack grinned back. He pointed and was about to say something but decided not to. He shook his head.He turned around and started walking into the hub. Danielle put the gun back in her waistband. Gwen looked outraged. Danielle walked up the stairs with Owen following her. Gwen was stood there with her arms folded. She was giving a Danielle one of those if a look could kill, look but Danielle smiled. She walked past her. Owen stopped next to Gwen

"What is wrong with you?" He snapped.
"I don't trust her"She replied

" That' obvious" He snapped again

" Don't you think it is strange that she just turns up and she knows all this about Vampires and we don't even know who she is" Gwen asked Owen.

" We don't know everything about Jack and we still trust him" Owen said softly

"I suppose" Gwen shrugged

" Just try Gwen she is really nice" Owen said

" Okay" Gwen smiled and walked away. She turned around and looked at Owen

" You do realise you are only saying that because you fancie her"

" Maybe" He replied with a smile and a shrug. Gwen shook her head and continued to walked away.

" Gwen are you going or what?" Jack shouted

" I'm going" She grabbed her coat ,ear piece and ran through the cog doors.

Jack took Danielle to the shooting range. He needed to see if she could shoot. He knew she was a medical examiner as that is what Ianto had told him but that was as he told him about her job and Danielle was not being exactly forthcoming with information about her occupation. He gave her some ear muffs and some glasses and told her to shoot at the bullseye. Owen and Ianto and joined them.

"Well it looks like you have a quite an audience" Jack remarked. He turned around and looked at Owen and Ianto.

Having an audience did not bother Danielle. She had been told she was an expert. She put both hands on the gun. Looked down the top. Aimed. She breathed in. When breathed out pressed the trigger softly. She lowered the gun and looked at the target. Straight through the bullseye. She turned and looked at Jack who was smiling and nodded.

" Turn around and try and do it with the one over there" Jack said and pointed.She nodded. She held the gun in front of her. She spun around. "Bang""Bang". She lowered the gun. She grinned. Perfect again. She looked at Jack he was walking towards the target. He looked at her shocked.

"How the hell did you get this good?" He asked

"I had a good teacher" She replied with a grin on her face.

" I hope you get to use these skill's of yours on your job" He remarked. She handed him the glasses and ear muffs.

"Sometimes" She shrugged.

"What do you do for a living?" Asked Owen. Ianto and Owen had walked over towards them.

" I am a medical examiner" She answered

" Who for?" Owen asked. She lowered her head and looked at her feet.

" Someone higher than Torchwood in the heir achy of access to information" She said. Jack folded his arms and looked puzzled. Both Jack and Owen seemed to look puzzled for a few minutes while they thought about it. It then dawned on Jack.

"MI5" It came out as a whisper. Danielle nodded. Jack was stunned. He did not know who Danielle's employer was but did not expect this.

Please comment I love comments. Any mistakes seen please tell me.


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