(no subject)

Feb 21, 2008 19:41

Title: Who is she? (2/?)
Author: Harkness Girl
Rating: 13
Paring:Jack/Ianto inclined
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Torchwood I wish I did but the BBC do
Summary: Ianto knows something and he is not telling Jack

Here is Part 1 http://harknessgirl.livejournal.com/2008/02/14/

Owen could not stop himself. As soon as he got home he looked on the internet to see if he could find anything about Danielle Walsh. No look. He collapsed on the bed from exhaustion due to what had happened over the last day and a half. Owen decided he would look on the database at work tomorrow when he got in. See if they have any record of ever telling her about Torchwood. If that did not work he supposed he could go to Ianto and ask if he recognized the name. What excuse could he come up with though to explain his question?. He decided he would think about it in the morning after a good nights sleep.

Danielle didn't really sleep, mainly as she was thinking about what she was going to do if Captain Jack Harkness found out that his quick shag in the photocopying room had broken the biggest rule of Torchwood,Telling someone about Torchwood. Danielle had her own secrets that nobody knew about except Ianto that was the way there relationship worked. Ianto stepped out his room at exactly 8.30 dressed in his pink shirt and black suit. He walked into the kitchen and immediately started making Coffee

"Good Morning." She said. Ianto turned around and smiled. Danielle got up and gave him a hug

"What's that for?" He looked into her eyes. Even though Danielle never had sexual feelings for Ianto she never had all through the 26 years she had know him but him looking into her eyes always sent shivers down her spine.

"Am I not aloud to give my best friend a hug?"

"I suppose" He hugged her back

"When you have a night off that your not spending with Jack can we go and watch a film and have pizza?"

"Sure" He sighed" I wish you could meet Jack you would like him"

"I will one day some how" She looked at him she saw the look in his eyes she was shocked he genuinely wanted her to meet his "boyfriend" if you could call him that "I will meet him I promise"

"Okay if you promise I take your word for it" He looked at his watch.

"Right I gotta go, are you working today?" he said as he grabbed a quick mouthful of coffee.

"Yes, I am, I have a meeting with the Council today" she sighed

" Wear your black pencil skirt it sends them flying" He beamed at her. Danielle through a pillow at him.She heard the door close. She couldn't help but smile uncontrollably.

When Ianto walked into the Hub everyone was already there . He looked at his watch and then back at the Hub. Jack walked towards him.

"You looked shocked Ianto"

"I genuinely am sir" He couldn't help but wonder if he was dreaming. He was always the first here before everyone else except Jack but Jack very rarely left the Hub.

"What did I say about calling me sir?" Jack said with a frown

"Sorry Si..Jack" Ianto said with a smile

"Jack I have those results "shouted Owen from the autopsy Room

"Staff meeting in 5 minutes" said Jack as he turned around and ran up the stairs

"Ianto.." He turned around and looked at him

"I am going to make coffee sir" Ianto shouted as he walked towards the kitchen

"Thank you" Jack shouted over his shoulder as he continued to run up the stairs

"Right from what I have found there is not a drop of blood in him. From what I saw there was no blood at the crime scene but all his blood still could not have left his body naturally its impossible"

"It was not natural" Questioned Jack. Owen nodded. Everyone was stunned

"I took it he had been killed somewhere else" Tosh said

"Nope, that would have explained the no blood at the crime scene but even so all his blood still could not have left his body naturally" Owen said

"Are you saying that there is something going round that slits throats and then drains blood" Asked Gwen. Owen shrugged.

"It looks that way" Owen replied.

"Vampires" sighed Ianto. Everyone turned and faced Ianto. He usually sits there and never says anything.

"What?" exclaimed Jack

"Oh sorry sir I was just thinking out loud I will keep it to myself next time" Jack looked at Ianto suspiciously. As an ex time agent Jack knew perfectly well vampires existed but the look in Ianto's eye told him so did Ianto.

"Right Tosh I want you to look and see if you can see any strange rift activity around the time of the attack,Gwen look and see if you can find any other victims that have died in any similar way,Owen look over the body see if there is anything else, Ianto go and look in archives and see if there are any alien's that have a similar MO" Everyone nodded in agreement to the commands their boss was making. Everyone stood and went out of the room.Jack took hold of Ianto's arm as he walked past.

"I need to speak with you a minute" Ianto sat on the edge of the table. Jack waited until everyone had left until he spoke.

"I am sorry I spoke out sir that was.."

"Ianto how do you know about Vampires?"

"They are a mythical creature everyone knows about them"


"Jack,I have no idea what you are talking about" Jack looked at him sternly

"Ianto if this could help the case and prevent people's lives I think you should tell me" Ianto stood up and got very close to jack. Jack could not help but be shocked he had never seen Ianto get angry this quickly

"I have told you many things,things that nobody in this office knows,things that are not even in my file but this I will not tell you" Ianto pushed passed Jack and walked out the room. Jack was angry, he always knew he did not know everything about his team but he thought he knew everything important. Obviously not.

Owen took this opportunity to check the database at torchwood. He had not been able to do it earlier as everyone was running round like headless chicken's. He accessed the Torchwood mainframe where everything torchwood had seen,touched,spoken to was on. He typed in "Danielle Walsh". He only had to wait a few seconds. No results found. How the hell did she know torchwood?. This is getting freaky even for Torchwood standards. He put his head in his hands trying to think what was the best thing to do next. If Jack found out he had told someone about Torchwood he would be fired. He did not want that. Even though this job is bloody annoying sometimes he
loved it. It was home.

"Owen!!!" He jumped up straight away. He could see Jack at the top of the stairs his arms crossed and scowling, this was not good.

"Did I not give you instructions" Jack snapped

"Yessss" Owen replied. He felt like a teenager again.

"So I take it the body has now been moved on to your computer desk?" Jack replied

"no it hasn't Jack" said owen looking at him

"Then get where it bloody is then, Where is Ianto?" Jack snapped again. Owen shrugged

"He was heading towards archives, Jack" shouted Gwen. Owen saw Jack stomp towards archives wondering what the hell had set him off. He turned around and decided to get on with what he was supposed to be doing before Jack bit his head off again.

As Jack walked down the halls towards archives he was thinking of would he could say to Ianto. As jack thought about Ianto his mind wandered to the moments Jack and Ianto had spent time together. His palms got sweaty and his heart rate increased just thinking about him. As he walked into the brightly lit room he saw Ianto banging his head against the wall.

"Ianto" Jack whispered. Ianto shot up straight and turned and looked at Jack. He had tears in his eyes.Jack hurried towards him and put a hand on his check

"What's wrong Ianto?"

"I don't like to keep things from you Jack" Ianto looked straight into his eyes. The look of guilt in his eyes tore Jack apart

"I know you don't, just do what you think is best"

"I either give up one of my biggest secrets and hurt someone I would never one to hurt or hurt the man I love and maybe get some more people killed" he laughed slightly,he lowered his head. Jack lifted his head up gently. Ianto had tears running down his cheeks. Jack wiped them away.

"Ianto, you know how I feel about you and that will never change" Ianto smiled and wiped his face. He looked directly at Jack.

"I think its time to tell you how I know about vampires"

Please comment I love it when people comment on my fic's. If you see any mistakes please tell me. Thank you


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