Peter Petrelli can I lick you?

May 01, 2007 17:59

Okay, I told myself that I wasn't going to go crazy and express my absolute love for Heroes every week.... It looks like it's not gonna work out... I love this show.

5 Years Gone-spoilers )

reax, tv: heroes, misc: i like this

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Comments 6

scifi_tv_addict May 2 2007, 01:25:36 UTC
I think you captured my reactions perfectly ( ... )


hariboo May 2 2007, 01:48:15 UTC
Ah, Nathan. Arrogant and strangely attractive, personally to me that's him in a nutshell. Yea, I was confused too for half a second before the reveal, when my jaw promptly hung open in shock ( ... )


scifi_tv_addict May 2 2007, 11:59:58 UTC
Ha! Sexy ex-emo boy!! I love your nicknames for people ( ... )


hariboo May 2 2007, 20:25:13 UTC
Hee! Thanks. They come from a long arduous process of me thinking about the characters way too much.

I hope I'm right, though purely for the bragging pleasure ;) I dunno, I bet whatever they come up with will have my jaw dislocated for hours. Here's to hoping!

AH! Sylar's painting.... All I could think was that the Cubists, the Fauvists and the Impressionist are all rolling in their graves! But if you think about it Sylar painted a really bad picture of "Nathan" as president, but it did also look surprisingly like our lil artista as well.. again the whole who did Issac really paint as president? NathanNathan or SylarNathan????? Gah! This show id driving me b-a-n-a-n-a-s ( ... )


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