Peter Petrelli can I lick you?

May 01, 2007 17:59

Okay, I told myself that I wasn't going to go crazy and express my absolute love for Heroes every week.... It looks like it's not gonna work out... I love this show.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This show is the BOMB, pun completely intended.

The image of the future we get it so fucking amazing. It's dark, angsty, tragic and covered in complete awesomeness that I can't even being to express. Hiro is so idealistic in views of the world and you are just destroyed when you see him start to break. Future Hiro is one badass dude. He is broken, and so determined to save his past, his friends, Ando. The driving force that is pushing him forward is so sweet and complete love. I loved how Matt's character change so much, yes he was baddie but why he was a baddie was very understandable. He had something to protect.

Peter Petrelli can I fucking lick you? Dirty, I know, but I don't care. You my man are pure awesome. The Nikki/Jessica thing was great too. Simple, but poignant. Her reason for fighting (Micah) is gone, she has nothing left.

Then we have Nathan who I wanted to slap and ask what the hell he had been smoking, to then get the FUCKING MONSTER reveal that had me in shock and falling in love with this show more.

Nathan is fucking Slyar- not literally you all with dirty minds. But then again, literally Nathan is Slyar/ Slyar is Nathan and Nathan is president! Which just begs the million questions like when did Brain Boy kill our Flying man of Hotness? But then his want to cause complete genocide to Hero-like people mad complete sense- He is one power hungry maniac that just wants more power and nobody to oppose him.

And when Slyar killed Claire! DUDE! When he revealed to everyone that the president of the US was one of the people they are hellbent on pretty much killing... again dude! The reveal that it was Peter that blew up the city instead of Sylar- wow. Even though I had thought it was going to be Peter all along.

The fight b/w Peter, Hiro and the Homeland Security guys= AWESOME! I love me badass Peter and Hiro.

"I haven't a good fight in a long time." *swoon* Again Petey, can I lick you?

I wish we had seen more of the Peter/Sylar fight, but it's cool. We can't have it all...

But the end, Hiro has to kill Sylar who he thinks is the exploding man, but really Peter is...ack! Now that's what I call an episode! Even though Hiro now is back in our time to fix it all so nada malo happens I can't help but love that dark future- the what if.... It was dark and tragic but awesome. And though I hope it never happens I'm glad we got to see it.

I say again this show fucking rocks!

A couple last things I wish we had seen: Atomic Ted and his jazz hands (but Peter and Sylar gave us a little taste so it cool) and Linderman- did Sylar kill him? What happened to our darker Prof.X?

And completely of the Heroes subject- Michael Shanks on 24 *thud* hotness abounded on my screen today!

reax, tv: heroes, misc: i like this

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