Ficlet: angel by your side, but a devil on her way

Mar 24, 2008 23:23

Title: angel by your side, but a devil on her way
Rating: R
Fandom: Firefly/Heroes
Pairings: River/Peter
Summary: He (She) doesn't belong. He watches her skin. Smooth, tight and flawless. Deadly and broken. Like his.
Notes: originally comment!fic for the Porn Battle

angel by your side, but a devil on her way )

ship: river/peter, character: river tam, fic: crossover, character: peter petrelli, tv: heroes, tv: firefly, !fanfic

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Comments 2

ibonekoen April 3 2008, 13:12:59 UTC
Ooh wow, I really liked that. Nice imagery there and such an interesting pairing.


hariboo April 4 2008, 13:12:34 UTC
Thank you! They are brain stealing and fun to play with. I'm glad you liked.


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