Ficlet: angel by your side, but a devil on her way

Mar 24, 2008 23:23

Title: angel by your side, but a devil on her way
Rating: R
Fandom: Firefly/Heroes
Pairings: River/Peter
Summary: He (She) doesn't belong. He watches her skin. Smooth, tight and flawless. Deadly and broken. Like his.
Notes: originally comment!fic for the Porn Battle

He watches her skin. Smooth, tight and flawless. Deadly and broken. Like his. His hands drift across it as lightly as possible. He can't control himself as well around her. She peeks into the corners off his brain. Feathers. Daffodils. Snow. She turns and the movement presses her hip to his thigh. She mumbles.

"Save the world... two by two... the end has a start." Her breath is warm but her words chill him and he can see flashes in her brain.

Her. Needles. Hands of Blue. Early and space. Miranda and Reavers. Dancing and Simon. Serenity and Mal. And they never lie down. Bullet to the brainpan. Squish.

Him. Nathan. Claire. Flying and crying. Exploding. Adam and Slyar. Light and Dark. Everyone fighting. Everyone dying. Nikki's tears, Hiro's scream. Boom.

He can see all the flashes in her head, and they are mirrored in his. He closes himself off but he still hears, "We're even now... we… save the world. Two by two." Her lips outline the words against his torso and he bends to kiss her temple. When her eyes, doe eyes in a killer’s face, open he isn't surprised because she projected "good morning, Boy Blue." She drags a short nail - Simon doesn't let her keep them long, afraid of the clawing - down his nose and he cups her chins.

He presses his steady body against her rippling one. She moves like a dancer and her legs wrap around him. He grips her thigh too tight and her legs crush his ribs just a little, but just as fast they fix themselves. He grins into the kiss and whispers into her brain. It’s slow because everything else is too fast. She sings into his mind and projects a ballet. He pushes her harder into the bed and two different shades of flawless and broken skin sigh into each other.

Her hands dance across his skin and she takes swirls her tongue against his flat nipple and then bites. The feeling shoots through his entire body and when she picks up on it, the feeling caressing her sense, she bends like a bow as if the feeling was her own. He moves his mouth down the smooth column of her neck and groans against her pulse point when he feels her want. Strong and powerful and tactile across his body. His fore finger and thumb roll her nipple and she leans up to catch his skewed bottom lips between her sharp teeth. She pulls, he pulls and inside they push.

The sound of her climax is a kitten purr and she arms her arms tighten around him, never wanting to let go. He holds her the same want, both holding on just a little too tightly but their bodies can handle it and crave it. Their minds tease each other, pushing just a little more when they can, because together it’s never too much. Everything about other soothes and stimulates and when he pulls out he grins at her tighten legs, letting her follow the turn of his body.

He lays them side by side and phases their hands at her request. She likes how it tickles the air and god her brain is magnificent. Molecules. Un- quantified. Space folds and ripples. Threads are black and white and red. Yellow too. He is Blue.

"Boy Blue is leaving to play hopscotch with time and bad angels." She grins, madly and sweetly and he kisses her. Her hands dig into his skin and her short nails will leave marks - he wills himself to keep them - but so will his. Sometimes it’s her marks that feel real to him as the world and time and consequence spin around him.

He then feels the pull, the call of the past he is still trying to fix, to save, even as her tongues slicks its way into his mouth and tries to keep him with her.

Against his lips, she licks out words, "Blue Boy leaves once again." And then even as he tries to keep this girl, his girl, just a second longer, he is gone.

He opens his eyes again and New York is still together, but falling apart as each minute passes. And his heart is breaking one beat at a time.

ship: river/peter, character: river tam, fic: crossover, character: peter petrelli, tv: heroes, tv: firefly, !fanfic

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