Heroes: T & C

Nov 28, 2007 00:21

Slyar you win at evil!Life!

Claire, you rock. Elle, you awesome sociopath you. Slushies are the best!

Monica! Micah! Mo! Molly! Maya! ... um Alejandro! (he totally ruined the M thing) - *pets/shakes head* But really, who didn't see that coming. Like a fricking mile away.

God, Nikki just doesn't get a break, does she?! *huggles*

Peter and Adam are just ( Read more... )

tv: heroes

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Comments 4

little_giddy November 28 2007, 01:59:43 UTC
*nods* *points to everything* *is still inarticulate with glee*

Elle/Claire rivalry twinship parallelness FTW! And slushy *dies*

All the Ms! Niki! Matt, where the frak are you!? Get you and Nathan back here RIGHT NOW I'M SAYING!

Also, I geeked out utterly on the cadman thing!

This show makes me overuse exclamation marks!!!!


hariboo November 28 2007, 16:49:14 UTC
This show makes me overuse exclamation marks!!!!



scifi_tv_addict November 29 2007, 05:19:53 UTC
Is it wrong that I want Peter to zap the hell out of Hiro? Is it even more wrong that I want Adam, Peter, and Elle to team up and become the trio of awesome?! For good or bad, I care not...just those three hotties doing what they do best.

Claire vs. Elle. Hmm, since Claire is dead to me after yelling at HRG, I'm rooting for Elle.

Mama Bennett=Awesome (she should hang out with Mama Petrelli)

I know! I saw young!Pratt and I was like...Cadman!!! Too bad she's dead. Damn!

Aw, poor predictably dead Alejandro. That's what you get when you try to get between Sylar and his soulmate ;)


hariboo November 29 2007, 17:34:20 UTC
Aw, poor predictably dead Alejandro. That's what you get when you try to get between Sylar and his soulmate ;)

Totally, right?


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