Heroes: T & C

Nov 28, 2007 00:21

Slyar you win at evil!Life!

Claire, you rock. Elle, you awesome sociopath you. Slushies are the best!

Monica! Micah! Mo! Molly! Maya! ... um Alejandro! (he totally ruined the M thing) - *pets/shakes head* But really, who didn't see that coming. Like a fricking mile away.

God, Nikki just doesn't get a break, does she?! *huggles*

Peter and Adam are just too awesome. And Adam is totally giving my pretty pretty Slyar competition in the evil!Life race. Actually I think they're pretty par for the course.

And DUDE, young!Victoria Pratt was Cadman from SGA! Way too cool.

HRG! *clings* Mama Bennet! *clings!* You rock as much as your hubby.

tv: heroes

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