Heroes: Me thinks...

Nov 28, 2007 16:39

Heroes - the future? Has it really changed that much? Sure, we saved NYC from the bomb and .07%, but now we have a plaugue that has takedn 93 or so %. Issac "Mystery Sock" Mendez and Candice still were killed by Slyar, Nathan is now dead in two futures, and Hiro was made into Kensei by Yakeo. So really? What in time has changed? I think this is why I love the time possibilities so much. A lot has changed but still, so much has stayed the same.

Also Nathan? There has always been talk that one main Hero will die and as stated above Nathan has now been killed in two possible future. Me thinks things don't look to good for our favourite flying man.

tv: heroes, meta: thinky thoughts

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