Title: Nerve of Sorrow
Rating: G
Character: Monica Dawson
Category: Gen
Spoilers: For ‘Powerless’, 2x11.
Disclaimer: I haven’t watched ‘Heroes’ in weeks, which would be bad if I owned the show. Tell me I should be watching again. It’s gotten better, right?
Summary: Monica feels guilty.
Notes: Title from the quote “Guilt is the very nerve of sorrow” by Horace Bushnell. I started this way back when the episode aired but couldn't come up with a title and then forgot to post it. Exactly 100 words.
She knows loss. She knows what it’s like to lose the one person in your life you’re not supposed to lose. At least not until you’re older, old and have been taught all the lessons, held her hand through good times and bad.
She knows loss but she still doesn’t know what to say. What to do. She didn’t kill his mother but she still feels as if she started the fire herself.
So she waits, stands back. She wants him to come to her. Maybe that’s selfish but then she’d know he doesn’t blame her. That she’s still family.