Jun 21, 2009 12:22

Because asked to see it, here, in all my fabulous glory, is me and my fat tongue:

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Comments 4

ilovemybaby June 21 2009, 03:26:43 UTC
Shut up, you look beautiful. *squishes you and never lets go*


happymanatee June 21 2009, 04:43:35 UTC

... )


notte0 June 21 2009, 12:00:43 UTC
it's not that i don't like them, I know piercings are cool, but when I look at people having pierced anything, I'll have this image that I'm about to get the same piercing and then THE PAIN!
This coming from a person with 3 piercings (2 on one ear, 1 on the other)

I remember on my first internship in Portugal there was a girl with a tongue piecing as well and she told me "The tricky part is when eating from a fork." I thought I'd share this tip :3


happymanatee June 22 2009, 00:55:03 UTC
OMG YOUR ICON IS TOO CUTE! Seriously though, my ears hurt more than my tongue. And I'll let you know how I go with forks when I can eat again :P


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