Leaving on a Jet Plane - Part One of Three

Jun 07, 2010 00:27

Title: Leaving on a Jet Plane - Part One
Author: Happyinchintz72
Overview: It's Katie's wedding and Reid and Luke take their journey to Hawaii...
Author's Notes: This is another in my shamless Fluff Fest series. It can stand alone but is a continuation of "Morning After the Night Before" and "Left Holding the Baby". It's fluffy, hopefully cute and fun. All mistakes are mine and please excuse my lack of knowledge of some US-specific things! I wrote this a while back and only got round to finish it recently so I hope you enjoy :)

Reid sat on Katie’s couch in only his lounge pants, his feet propped up on the coffee table (she wasn’t there, he could get away with it). He had a cup of coffee steaming beside him and a medical journal in his hands. He was listening to the soft noises coming from his sleeping boyfriend who was curled up in the adjoining room. All was right with the world and he’d even go so far as to say he felt contented. Reid Oliver was a happy man.

His peace lasted an hour.

“Reid, get your ass in the shower!” Luke shouted from inside their bedroom, his voice now verging on that level that only dogs could hear. Reid sighed and put down his papers- he still didn’t move any closer to the shower. He was attempting to put off what he knew was coming that day.

Luke practically tripped over his own feet coming out of the bedroom. Reid tipped his head back, viewing the world upside down and noticing that Luke was still only in boxers.

“You’re not dressed either,” he said, his voice lazy and seductive.

“No....I’m not,” Luke purred , a glint in his eye. He walked slowly towards Reid. As he reached the sofa, he wrapped his arms around Reid’s neck and planted tiny kisses along his jaw line and down his neck in sporadic patterns. Reid shivered at Luke’s warm lips and his shoulders squirmed. He tilted his head and playfully caught Luke’s lips. As they brushed lightly, Reid felt his toes curl. They’d been together a month now and nothing had changed- he was soppy and ridiculous where Luke was concerned. His right hand travelled up to disappear into Luke’s hair, pulling him closer into their upside down embrace. Reid frowned deeper into the kiss but Luke pulled back a centimetre, his lips only just tickling Reid’s and whispered, low and steady, “Shower. Now.”

Reid sighed roughly as Luke stood up chuckling a little.

“You, Luke Snyder, are a first class tease,” Reid whined as he turned around, “does you mother know she raised such a son?”

“She taught me all I know,” Luke bit back, a cheeky grin on his face.

“How does that not surprise me?” Reid retorted, obviously pleased with his clever come back.

“Ass,” Luke hissed with an amused frown.

Reid sighed again and quickly jumped off the sofa, his coffee cup rattling on the table.

“Do we have to go to this god forsaken wedding?” Reid complained as he walked into their bedroom and started to push his coat hangers aside, one by one.

“Yes we do and stop being so grumpy. I know that’s technically impossible for you but you could pretend, just for me,” Luke called from inside Reid’s en-suite.

Reid laughed sarcastically, “What makes you think I’d do anything like that for you?” he asked, knowing exactly what reply he’d get.

“Because you love me,” Luke sang, peeking his head out from around the door frame.

“Oh yea, I guess there’s that.”

Luke giggled and shook his head as he muttered, “You, Reid Oliver, are so predictable.”

“I take that as a personal insult.”

“Oh shut up and get dressed,” Luke shouted, his voice laced with affection.

Most mornings began in a similar way, both finding new ways to tease and argue but each secretly enjoying it far too much. Reid hated weddings. It wasn’t that he didn’t like seeing people happy, it was the show and the fuss that came with. Why the hell can’t two people just know they want to be together and not have to order some cheap ass band and crappy catering company just to prove it? Katie had been planning this thing for months and he could have dealt with it and persevered with fake smiles and mock excitement to make her happy, if it wasn’t for the ever present pain in his ass, Hughes being part of the deal too. He had to admit that he’d enjoyed seeing Katie happy even if it was with some sappy meat head who thought he was Oakdale’s answer to Chris Rock. God his jokes made Reid cringe. Katie was alive and sparkling though and Reid, even through his bitter dislike for her husband-to-be, was in full support of her decision- she was special to him now.

“You ready to go?” Luke asked as he appeared out of the bedroom, suitcase pulling behind him. Reid had to smile, Luke looked sexy as hell. His slightly wet and messy hair was enough to kill him dead never mind his adorable Knicks hoodie, jeans and sneakers. Reid let the words cute and adorable enter his brilliant brain then mentally bitch-slapped himself for being so god damned soft.

“Could you not have made an effort, it is a wedding after all?” Reid had asked, his voice lilting and sarcastic.

“You look good too,” Luke said with a smile as he tugged on Reid’s black woollen jumper for a kiss.

“Oooookkkk, before I drag you back to the bedroom and we never make the flight,” Reid has interjected, halting the kiss only out of rational thought.

“Now who’s the tease?” Luke whimpered playfully as Reid helped him with his suitcase.

“It’s not as if I want to get on this plane,” Reid had called behind him as they made their way down to the car.

“I still can’t believe the great Doctor Oliver has a list of irrational fears. First lifts, now aeroplanes...”

“We can’t all be perfect like you,” Reid accused, his eye brows raised as he peered over the car before sliding into his seat.

“That’s so true but I’d cut the snark, this car is paid for by me after all so anymore of your grumpiness and I swear you’ll be walking your way to Hawaii,” Luke laid down the law and Reid laughed, short and sharp.

Luke climbed into the seat next to him as the driver started the engine. Reid was stiff and becoming stressed at the thought of flying nevermind the impending hell of the Snyders, Perrettis, in fact all of sodding Oakhell, congregating on the island of grass skirts and coconut bras. His head hurt.

Luke knew what Reid was thinking. He could picture the stereotypical images of Hawaiian fancy dress that were no doubt passing through his boyfriend’s brain and smiled lovingly as he let himself lean onto Reid’s shoulder. It was sturdy and uncomfortable for around ten seconds before the inevitable caving in began. Reid slid his arm around Luke’s back and watched as Luke nuzzled his head into the crook of his neck.

“You’re far too easy, you know that?” Luke teased, snuggling closer.

“That’s you not getting any for the whole trip,” Reid answered into Luke’s hair as he felt him laugh softly into his shoulder.

fan fiction

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