Stay - Chapter Ten

Jun 06, 2010 15:11

Author's Notes:
Posted two today as both chapters were kinda short. More of the week's developments and hopefully, cuteness :)


Reid had to painfully admit Rosie’s competence. She had diligently seen to Luke’s care. Reid had glanced in as he passed briefly on his way to surgery, only to find her on a lunch break but positioned by Luke’s side with a notebook propped on her lap. Luke was sitting up, now changed into a new t-shirt and looking somewhat rested and perky with a silly smile on his face. Reid felt his heart lighten. On the way to surgery he’d mentally scolded himself numerous times for his lack of emotional distance and his inability to stop feeling like a love sick teenager. His heart paid no attention whatsoever.

He was concerned about Luke’s change in skin colour, knowing it was indicative of kidney complaints and Luke’s case was significantly more serious than just a ‘complaint’. It was this concern that prompted him to return to call in later after a six hour surgery stint concerning a suspected brain tumour- a pretty disturbing case for most but Reid had seen ten to a penny of such cases and had her stitched up and wheeled to ICU in no time.

As he approached Luke’s room he found him alone. Knowing it was his lunch break, Reid grabbed his sandwich, lovingly made my Katie the day before (even if it was lacking in mustard and extra meat), and tapped on the door.

He heard Luke’s voice but couldn’t make out the words. As he entered, Luke beamed at him, Reid’s heart started pounding. Damn he’s so fucking cute, he thought.

“Um, this is my room not the break room Doctor Oliver,” Luke teased with a mock seriousness. He definitely looked more animated and awake.

“Suck it up Mr Snyder, unfortunately for me you’re slightly better company than the morons that trot at my heels and call themselves interns, not to mention the god awful gaggle of nurses that screech in the corner ... it’s either in there or in here.” Reid knew he was being snarky and knew he was playing down his reason for standing in Luke’s room clutching his food like a kid with his favourite teddy.

Luke laughed, looked down then back up under his eyelids- it made Reid nearly drop his lunchbox. On anyone else that cheeky smile and coy look would have seemed absurd but on Luke it was enough to make anyone’s knees weak.

“Well, I’m so glad to know that I’m only ‘slightly better’ than them,” Luke quoted with a smirk, ”you really know how to make someone feel special.”

With that, Reid had to laugh. Luke really did fight his own corner- that was something he lov... found actually tolerable.

Reid sank into the chair by the bed and scooted it slightly closer. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Luke shuffled comfortably. Something inside of him fluttered.

“So, how’s the back?” Reid asked seriously, keeping it business as usual.

“Reid, every single person who comes in here asks me the same thing. My stupid kidney hurts, I am boiling alive in this bed, it’s hard to get comfortable, my head hurts, I feel sick pretty much 24/7 and the drugs I’m taking send me crazy. That good enough for you?” Luke knew he’d snapped. His irritation showed but Reid was ok with that.

“I only asked you about your back,” Reid retorted with a cheeky grin as he bit into his sandwich. He was quite impressed with it, Katie was clearly learning.

“That’s disgusting,” Luke stated his lip curling and nose wrinkling.

“This, Mr Snyder is a work of genius.”

“What is it with you and those things?” Luke was genuinely interested. His fascination with Reid Oliver drove him a little bit insane. He wanted to know everything, to consume his thoughts and felt giddy when he got even a morsel of information.

“I like sandwiches. That’s pretty much all there is to say on the matter.”

Luke stared at Reid as he ate, the doctor clearly unnerved. Reid frowned a little, unsure as to why they were silent. He sighed and put his food back on the tin foil wrapping.

“Ok, if you’re insisting on being nosey. My grand mother used to make them for me,” Reid admitted, mumbling slightly as his voice trailed. Luke sensed some emotion behind the words and smiled encouragingly, “she used to make it into a game as I was a busy kid, always off to classes or extra classes or my folks would ship me off to learn some new skill. I didn’t eat very well and played even less so it was our game.”

Reid eyes moistened and Luke didn’t miss it. He sighed gently and sunk lower into his pillow, trying to catch Reid’s eyes. He was in awe of this brilliant but private man allowing him inside his head. Luke practically swooned whenever Reid allowed him this insight. It felt like a precious gift given only to him. He wondered what he’d done to earn it.

Luke wanted more, he wanted everything. “She sounds amazing,” Luke simply said.

Reid felt that niggling suffocation creeping up on him, his inner voice screaming to run but his heart somehow tethered to this bed, to this person, to this moment.

“She died when I was in med school.” The words were simple and clear but behind every syllable, Luke sensed a different emotion and a different part of Reid he desperately wanted to understand. Luke’s face flushed and he felt sorry for even bringing it up.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-“

“It’s fine Luke, honestly,” Reid reassured with an honest but wonky smile, “she was pretty spectacular. I guess these are the one thing I have to remind me of her. Plus, they’re damned good.”

Luke knew that this wasn’t an instance of Reid’s guarded nature, it wasn’t Reid shutting down or hiding his feelings, this was Reid’s strong and honest qualities shining through. The trust between them was something truly indescribable.

Luke, without thinking, reached out and pulled a piece off. “Well if they’re so damned good then you won’t mind me sharing will you. Hospital food is gross.”

Reid laughed, genuine and rhythmic. Luke sighed happily and munched on his contraband snack. He felt like he hadn’t eaten in months.

“You need to experience an epic sandwich in its full capacity,” Reid said as he took in Luke’s hunger. Reid took another bite and flicked his bright blue eyes up to Luke to witness his reaction.

“Is that an offer for when I get out of here?” Luke asked, suddenly feeling very nervous. He fidgeted slightly, picking at the bed sheet, and realised he’d completely forgotten his pain.

Reid, his gaze steady and a slow but confident smirk spreading on his face, answered with surety and amusement, “Definitely.”

fan fiction

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