Drabble Series: 6...6...6

May 17, 2010 22:08

Drabble 6 of 20: Cable Car

Pairing: Victoria/Ryland

Disclaimer: I do not own Cobra Starship. Any events here are purely fictional.


“Canada, eh?”


“Knock it off,” Victoria said in irritation as she looked over to Ryland and gave him the stink eye. “Or, I swear to God, I’m going to throw you out of this cable cart.”

They were dangling over God-knows-what feet from the ground, freezing her ass off right now in Canada. ‘Ryland wasn’t helping her patience’ was an understatement at the moment. She loved him; but her love can only go so far.

“Cheer up! We’re in Canada, eh,” Ryland said in child-like excitement. It would have endeared her if it weren’t for the fact he said it again. “The great land of beavers, maple syrup and lumberjacks.” He added with a cheeky grin, “eh?”

She was very close in kicking the guy if he said that one. More. Time…

“Come on Vicky (Victoria despised that nickname but let Ryland call her that since she loved him that much), lighten up!” Ryland said, “It’s just you and me in the cable car right now! And we don’t know how long we’ll be stuck in this thing. So why can’t I have a little fun?”

She rolled her blue eyes in response. “Because, Ryland, we’re hanging over ground in a metal tin of death, thanks to the fact the system stopped and is being repaired right now, I’m freezing my ass off-“

“What a way to waste a perfectly good ass,” Ryland commented with a straight face.

“-and you’re not helping by uttering ‘Canada, eh’ every ten minutes,” Victoria finished while making sure she ignored the unneeded (but still flattering) comment about her butt.

“I’m bored, Vicky.” Ryland pouted and crossed his arms like a child being denied candy. “What can I do to entertain myself then?”

She threw her hands up in the air in frustration. “I don’t know Ryland,” she said, “nor do I care. Jump out of the cable car and attempt to fly?” She was half-serious at this point.

Noticing that he (finally) managed to piss her off, Ryland winced and explained him self. “Come baby, lighten up,” Ryland said, “you know I don’t just do this to piss you off. I just want to make you laugh since you seemed so grumpy. I just wanted to see you smile. You look prettier when you smile.”

It was a sappy thing to say but it was something that made Victoria smile. “And I love you too,” she replied, “what do you want to do then? It’s not like we can do much here.”

Ryland said with a perfectly innocent expression on his face, “how about looking at the beautiful things?”

“Umm…alright,” Victoria said. She was confused by his suggestion and started to dig around for her camera when he walked over to her side of the cable car, sat down and pulled her on his lap and simply stared at her.

“Any reason why you’re doing this?”

“I’m looking at a beautiful thing,” he said with a straight face. “Eh?”

Victoria just kissed him on the lips to shut him up.


Lost the plot yet again. Sorry.

Ehh…once again, I changed theme! I can totally explain why, I swear to God.

I was writing the original drabble, Detention (Slytherine!Gabe/Ravenclaw!William), when I decided to go 'fuck it' and go goof off instead of actually finish my work. I went to bookxbuttefly's Journal because...eh, you know, I was bored. Their most recent entry, walking in a winter wonderland, mentioned going on a cable car while they are at Canada.

For some reason, that made me go ‘OH HEY! This reminds me of Victoria/Ryland for some reason though I don’t know why nor do I care because I’m going to write this drabble now instead!”

And I did…:)

That's it from me! Tune in to the next drabble you guys.

fanfiction, drabble, writing, series, canada, last minute shit, cobra starship, cable car

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