It Happens All The Time: Attention Whore

May 16, 2010 23:46


That's the vibe of an attention whore in twelve words basically.

A fine example.
However, since this article needs to be a little bit more bigger and longer let's delve further in this It Happens All The Time article, shall we?

Tvtropes (can't live without that wonderful site) explains them oh so fucking well:

"Whatever the cost, these characters have to be the center of attention. They don't even care about embarrassing themselves. That would just get them more attention ... negative or positive, as long as all eyes are on them."

We've met this person before haven't we? Can't deny that part of life. Hell, we might have be one ourselves! They talk to you about what they did that day or something they OMG totally thought was radical. Do something silly or flat out irritating to make you give eye contact. All but screaming 'PAY ATTENTION' in your ear.

Whether it is a relative, friend, co-worker or that crazy hobo at the bus station, they want your attention damn it. And they will do anything and anyone in order to do so. They don't give a hoot if the response is bad or good. It is still a response and they want to keep you responding to them.

I was not joking on the part of 'anyone'.

It's worse on the internet! Girls posting pictures of themselves, flashing breasts that aren't even there and sporting an outfit I'm VERY sure that doesn't belong to them or doing something OMG RANDOMHUMOR LOL on webcam for you to notice them. Points if they are trying to give a lusty (read: dead) look/smiling like a maniac while wearing shit tons of eyeliner.

More perfect examples!

Then there are the guys going 'FAG LOL IM BETTER' when you're playing Left 4 Dead or Halo, or the ones that do the 'LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL LINKIN PARK, GREEN DAY SUCK ASS!' in the music threads of any forums.

They are everywhere! It's like a Goddamn invasion of Attention Whores no matter where we go. Every time I go on the internet and someone goes 'hey guys look at my pics :)))) Im so fat :(((((' threads in my H.P Lovecraft forums, I feel like I'm in Dawn of the Whores. And not the nice Frank Miller kind.


Don't believe me? Go to the restaurant? BOOM! One is whining about the flawless pasta they have. Go to the clothing store? BOOM! One is whining about how faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat they are. Go to the video game story? BOOM! One is bragging about having all the installments of Team Fortress 2 and how THEY have all the achievements for every class.

And that's when they are by themselves, using all their ability to whore themselves out. I hate to see what would happen if two were best friends.

Oh shi-

I can never forget my experience. Even if I wanted to. Was at this book store you see, even I don't know why one would be there, and she noticed that I was going through some of the discount books. For some reason, she decided to say:

"I read a lot of books!"

It was a simple 'what kind?', innocent enough, but it gave her leeway to talk on and on about the books she has read and how amazing they were. Like, say, Son of a Witch, Wicked, Lion Among Men, Chasing Vermeer, Coraline and etc.

Before I go on, I must add that all of these books were on the table we were at and she would actually pause, look at the books on the table and add it to the books she has 'read'. I'm not shitting you. Afterward, I would ask her if she knew the books plot nicely as I could. She talked about the books, often getting the contents wrong.

Last time I checked, Wicked was not a horror story about a green/black monster. That would be completely missing the point of the story. I think.

I real these books! My favorite one is Romische Schuhe where they teach you shoes from Europe and how to make them!
Feeling somewhat uncomfortable after a while, I tried to move away discreetly as possible but she would follow, trying to strike a conversation even when I told her I needed to be left alone. She finally did when I began ignoring her and the pokes to my ribs.

In short: Attention Whores are annoying but one (hopefully) won't drive you to the edge of homicide. They simply want attention and will do any means possible to do so. Whether it is attempting to like what you like or insulting what you like, or simply trying to act 'cute' in public. Simply try to take it with grace and realize they will be here for a long, long time.

And they are everywhere, so you can't deny their existence and pretend anything like that exist. Like Breaking Dawn.

tvtropes, it happens all the time, segment, real life, annoyance, filler work, kill it with fire, attention whore

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