Drabble Series: 11 Is Simply 1+1 = 2! Yeah, I Ran Out Of Witty Things To Say

Jun 01, 2010 00:55

Drabble 11 of 20: Jealously

Pairing: John/Paul

Disclaimer: I do not own the The Beatles. A racist comment in a part of the story. Any events here are purely fictional.


Paul wasn’t usually a jealous man.

Especially if it somehow, and it always did, involve his love. John Lennon, lover extraordinaire.

Paul wasn’t a jealous man, no. He was a man of intellect and fancied himself being able to think of solutions that satisfied everyone in the party. When he lay with John in bed the night they finally said ‘I love you’ to each other, he thought about the future between him and John. Being rational, he thought about the most logical approach.

Paul knew that he alone couldn’t satisfy John, no matter what those blasted fairy tales claim, and he knew that even though John loved him he just couldn’t settle with one person before feeling restless again.

He couldn’t force John to just love him and only him. And he felt leery towards the idea of someone else being in their intimate relationship. He talked to John about it, who understood thank heavens, and they both talked and talked and talked until they reached a compromise. Long as John loved him, emotionally, he’ll let John love others, bodily.

They had their moments, yes. They fought and squabbled over the years but always stayed together even after their marriages to other people. They still loved one another and that was enough for Paul because he wasn’t a jealous man.

That was until Yoko came in.

When Paul first heard of Yoko through John after John met her in November 9, 1966, he simply thought she was another fancy for John. But then John talked about her more and more after he met her again, and Paul grew leery at the idea of Yoko stealing John from him. He confided his problems with John one time and the man simply told him: “You’re the one I love Paul, don’t you worry. I won’t love anyone else”.

In a sense, Paul always hated John for lying to him.


Inevitably and sadly for Paul, John and Yoko fell in love and he felt more and more like the third wheel or other woman when he spent nights with John. He would often stare the ceiling when they were done and wondered why this was happening. He knew John better. His fears, his dreams, his secrets. How could this…this…chink come in and steal John away from him?

Paul was bitter and resentful and made it clear to John how he felt whenever he could. John retaliated, naturally, and they began to bicker longer and louder. It became frequent and they fought over the pettiest of things. Soon enough it spilled into the band and the The Beatles just broke down. George joined in the fights, Ringo stayed away.

The rest is history.

Paul will never admit that he blames Yoko for everything but a small part of him does.


It's 2010 now.

Paul still meets up with Yoko time to time and they remained amiable and polite to one another due to their undying love for John. They talk about anything and anyone but never touch the one thing that is the only reason they are friendly to each other. They talked about his divorce with Heather, her work in music, the silly ‘Paul is Dead’ thing but never about John.

It’s still too painful for them.

Sometimes when he meets her, Paul wants to hit her in the face, hard, for stealing John away. Other times he just wants to hug her for making John happy in his final years.

Most of the time, he does the latter.


When he’s by himself he can’t help but wonder how Yoko did it. What did she have that he didn’t to make John so devoted and loving to her? He pondered and questioned but could never get the answer he was satisfied with.

Somehow Yoko did the one thing Paul couldn’t do in the past years he’s been with John: Have him completely. Both heart and body.

Something Paul couldn’t (and never could).


Paul wasn’t a jealous man.

But there was a first for everything.


I thought I should do more The Beatles fic, so here’s another one. I wanted to focus on John/Paul at the moment because their relationship was very interesting especially after Yoko came in.

And I put waaay too many ‘----------------------------------------------------------------‘, you know?

Slight editing due to errors. Thanks bookxbutterfly for pointing them out!

writer's block, feelings, fanfiction, drabble, the beatles, angst, music

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