My Cupid Daughter! : Chapter Eight

Apr 08, 2010 20:49

Title: My Cupid Daughter!

Chapter: Chapter Eight

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary: After years of disappearing, finally Ueda Tatsuya returns to Japan. But he is not alone; he is back with his daughter. And when he meets up with his old flame, Nishikido Ryo does the flame already died out, or does it still ( Read more... )

fanfic : ryoda, my cupid daughter the series

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Comments 28

ueda_fangirl April 8 2010, 16:08:00 UTC
ryo u saved eri's life im sure tat-chan will heal your wounds just dont die ;-;


hanny2luv April 9 2010, 02:03:38 UTC
(^_^) Thank you for reading and commenting.


floppy_snoopi April 8 2010, 17:51:46 UTC
yay for saving Eri-chan ~
but no yay for bleeding ryo-chan >.< tatchan will save him by telling him he still love him :D?

thanks for sharing ~
will be waiting the next chappy :p


hanny2luv April 9 2010, 02:06:51 UTC
\(^0^)/ Yay to Ryo-chan for saving Eri.

Thank you for reading and commenting. ^^


panda_momo April 8 2010, 18:37:21 UTC
uwaaa.....wat happen to ryochan....
but im happy that eri is safe...=)
thank you for the chapter...
it's so sweeeetttt....=p


hanny2luv April 9 2010, 02:07:28 UTC
Glad u like it.

Thanks for reading and commenting. ^^


sandster101 April 8 2010, 21:48:08 UTC
. i just found this..sorry, i keep forgeting to check the 0% comm..'s good that eri is back and safe now, it's even better that ryo was the one who helped rescue her..but, ryo's bleeding..pls don't let him die author-san..please..

.well i love it..very very much..looking forward to the next update, the epilogue..♥♥♥chu♥♥♥


hanny2luv April 9 2010, 02:24:22 UTC
Glad that u love it.

Thank you for reading and commenting. ^^


chika1611 April 9 2010, 02:02:49 UTC
Oh no.... I hope Ryo would be okay... *wails*


hanny2luv April 9 2010, 02:27:17 UTC
Just wait to find out, ne.

Thanks for reading and commenting. ^^


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