My Cupid Daughter! : Chapter Eight

Apr 08, 2010 20:49

Title: My Cupid Daughter!

Chapter: Chapter Eight

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary: After years of disappearing, finally Ueda Tatsuya returns to Japan. But he is not alone; he is back with his daughter. And when he meets up with his old flame, Nishikido Ryo does the flame already died out, or does it still exist. And what will happen when Tatsuya's daughter decides to play cupid to make her papa happy again.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: my good friend, allboutp

Ryo was sneaking around near the warehouse where the kidnappers have brought Eri. Walking slowly and quietly as he could, he managed to slip into the warehouse where the car parked. Hiding behind a pile of trashes, he looked out carefully, trying to find Eri. When he did not see anyone, he walked some more. Then, he heard sound of a little girl sobbing. When he jerked his head a bit, he saw the kidnappers shoving Eri into a cage, to prevent Eri from escaping.

Ryo gripped his knuckles tightly. Its one thing for them to kidnap a little girl, but to treat her like that, it’s really making his blood boiled. Not to mention the fact that the little girl belongs to Tatsuya. And he knew how devastated Tatsuya will be if something happened to his little girl.

Ryo was looking to his right and left, trying to search for something that he can use as a mean to protect himself while he’s in his mission to rescue Eri. Luckily for him, there’s a pipe near him.  But before he can take any action, he send a text to Yamapi, just incase things get out of his control. At least, he hopes Yamapi will send a back up to help him in his mission.


Tatsuya puts his head in the palm of his hand, silently crying, worrying about his only daughter. The worries and fears that he felt in his heart is so intense that he didn’t think he can live if he lost his daughter. Kazuya was sitting beside him, hugging him and try to comfort him.

Meanwhile Yamapi, who had arrived earlier was talking to the police and gave them the necessary information about Eri. While he was talking to the police, suddenly his mobile phone rang, indicating that he had received a text. Reading it, his eyes widen at the content of the text. He quickly showed it to the police in charged. Then the police sprung into an action. Yamapi told them that he wanted to follow them. At first, the chief inspector was reluctant to allow him to follow them but Yamapi promised them that he won’t get in their way and will stay out of danger. Besides, he gave his reason to the policeman, he’s the one Ryo send the text to so that means Ryo wanted Yamapi’s help.

Before going off with the policemen, Yamapi gestured to Kazuya to come to him. Reluctantly leaving Tatsuya’s side, Kazuya walked to where his lover was.

“What is it, Tomo? Did they found Eri?” Kazuya asked Yamapi while his eyes still train on Tatsuya sobbing form.

“Yeah, it’s seems Ryo-chan was there when Eri was kidnapped. He sends me a text, and I’m going with the policemen to where they are.” Yamapi explained.

Kazuya eyes widen. “That’s great news. I’m going too.” Kazuya said, his eyes filled with hope.

“No! You need to stay here.” Yamapi told him. Kazuya glared at him.

“Why should I? I’m her godfather; I have the right to go there too.” Kazuya said. Yamapi sighed.

“I know that, love. But I need you to be here for Tat-chan. Look at him, Kazu. He’s a mess. And I don’t think he is in the right state to go with the rescue team.” Yamapi explained calmly to Kazuya. Kazuya turned his eyes toward where Tatsuya was sitting. And he knew that what Yamapi said was right. With a resignation sighed, he agreed.

“Fine, I’ll stay. But you keep me inform, ok. And be careful.” Kazuya said to Yamapi. Yamapi gave him a small smile.

“I will, don’t worry. And don’t tell Tat-chan yet. I don’t want him to get his hope up.” Yamapi said before he turned and leave with the chief of the police.

“Please, Kami-sama. Don’t let anything bad happens to any of them.” Kazuya prayed silently as he watched the car disappeared from his view.


It’s been almost an hour and a half since Yamapi and the police went to rescue Eri. Kazuya was pacing anxiously, as he received no news from Yamapi. Meanwhile, Tatsuya sat at the porch of his sister’s house, face down facing the earth while his mind played the memories of Eri.

Just then, a car stopped in front of Tatsuko’s house. Kazuya stopped pacing, jerking his head out curiously. Then, Ryo came out of the car with Eri in his arm.

“Papa!” Eri shouted as soon as she saw her father. Sliding down from Ryo’s hold, she ran toward Tatsuya. Hearing his daughter’s voice, Tatsuya looked up. In an instance, the said little girl threw herself into her father arms. Finally realized that his daughter was safe in his arm, Tatsuya hugged her tightly as if he doesn’t want to ever let go of her.

“My baby…., my baby….” Tatsuya keep on saying as he hugged Eri and cried in relief. Even Eri tighten her hold on her father, afraid that if she let go, she will be taken again.  “Are you okay, Love? Did the bad man hurt you?” He asked Eri, while his hand and eyes searching if there were any injuries on his daughter.

Eri just shook her head and put her head on her father shoulder. All that she knows now is that she is safe in her father arms.

Ryo smiled slightly at the reunion between the father and daughter. How he wished he could be a part of them, but he knew he can’t. He had let go the best thing that ever happen to him in the past, so now he could only watch as the man that he loves moving on with his life.

All of sudden, he felt pain at his backside. He tried to reach the source of the pain with his hand. Then, he felt something sticky. When he drew back his hand from his back, he saw that his hand covered with blood. He started to feel faintly. His vision started to blur and his knee became weak.

“Ryo-chan, are you ok?” Yamapi asked, walking towards him. That’s when his feet finally gave in and he stumbled. Yamapi managed to catch him before he completely falls down.

“Oh, Kami! You’re bleeding!” Yamapi stated in shocked when his own hand covered with Ryo’s blood. Ryo was unaware of what’s going on around him anymore. His eyes were on Tatsuya.

‘I’m glad that I managed to bring that smile back to your face, Tatsuya. I don’t mind if I die now‘, was Ryo’s last thought.

To be continued…..

fanfic : ryoda, my cupid daughter the series

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