My Cupid Daughter! : Chapter Four

Apr 03, 2009 00:31

Title: My Cupid Daughter!
Chapter: Chapter Four
Author: hanny2luv
Pairing: Ryoda
Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.
Summary: After years of disappearing, finally Ueda Tatsuya returns to Japan. But he is not alone; he is back with his daughter. And when he meets up with his old flame, Nishikido Ryo does the flame already died out, or does it ( Read more... )

fanfic : ryoda, my cupid daughter the series

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Comments 47

ramadiii April 2 2009, 17:00:59 UTC


hanny2luv April 2 2009, 17:06:45 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting. ^^


karla_chiro April 2 2009, 17:02:13 UTC
OMG update....
OK I'm running to read the previous chapters...
I'm missed YOu and Ryoda....
so much
.. will comment again l8er...


hanny2luv April 2 2009, 17:08:14 UTC
Yeah, finally. And i'm glad to finally post this particular chapter too. I've been trying to post it since like hours ago.

I'll be waiting. ^^


karla_chiro April 2 2009, 17:40:14 UTC
OMG.. ERI....
She saw it.. I"m so excited for the nxt chpater.. ( i will be W8ng Patiently..)
I love this this is so KAWAII!!

at long last i was able to read fics other than research paper..
hehehehe TNX for the update...


hanny2luv April 2 2009, 17:49:16 UTC
Yeah, well, lets hope i can overcome my laziness to continue writing the next chapter, ne.

I understand what u're feeling. Ganbatte ne!

Thanks for reading and commenting. ^^


twentyeytako April 2 2009, 17:18:00 UTC

eri-chan is soo cute!

thanks for the update! :)


hanny2luv April 2 2009, 17:44:21 UTC
She is, isn't she.

Thanks for reading and commenting. ^^


lil_brooke April 2 2009, 18:02:29 UTC
uwaaahhh!!! glad u updated..
i missed u and ur ryoda fics...LOL!
this is wonderful..LOL!
now im dying to know what happened in the past between ryo and tat-chan, which resulted to kat-tun being disbanded...
love this chap...
thanks 4 the update... :)


hanny2luv April 2 2009, 18:09:42 UTC
Yeah, i'm glad i can post this one too.
I've been trying since around 4 pm but i can only post it just now, when it's already 12 am.

I kinda having a writer block right now. And plus my laziness consume me too. haha.

Well, you will know about the past in the next chapter. Matte, ne.

Thanks for reading and commenting. ^^


oxokawaiiox April 2 2009, 19:02:46 UTC
aweh update♥
i really love this chapterr!! Everyone loves Eri ne? oh and she has green eyes, sweets ^^
hehe make that two pairs of eyes watching Ryo caressing Tat-chans face; *watches RyoDa*

thanks for updating ne~


hanny2luv April 2 2009, 19:15:02 UTC
Yeah, finally ne.

Thank you. I'm glad u like it.

U have green eyes? Kyaa~~ *excited* I always love green eyes but mine is brown.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


oxokawaiiox April 3 2009, 00:33:50 UTC
lol, well i don't really have green eyes just green contacts, my eyes are really brown too ^___^; sorry to ruin your mood >___


hanny2luv April 3 2009, 04:52:51 UTC
At least u have the contacts. I'm too afraid to wear contacts, hehehe. :p


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