My Cupid Daughter! : Chapter Four

Apr 03, 2009 00:31

Title: My Cupid Daughter!
Chapter: Chapter Four
Author: hanny2luv
Pairing: Ryoda
Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.
Summary: After years of disappearing, finally Ueda Tatsuya returns to Japan. But he is not alone; he is back with his daughter. And when he meets up with his old flame, Nishikido Ryo does the flame already died out, or does it still exist. And what will happen when Tatsuya's daughter decides to play cupid to make her papa happy again.
Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.
Beta by:allboutp , thank you dear.

Ryo lay down on his bed, thinking back about the previous encounter at Yamapi’s apartment. After 9 years of disappearing, he never thought that finally he was able to meet Tatsuya ever again. After 3 years of no news about where Tatsuya whereabouts, Ryo was actually has given up on his hope to see Tatsuya again. But now, seeing Tatsuya beautiful face again, kind of reminded him of the feeling that he had buried deep inside his heart. All of the regret that he felt after he broken up with Tatsuya, all the love that he still harbor toward the older man and all the hope of getting back together began to reemerge yet again.

But finding out that Tatsuya has a daughter, he didn’t know what to think about that particular piece of information. After tossing and turning on his bed for hours, finally Ryo was fast asleep with undecided feeling.


“Kazu, could I ask for a favor?” Tatsuya asked through the phone. He and Eri were having their lunch in the restaurant at the Hotel where they stayed.

“Sure Tat-chan. What is it?” Kazuya asked, while sorting through the paper on his desk.

“Could you look after Eri for a few hours? Something came out, and I need to be at the museum at 3 pm. Actually, I’ve already asked my sister to take care of her during my time here, but she also got something going on today so she can’t baby-sit Eri for today. Just this once, Kazu.” Tatsuya explained.

“Ok, sure. Just drop her at my shop. I don’t have any meeting or function anyway.” Kazuya said. “Ok, thanks Kazu. You’re a life saver.” Tatsuya sighed in relief. Kazuya just laugh when he heard that.

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind. Besides, I love spending time with Eri.” Kazuya said.

Half an hour later, Tatsuya came with Eri in tow. “Here, this is Eri’s bag. There are coloring books, color pencils, crayon and a few others of her play things in it.” Tatsuya told Kazuya as he gave Kazuya a bag with a cartoon picture in front of it. Kazuya took the bag and hold Eri’s hand in his.

“Ok, got it. You don’t have to worry. Everything will be fine.” Kazuya assured Tatsuya. Tatsuya just smiled and kneeled in front of Eri. Giving his daughter a kiss on her forehead, he said. “Be good to Uncle Kazu, ok Princess. I’ll come and get you after my meeting finish.” Eri just smiled serenely at her father. “I will, Papa.”


The clock shows that it’s almost 6 o’clock, but there still no sign of Tatsuya coming for Eri yet. Eri was coloring her picture book on the table at the left of Kazuya’s working desk. In Kazuya office consist a few racks, a desk where he usually do his paper works, few couches and a table where he usually entertain his guests.

Meanwhile, Kazuya was still busy sorting out his document but at the same time try to give his attention to Eri.

“What are you doing? Can I join too?” Kazuya asked as he sat beside Eri after finishing with what he was doing earlier. Eri looked up and smiled at her Uncle Kazu. “Ok, you can color this one.” Eri said, pointing at the picture. Kazuya just laughed.

“Are you sure you want me to color this picture? I’m not very good at it, you know.” Kazuya said. Eri just patted Kazuya’s leg. “That’s ok. Papa said no one is good at first time but if you keep on practice, you can be good too.” Eri said to him. Kazuya laughed once again when he heard that. Typical Tatsuya, he thought.

Suddenly there’s a knock on the door. Kazuya stood to open the door while Eri just continued with her coloring.

“Kame-chan, we come to visit you.” The voice boom as Kazuya opened the door.

“Eh! Koki, Maru, what are you guys doing here? Junno, you’re here too.” Kazuya said, a bit surprised with his ex-bandmates sudden visit. Eri looked up from her coloring to see what the commotion was all about.

“Whoa, who is that? Kame-chan, why didn’t you tell us you have a daughter? Did you cheat on Pi?” Nakamaru asked upon seeing Eri.

“WHAT!! Maru, how could you suggest such a thing? Pi is the love of my life, there’s no way I will cheat on him. And for your information, that is my goddaughter.” Kazuya explained, while inviting them in.

Then he walked and sat beside Eri while his friends make themselves comfortable in is office. Koki sat in front of them and leans forward to take a good look of Eri which makes Eri squirmed closer to Kazuya because she really shy around the people she didn’t know.

“What is your name, little girl?” Koki asked. Eri looked at Kazuya and Kazuya nodded at her, as a permission to tell her name.

“My name is Akari but you can call me Eri.” Eri answered.

“What a beautiful name. Just like you are, Eri-chan.” Koki said. Eri smiled shyly. This is the second time she heard that since she’s in Japan.

“Her eyes is so beautiful. I’m not quite aware there is any Japanese with eyes like that before.” Junno said thoughtfully. After 9 years, it’s also understandable that Junno has also grown out of his naivety but he’s still has his moment.

“Yeah, I didn’t know anyone with green eyes like that.” Nakamaru said. “That’s because she’s only half Japanese.” Kazuya explained.

“Oh, that does explain it.” Nakamaru said as if it’s answered all his questions.

“You have a funny nose, mister.” Eri suddenly said at Nakamaru. Koki and Junno laugh out loud at that statement. Nakamaru just frown. Even Kazuya gave out a low chuckled, after he reprimanded Eri of course.

“Eri, that’s rude.” Kazuya said to Eri. Eri just smiled sheepishly, “Sorry.” She said.

“You know, she looks kind of familiar.” Junno said to Nakamaru and Koki. “Does she remind you of someone?” Junno asked them. Koki and Nakamaru nodded in agreement but they still haven’t figured out who Eri reminded them of.

Suddenly there’s a knock on the door before it was opened. “Sorry I’m late, Kazu. The meeting took longer than I expected.” Tatsuya said as he walked in, without noticing Kazuya’s guests.

“Papa!” Eri exclaimed and run toward her Papa. Meanwhile, Koki, Nakamaru and Junno were stunned, finally meeting Tatsuya again after 9 years.

“Tatsuya!” Nakamaru said.

“UEPI!” That was Junno.

“Uebo!” And that was Koki, all exclaimed at the same time. Tatsuya’s eyes widen when he realized who else in the room with Kazuya. Kazuya just shrugged apologetically at Tatsuya.


An hour later, after much scolding and curses on Koki part, a teary reunion on Nakamaru part and a welcoming smile from Junno, they finally reached Kazuya’s apartment to catch up with each other.

“Now I know why she looked so familiar. She looks just like you, Uepi. Only with a different eyes and hair color.” Junno said when all four of them sitting comfortably at Kazuya’s couch while Kazuya was making tea for them, with the help of Akari.

“Are you sure you can carry that, Eri?” They heard Kazuya asked. “Yes, Uncle Kazu. I’m a big girl, aren’t I?” Eri replied.

“So, why didn’t you tell us where you were gone to? And why is that Kame known where you are? I thought I’m your best friend.” Nakamaru said, his voice a bit accusing.

“I didn’t tell him either, Yuuichi. I didn’t tell anyone at all. We meet accidentally when he was doing his photo shooting in New York and I asked him to keep it as a secret.” Tatsuya explained.

“You don’t have to disappear, you know. We could have support you with every decision that you make.” Koki said softly.

“I know. I realized that now. But back then, everything seems to be happening so fast, and it was all crashing down on me. And I just can’t take it and run away. I know I shouldn’t do that. I know that you guys will give me your supports, but let just say my decision back then was brash and stupid.” Tatsuya admitted.

“That’s ok Uepi. At least you’re here now, aren’t you?” Junno asked. Tatsuya just sighed.

“Yeah, but only for a while though. I’m here because I have meeting and Eri actually wants to see what Japan was like.” Tatsuya explained. Just as he finished that sentence, Kazuya and Eri walked out from the kitchen with the tea and cookies.

Setting the plate of cookies on the table, Eri went and sat besides Tatsuya. Meanwhile Kazuya proceed on sitting besides Eri.

“She’s beautiful, Uepi. How old is she?” Junno asked inquiringly at Tatsuya.

“She just turned 5 years old last month.” Tatsuya answered, smiling proudly at the compliment given by Junno.

“Really? I was born on November too.” Junno said excitedly at Eri. “And don’t forget about me. Maybe your birthday is closer to mine than his. Tell me Eri-chan, when was your birthday?” Koki asked.

“Erm, it’s on 3rd of November.” Eri said shyly. Nakamaru, who was drinking, choke on his tea.

“Really, Eri-chan?” Nakamaru asked, looking slightly at Tatsuya for confirmation. Tatsuya just nodded.

“Wow! That is just wow!” Nakamaru said. At first, Koki and Junno looked puzzled at Nakamaru until they realized who else shared the same birthday as Eri. Meanwhile, Eri looked puzzled with their reaction. Maybe it was because she has gotten so big, Eri thought to herself.

There was uncomfortable silent that follow, until Kazuya can’t take it anymore. “Okay, I’m hungry. Why don’t all of us have dinner together? There’s this new restaurant that I want to try out.” Kazuya said. All of them murmured in agreement and set to go to the new restaurant.


That night, after having their dinner, both Tatsuya and Eri went back to their hotel suite. Meanwhile the others went back to their home respectively.

“Papa, are they your friends?” Eri asked when Tatsuya was tucking her to sleep.

“Yes, they are.” Tatsuya answered.

“Then, why they never come and visit us?” Eri asked again. “Because they never know where we live, sweetheart.” Tatsuya answered.

“Why?” Eri looked puzzled. Tatsuya just sighed, as he didn’t know how exactly to answer that question.

“Because I never told them, that’s why. Why don’t you sleep, baby girl. We need to be awake early in the morning tomorrow as I have a meeting and I need to send you to my sister first.” Tatsuya said.

“Ok, good night, Papa.” Eri said as she close her eyes. “Good night, princess.” Tatsuya said, kissing his daughter forehead.

When he was out of his daughter room, he heard knocking on the door. He was quite surprised to see Ryo outside his hotel’s suite.

“Ryo, what are you doing here?” He asked, slightly shocked. “I came to see you.” Ryo told him.

“Why don’t you come in?” Tatsuya said as he gestured Ryo to come inside the suite.

“So, what is it that you really want?” Tatsuya asked Ryo once again, once they have been seated on the couch.

“ I just want to know how’s you doing. That’s all.” Ryo answered. “Is it really just that?” Tatsuya questioned.

“Well, no, not just that. I also want to apologize properly too. For what I did to you 9 years ago.” Ryo said, sighing in defeat.

Tatsuya looked at Ryo like he was searching for something before he finally nodded. “That’s ok, Ryo. I’ve forgotten about it. And I have move on too. Just like you asked me to.” Tatsuya answered.

“I’m glad, Tatsuya. Erm, I think I should be going now.” Ryo said as he stood. Tatsuya walked behind him as they walked towards the door.

Suddenly Ryo turned around. “I’m really, really sorry for what I did back then, Tatsuya.” Ryo said with regret laced in his voice. Then he raised his hand to caress Tatsuya’s cheek. Without meaning too, Tatsuya leans to feel the warmth of Ryo’s hand. That is until he realized what he’s doing. Then, he took a step back. Ryo sighed inwardly and walked out of the suite.

Once the door closed, Tatsuya puts his hand on his heart, gripping the shirt he was wearing. “Why does my heart can’t seem to forget you, Ryo?” He asked himself, unaware of a pair of eyes watching him.

To be continued…

fanfic : ryoda, my cupid daughter the series

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