Number Drabble 11-15

Mar 25, 2009 14:13

Title: Number Drabble 11-15

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Drabble.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: my dear allboutp

A/N: Obviously I was bored once again since my drabble usually came to me when I was bored. I was waiting for a bus when I thought of this one. Kind of the continuation from my previous number drabbles. Oh, and there’s mpreg.

11) After ELEVEN month of getting married, Tatsuya found out that he’s pregnant again. And ELEVEN seconds after he told Ryo about it, Ryo fainted.

12) Tatsuya spends the next TWELVE weeks gleefully torturing Ryo to fulfill his every wish. And one of it,  he was craving for peaches when it’s obviously not in season, which made Ryo visited all supermarkets and every store in Tokyo just to make sure his Hime gets what he wanted.

13) Thirteen weeks later, when Tatsuya was around 8 month pregnant, he fell down the stairs. Luckily at the time his band mates were coming to visit him and he was rushed to the hospital immediately and went into the emergency room for operation.

14) After what it feels like a very long FOURTEEN hours of waiting (although it was just 4 hour, really!) for Ryo, finally one of the doctor came out of the operation room. Handing the sleeping Rui to Kazuya, Ryo quickly went to the doctor. “How is he, sensei?” He asked. “And how is the baby?” Ryo asked again. The doctor just gave him a small smile. “Congratulation, you’re a father again. The babies are fine.” The doctor said. Ryo sighed in relief until he realized what the doctor had said. “Wait!! Babies??” He asked in puzzled. “Yes, you’ve got twin. A boy and a girl.” Ryo face broke into a huge smile. “And what about Tatsuya? Is he ok?” Ryo asked. Then, the doctor faced turn into a trouble one. “We managed to stabilize his condition but he lost a lot of blood because of the fall and the sudden operation. He might fall into a coma. We will try our best to safe him. Let us pray that he’s going to make it.” The doctor said. Ryo puts his face in his palms, trying to cover the tears that threaten to fall upon hearing the news. “Tatsuya, please don’t leave us.” He whispered.

15) True to what the doctor had said, Tatsuya really went into a coma. But FIFTEEN days later, Tatsuya finally opened his eyes again, finally woken up from his deep slumber. And the sight that greeted him made him smile. There, Ryo was holding their son, Rui and it’s looked like Ryo was telling him what he should do as an older brother and both of them was looking at the babies in the crib besides his bed. “Ryo…” He called softly. Ryo looked up when he heard his name. And his eyes instantly filled with tears when he saw Tatsuya looking at him and smile. “Tatsuya…” He said as he rushed to his beloved side. “Thank God you’re ok.” He said as he took Tatsuya’s hand into his. “I’m going to call the doctor.” He said, but Tatsuya just tightened his grip. “Stay. I want you to stay.” He said. Ryo just complied with Tatsuya’s wish and sat beside him, taking Tatsuya’s hand to his lips and kiss it. Meanwhile, Rui crawled and lay down by Tatsuya’s side. Tatsuya smile once again and gently played with Rui’s hair.

fanfic : ryoda, #drabble

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