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k_gabriel June 3 2007, 03:23:29 UTC
Karla can help with grapevining!

Because Karla is a social butterfly and talks to everyone. Yes.



k_gabriel June 3 2007, 06:02:20 UTC
"Hey, I'm fond of vigilante justice if there's nothing better around," Karla points out, and shrugs. "Which isn't to say I won't pass it up for a shot at something better."


bass_line_blues June 3 2007, 06:06:07 UTC
"That's the idea," Preston says, and his smile is small, and wry, but hopeful.

"Something better. We deserve it - after all this, we fucking deserve it."


k_gabriel June 3 2007, 06:20:28 UTC
Karla, meanwhile, boosts herself up to sit on the edge of the nearest table, watching Preston with a faint smile.

"...Dude, you're, like, a kid on Christmas or something. Only with shiny new post-apocalyptic justice systems instead of presents."

And then, taking advantage of her newly gained height, there's a brief shifty look, and then hair-ruffling.

Blame Salla, he's the one who started doing it to her.


bass_line_blues June 3 2007, 06:32:11 UTC
Salla's been doing it to Preston, too, so he's relatively proficient at ducking.

. . . but let's face it, when Karla does it, it's not quite the same. (Sorry, Salla. Karla's cuter.)

So Preston looks up at her, briefly startled, and then breaks into a sudden grin. Solemnly, he intones, "Shiny new post-apocalyptic justice systems are everyone's present, children."


k_gabriel June 3 2007, 06:42:53 UTC
Karla feels silly.

And...possibly even girly. It's kind of weird.

But not necessarily bad.

"Gift that keeps on giving, even. Assuming we make it work."


bass_line_blues June 3 2007, 06:55:48 UTC
"We will," Preston says, with an (unsurprising) upswing of optimism, and gestures expansively with an arm.

"So call it a real belated Christmas gift to all of us - or maybe an early 4th of July present. We'll add an inaugural three-legged race or something to get in the spirit."


k_gabriel June 3 2007, 07:17:00 UTC
"...See, now I'm picturing Claire and Russ as a team for one of those. And on one level, hilarious, but on another, Claire, Russ, and restraints wasn't a combination I ever needed to think about."


bass_line_blues June 3 2007, 07:24:02 UTC
Preston looks up at her.

With mild reproach: "- so of course you had to share."


k_gabriel June 3 2007, 07:28:12 UTC
Karla looks exceedingly innocent.

"That's what friends do."


bass_line_blues June 3 2007, 07:36:01 UTC
"Extremely cruel friends who delight in the sufferings of others, sure."

Preston, in turn, looks sad and martyred.


k_gabriel June 3 2007, 07:38:35 UTC
Karla snorts.

"If I want to delight in the suffering of others, I'll just wait until after Daniel teaches me to beat people up."


bass_line_blues June 3 2007, 07:42:08 UTC
Preston raises his eyebrows, at that.

It's . . . a good idea, he thinks. (Though the proliferation of violence in their society is distressing and probably a negative sign. Still.)

"- man. Am I likely to be a target? Should I invest in, like, football pads?"


k_gabriel June 3 2007, 07:46:44 UTC
Karla grins crookedly.

"Well, 'beat people up' may be my own interpretation of an offer that, when it was given, had emphasis placed on things like helping deal with my insecurities through a means of self-defense that involves discipline and structure."

A beat.

"So no, you're probably pretty safe from unprovoked boots to the head."


bass_line_blues June 3 2007, 07:54:10 UTC
"I see no reason why these are mutually incompatible," Preston offers, encouragingly.

"I mean, unfond as I am in general of unprovoked boots to the head, beating people up is also kind of a useful skill in this day and age. Maybe Gwen'll promote you to bouncer."


k_gabriel June 4 2007, 06:17:34 UTC
Karla snickers. "Well, you have to wonder how effective I'd be as a bouncer. At first, at least. But if I could manage to build up a 'don't give the scrawny blonde chick any lip, she'll mess you up' rep? Awesome."


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