I am the 1st place winner for the Theory contest. The winners were announced today in
this podcast at 1:06:30 for the theory section. My prize is a Fringe comic book autographed by Jasika Nicole who plays Astrid on the show.
Below is my theory which was originally aired
in this podcast at about 37:50.
Olivia, Peter and The Machine
Olivia is needed for the war and to help end the war, or prevent the war, or prevent the destruction of the universes. Not just Olivia but her and the team together. Working with the Fringe Team activated her and prepared her.
This is a theory of Olivia, Peter and The Machine.
Olivia is the guardian of the gate, or the gatekeeper.
Olivia’s qualifications as a guardian of the gateway:
1. See things from the other side: perception ability
2. Freakishly good memory
3. Can travel between sides and has experience living on both sides
4. Can change things with her mind or make things happen with her mind (like turn off light box or start fire)
The Peter machine is a door for the gate; to close the gate with a door, or in essence to build up a wall to separate the universes and any flow between them.
A gate and door work together.
Peter’s qualifications to work the door:
1. Peter is good with machines.
2. He has a bond with the machine
3. His touch ability, calm people with his touch, he can read people
4. He has lived on both sides
If peter uses the machine to create instead of destroy he will need help, a guide, or like a gatekeeper to keep the door open between universes until he sees how to fix it, or until he is done using the machine. I image the machine will operate in both universe at once, to go along with the idea that the universes are in the same place and you just need to have one universe pass threw you to get to the other one, so when he uses the machine the universe may pass threw the machine and threw him.
The Peter in Olivia’s mind is like a preview of the telepathic link they will have to use the machine together. They could bond like Nick and Olive did, a bond formed by going threw traumatic experiences together. But the roles sort of reversed in this case with Olivia as the strong physic one and Peter may not have control of the link.
So Olivia bonds to Peter and Peter bonds to the machine.
They will use their abilities together to work the machine and fix the universes:
1. To fix the universes they will need to see each universe and what is wrong or different between them. Use Olivia’s perception ability and her memory of each one, Peter’s memory of each side.
2. They will need to fix things with their mind, or run the machine with their mind, like Olivia’s mind ability, and Peter’s touch ability and bond with the machine
3. And he will need to be in both universes at once or be in both machines at one time, like Olivia’s traveling ability.