What is happening on the Other Side right now?
I made a video for
The Fringe Podcast contest they had recently. It was suppose to be a short video about what is happening on the Other Side right now. “The Other Side” means the Alternate Universe. I dressed up as Olivia from the Other Side for Halloween so I already had the costume and used it for my video. It is on Youtube and you can see it.
The results are not out yet. If I win I’ll put that info into this post. Edit: I didn't win for my video but my theory did! See this entry:
hanakogal.livejournal.com/4154.html My video is called “How do I know you?” It shows Olivia coming home from work and talking to her Mom on the phone. It shows her getting some memory back from her real life.
How do I know you?
To see photos of me in my costume you can go
here Here are a few preview photos:
The ID badge I made: