18. Jim Butcher, Peace Talks -- Well, that was certainly... not really a book. :/ I mean, I went in knowing, from Butcher's Comic Con @ Home panel, that it was the first half of a complete story and that it ended on a cliffhanger, and from
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Comments 15
And i didn't know he worked in a Waterstone's either!
What was the breakdown for you, in terms of ones you liked vs didn't?
Hee! :) Odd about Data... what was your percentage match with him (or Amy), do you recall?
I didn't think it was new info other that 666 years part
And the name, I think? But, yeah, his specialness with respect to Outsiders was already hinted at.
Taking away 666 from present age puts us around the Black Death,
Now that's interesting!
Should I stop expecting for everyone to basically ignore magic?
Nothing had made me consider that previously, but this book made me think about whether magic was going to come out into the open as a result of the apocalyptic thing, or even just the buildup to it.
I did the test out of curiosity (and to provide some material for the zoomchat) and my first verdict is there is no one who comes even close to 80th percentile XDD top percent is 76, feat Sybilla from Downton Abbey and Kasidy Yates from star treck, none of whom I know. Within the 70 to 74 range, from charas i know: Jo March, Alice Cullen (lol), Nymphadora Tonks, (the protagonist of the Martian?lol ok), Elizabeth Bennet, Princess Leia, Elizabeth Swann, Mulan and Ty Lee XDDD What I'm getting out of it, I'm girl action protagonist XD
Yeah... I do know Edwardian ends before WWI, but the bit after really needs a catchier name, because I never remember what it's supposed to be called.
and when oh when will you give Think of England a chance :P <3
Probably after I'm done with Darlings :) But you have successfully convinced me that it's possible for me to actually enjoy KJC and not just on a "read it for the articles" level, so I definitely will at some point.
there is no one who comes even close to 80th percentile XDD top percent is 76,
Haha, you cannot be contained! XD
But your action girl protagonists + the dude from The Martian lineup is hilarious! It's a very Slytherin secondary kind of thing, I feel.
Isn't this...the second (third?) time Thomas has basically been suspended by Random Bad Thing cause Stuff? I guess he's recouping for the final trilogy? Still, at least Lara got to make a return to the spotlight! She's beauty and grace and doesn't take any of Harry's shit XD
Good to hear that Murphy is surviving the relationship okay! I'm tentatively...hesitant about any romance arc with Harry tbh, cause Butcher doesn't seem to handle relationship+character combined too well. It's like the relationship supersedes the character, and it just goes badly from there.
I do NOT believe that he would lose control enough to kill "Harry", OMGWTFYeah, I'm going to point to the famed example of where McCoy managed to pull a satellite from out of orbit to crash into what's his name South American Red Court guy's mansion. Which, y'know- satellite out ( ... )
Isn't this...the second (third?) time Thomas has basically been suspended by Random Bad Thing cause Stuff?
At least the second, because I do clearly remember the nagladoshii thing. It's different this time, though, because he is COMPLETELY out of the action, not just knocked back for a bit. But yeah, at least we have Lara!
.hesitant about any romance arc with Harry tbh, cause Butcher doesn't seem to handle relationship+character combined too well.I agree with this completely -- every relationship Harry has had to date I either disliked from the start (Susan, Molly's crush on him) or really hated how it ended (everything with Luccio, WTF was that Jim, seriously). So I've been very apprehensive about Harry/Murphy, because I LIKE Murphy and don't want Butcher to screw her up. But so far, so ( ... )
I remember someone described it up as Harry has a secret magical curse no one knows about- it's that any relationship he has is going to end in a burning mess or death. Which....yeah =/ I guess we'll hope that Butcher only managed to screw up the others to make way for Harry/Murphy (I think is endgame at this point? It's only been teased for like 15 books) but we shall see!
Do you know about the Kyoshi books by F.C.Yee?
Ohh, I hadn't heard of them at all till now actually! Dunno how that happened, but looks like book 2 just came out also? That could be a looonnnggg running series, but I'll have to check it out!
Yeah, I assume so... but I hesitate to conclude from this that Butcher won't screw it up. I think it's just not a strong suit for him as an author.
but looks like book 2 just came out also?
Yep, I believe so! I hope you enjoy them if and when you give them a read!
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